Garland Nixon
25,022 views Streamed live on Mar 14, 2023

Dude you’re funny yet informative 🤣

Stan G
I like your sarcasm about unbiased Estonian sources. This was really funny.. 😂

😂 “catapulting washing machines at the Ukrainians and fighting ‘em with shovels” BWAHAHAHA

rich m
Russia has extremely potent shovels and washing machines.

Lada Morrow
„Throwing washing machines with catapults” 😂😂😂 Loved it!

Harmonic Resonance Project
It’a an open secret that washing machines have a secret ‚attack helicopter’ setting, you just have to do the right combination on the dials, but they are extremely hard to steer.

The amount of copium and CIA narratives being put out by our propaganda media here in Germany is insane right now😂😂😂

Fred Bloggs
‘Shovels’ are actually entrenching tools which are specifically designed for close-order hand-to-hand combat. Troops are trained in their use. If I was a Ukrainian conscript I’d be terrified.

True. Training in close combat was emphasized in the Russian Imperial & Red Army. Short handled shovel was preferred for restricted trench fighting over long bayonets on rifles – that can also get trapped in an opponents body. Garland`s sardonic tone is appropriate; how stupid & tragic that any of this is relevant in Europe in 2023.

Willie Teb
Western propaganda against Russia is unbelievable 🤣🤣🤣

It is not against Russia. It is against their own people.

The Ukraine offensive in the spring is like the German offensive in the battle of Kursk operation Citadel. The Russians new exactly when the offensive would start and prepared all defences, even to the point where they had an artillery barrage on the Germans at the moment they were supposed to begin the offensive. This whole war is like fighting exactly into basic Russian military doctrine.

Prigozhin said to Zelensky ‚take kids and elderly out of the battlefield and send real fighters instead ‚. Zelensky said that they are sending 20 brigades to Bakhmut What a joke! Zelensky ‚s stand up comedy is continuing at the price of poor Ukrainians lives

Stan G
Ladimir Elensky the Gnida never lies. He just cracks jokes.

Anthony Pennza
There sometimes comes a point when the truth becomes so overwhelmingly obvious, that even the MSM has to acknowledge it.

100% It’s starting to cave in on itself….

Tragicomedy. Garland puts me in mind of the idiocy of WWI battlefield „tactics” as characterised in the classic 4th series of Blackadder, especially the last episode about going over the top and Blackadder’s sorry attempts to get out of it.

Anne Brit Raaen
The Black Knight from Monty Python’s Holy Grail embodies the mindset perfectly.

Brown Noise
PS. A very uncomfortable truth, confirmed by US Military Research – Soldiers who have become good shots, and ideally already Riflemen (which takes years of firearm experience to become) Have a massively increased Survivability and effectiveness on the Battlefield. So by Disarming The People in Western Countries, it’s hard to avoid the Conclusion that The West has been deliberately set up to lose Wars through chronically reduced effectiveness and poor Survivability in Combat. BeforeQualifying as an Advanced Marksman, I had already become a Rifleman. As of now, the Wokerian WEFtard West, is rather Screwed , to me anyway. Best Wishes. Bob. 🤔

Connie Dan
The US, is losing the Geopolitical Chess Game

Aldo Toledo
They don’t play chess, hence this problem

King Kong 100
They lost years ago

Col. Macgregor: Ukraine is CRUMBLING Under Putin’s Military Offensive
Stephen Gardner
34,180 views Mar 19, 2023 #biden #useconomy2022 #recession

Colonel Douglas Macgregor sits down with Stephen Gardner for update on the Ukraine-Russia war. Is the war in Ukraine about to hit a turning point because I am starting to see groups like the Washington post and the New York Times finally tell the truth about the strength and condition of Ukraine’s army and the number of casualties they have suffered? Why do you say that Bakhmut has been like a meat grinder? And is it time for Ukraine to fall back, regroup, give themselves a couple days to build up ammunition, and then dig in and try and hold the line again? Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina says it’s time for the United States to get serious and show Russia who is the boss. He said the US military should start shooting down Russian war planes over international water. Is this a smart move and was following Senator Graham‘s advice policy into war with Russia? Lloyd Austin says Russia is preparing for massive attacks in the spring when the mud dries out and that the United States and NATO need to rush weapons to Ukraine so that they can keep beating back Putin the Russian army. What are your thoughts on his comments?

Timestamps: 0:30 NYT and Washington Post finally being honest about Ukraine war
4:50 Why did Russia take out our $32 million Reaper Drone over Black Sea
8:10 Senator Lindsay Graham is an idiot that will get US into direct war
9:50 Lloyd Austin says US must rush more weapons to Ukraine so they can beat Putin
13:30 Bakhmut is a meat grinder and will go down in history as a tragic war Ukraine lost
20:00 Germany is falling because of cheap energy being cut off and Biden is to blame
22:00 Will Europe will hold Biden accountable for Nord Stream
27:00 Ukraine is becoming a humanitarian crisis and the US should seek peace
29:00 China is filling the vacuum of being a peacemaker
31:30 The world needs the US and Chinese to be at peace to keep the global economy healthy

Wanda Knighten
In my opinion this Washington DC Administration, needs to stop sending billions of dollars to Ukraine and other countries and close the Southern border and Northern border and start helping American citizens and start putting America first .

Mark Donnelly
Yes but what about the military industrial complex ?? Surely they need billions to line their pockets and line a few other pockets too by all accounts.

[ BAKHMUT ] 500 METERS FROM ADMINISTRATION BUILDING – Wagner Forces progress in the S & SW Bakhmut
Defense Politics Asia
2,156 views Mar 19, 2023 #War #Military #UkraineWar

Update from the Bakhmut Front: Russian forces made progress in the south as the Wagner fighters are now fighting along the Mariupolska Street. From this position, the Wagner PMC forces are merely within 500meters from the city admin building.

Youmel Hermiz
The shovel is strong with this one.

Royal Zak
Shoveling intensifies

Hussein Bonaud
Counting the days until a crossover between Wagner and the Death Corps of Krieg (Warhammer 40k) meme appears on the internet. This „shovels” meme really backfired hard into the face of the idiot propagandists who invented it.

Still remember when Ukraine fans cheering withdrawal of wagner from eastern part of bakhmut saying „they fight for month to get here and now they kicked out if the city” and today they are closing in to the city centre

bela jarolics
Geetings from Hungary ! The truth is always logical and simple! Its concealment is opaque and complicated. An example: Why is Bahmut and its area important? Because in 2014, the Jacenyuk regime handed over the biggest Ukrainian gas field under this region to Burisma led by Hunter Biden for 1 dollar, confirmed by a parliamentary decision for 40 years. At the time of the handover, the Americans already had the gas purchase agreement signed by the EU at the rate of production. This would have been intended to ease Russian gas dependence and at the same time increase American influence. The problem was „only” that this area was inhabited by a majority of Russians (Bakhmut – Kramatorsk area). Either the Russian resistance must be broken or they must be reduced to a minority (even at the cost of genocide) so that the extraction can begin.

The other Russian interest is also connected to this region:
The „Oremburg” gas pipeline passes by Kramatorsk and here is one of its branches, which supplies energy to the Transnistria and Moldova. If the pipeline falls into Russian hands, the branch going to the EU can be closed at any time. So, by occupying the areas east of the Kharkiv-Odessa line, all of Ukraine and Kiev will become energetically vulnerable, while the pipeline to Tiraspol may pass through Russian-controlled territory. (An additional benefit is that American agricultural production can only reach the Black Sea with Russian permission.)


„Ukraine lost 80% of Black Sea oil and gas deposits and a significant portion of its port infrastructure to the annexation of Crimea.”
The following map superimposes the gas field and the front lines. A closer look shows that Bahmut is a key area:

The X Factor
It’s not Bakhmut , it’s Artyomovsk

Douglas Macgregor o polityce polskiego rządu
18K views 5 days ago

artur węgiel
Powini to w TVP puścić , było by zwarcie w głowie co niektórych z wypranymi mózgami.

Bardzo dobrze ze tłumaczysz takie wypowiedzi. Dzięki ludziom takim jak McGregor czy Scott Ritter mogłem sobie wyrobić opinie na temat wojny na Ukrainie a przy okazji zostałem ruską onucą.

Mira B
Pawel085 – czym wiecej ruskich onuc, tym lepiej

@Mira B A foliarz💉 tez moze byc? Tak i tak na mnie „wolaja” haha

D’Orro G.
Dożyliśmy czasów, kiedy określenie „ruskiej onucy” należy uważać za symbol człowieka niezależnego i używającego przez Boga danego mu rozumu!…
„Ruska Onuca”! – brzmi to dumnie…😁👍. Ruskie Onuce jednoczcie się ! 🙏🕊🇵🇱🌎 😁

Les Jendryk
Pułkownik McGregor prosto w sedno .Prosto w twarz takim Polko i Bartosiakom ☝👏

Artur M
Piękne! W trzy minuty facet powiedział wszystko. Genialne 🙂

Smutne ale prawdziwe :/ Tylko problem taki, że ten rząd nie tylko sam od siebie chce się przypodobać zachodowi ale i oni tego oczekują od swoich marionetek…

Ben Capitanemo
To strzał w 10-tke z urywkiem tego wywiadu. A tak naprawdę, podobnych wypowiedzi na YouTube jest o wiele więcej. Wystarczy skorzystać w czasie odtwarzania z automatycznego tłumacza googla. Rodacy gdyby pokonali ociężałość rozumu i więcej korzystali z dobrodziejstw postępu technologicznego, nie byli by takimi ignorantami geopolitycznymi. Mr. Macgregor i jemu podobni sa przerażeni głupotą polityków amerykańskich, europejskich. Panu Sebastianowi dziękuje za ten film. I proszę o więcej. Jako osoba rozpoznawalna w polskim internecie, umieszczanie takich „rodzynków”, zwiększa odzew na hasło „To nie nasza wojna”. Dziekuje.

Stany mają problem. Rozkład sił na szachownicy się zmienił
Suwerenny PL
42,183 views Mar 10, 2023

Michał Jagiełło
Polska – ukrainizacja
Obecnie Polskie szkoły uczęszcza 150 tys. 648 uczniów z Ukrainy. W Rydze mieszka moja znajoma, jej najmłodsze dziecko chodzi do przedszkola, mają też wielu uchodźców z Ukrainy. W przedszkolu dzieci uczą się historii Ukrainy, Łotyszy uczy się historii Ukrainy, mówi się im czym jest Ukraina. Mówi, że na mapie świata z wielu flag dziecko od razu znajduje ukraińską, ale nie znajduje swojej łotewskiej. Ukrainizacja, to proces stworzony przez człowieka i jest on prowadzony celowo i we wszystkich krajach, gdzie są ukraińscy uchodźcy. Znajomy zwrócił uwagę na agresywne i bezczelne zachowanie ukraińskich uchodźców

Andrzej Lasek
dopiero teraz ukrów poznajecie ? trzeba było zainteresować 10lat wcześniej.

Sylwester Albrecht
Dlaczego powiedziałeś polscy rządzący, oni są tylko polskojęzyczni a większość rządu ma korzenie z tego małego kraju o którym wspomniałeś.

Michał Jagiełło
⛔🇵🇱Polacy do tej pory z naszych podatków zostało wydane ponad 50 miliardów złotych więc możecie się już przestać się dziwić czemu jest tak drogo 😎

Eternity Snow
jesteśmy już bankrutem

Przebijam 120 mlrd zł 3 siła od pomocy

Jacek Makaveli
​ @Eternity Snow też tak uważam nie wierzę że ten kraj nie zbankrutował

Irena Z.
To jak? Odkąd żyję, a już idę na emeryturę zawsze musiałam zaciskać pasa, bo Polska to biedny kraj, niech ich szłak trafi !

Mops 3
Victor Orbán w rozmowie z węgierską stacją radiową Kossuth wyraża obawę, że niektóre państwa europejskie lub NATO wyślą w końcu siły zbrojne do wojny na Ukrainie.

Rafal Sieku
Słuchaj, jeśli dziadzia biden zrobi tak jak mówił w Kijowie, że jeśli zelenski nie rozstrzygnie w0jny to do jesieni to przestanie przesyłać im swoje zabawki tak więc wielce możliwe że tak się stanie jak mówisz,

Maciej Warna
Chiny powiedziały wprost z jak nato przyśle żołnierzy to chiby przysla tu tyle sprzętu i amunicji że będą zdechnieci z planszy a maja przemysl z 50 razy większy niż polin wiec będzie to gra w statki !!

Rafal Sieku
@Attanus Froliszev ukry bez zachodu mogłybyc zajęte w parę dni tak jak wowa przewidywał

Anna S
Pięknie się świat polaryzuje… Kto by pomyślał jeszcze z dziesięć lat temu, że tak to się wszystko potoczy.

basher basia
To sie nazywa multipolar world….gdzie kraje funkcjonuja niezaleznie a laczy ich jedynie umowy bez ussmanskiego bita na twarzy

Through the eyes of
54K views 19 hours ago

Mariusz Talar
Dziekuje Scott za prawde i te prawdziwe wydarzenia w Gruzji. Pozdrawiam z Polski.

Kf Hee
Wake up Georgian! Wake up before its too late!

Joe Ziutek
Skoda ze w Polsce tak mało ludzi słucha takich mediów, polecam również , w polskich reżimowych mediach niczego się nie dowiesz sama ukraińska propaganda.

Dot Tester
I’m in tears. Scott Ritter is a 1st class humanitarian, how many medals can we give him. An extrodinary man.

Butt Hole
Ania I just want to say that has to be the most hard hitting interview I’ve ever seen. I’m a grown man and not ashamed to say it broke me because I’ve heard Scott speak about his wife’s connections to Georgia so I feel his pain when he talks. So once again I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being one of the only brave and honest voices left in this terrible world. Stay strong and be proud of what you do because this is evidence that we will play for children, friends and family in the future so they will never lose faith in humanity. God bless you and protect you in everything you do. Big hugs and all our love go to you and all like you and know that we salute you 🫡 ❤️🙏🇬🇧

Hugh Evans
From the bottom of my heart, I agree

Klara Chiamarsi
As a Georgian (tho Russian citizen) I teared up when Scott talked about Georgia. He is so right, he really understands Georgia better than many young Georgians do. It’s so horrible that many people can’t think with their own head, can’t trust their own eyes and just believe what they are told — how could they be hostile to Russia, if they lived within Russia for 200 years (first Russian Empire and then USSR), and Russia ensured they preserved as a nation, preserved all their culture and traditions, whereas their „friends” EU and US demand them to change, to „accept EU values”, pressure them to reject that law and so on. Every day they walk though their cities and see all around them: appartment buildings, factories, hospitals, schools, universities, hotels, sanatoriums, roads, theaters, electric stations and many, many more, that was built during the Soviet era, and no matter what they see with their own eyes, they still believe the narrative that Russia somehow treated them as a „colony” during that time… Georgia and Abhkazia lived better than most parts of Russia during the Soviet times, I lived in both places and I know that for a fact.

Marianna GK
@Klara Chiamarsi you know history, thank you. Was in Georgia just before COvid, the young people have been brainwashed not unlike the way young people in Ukraine were. All older people speak Russian.

Am White Russian (left 1917 born in Manchuria). My Great-grandfather was one of the chief engineers who built the Georgian-Military road through the Caucasus. I’ve had the blessing of being on it, my grandmother was born in Vladikavkaz. This is a main road through all of Europe! This is so so terrible. I’ve lived in an AUKUS country since childhood, hve been to Russia often. My father was a historian.
All that they tell young people is just lies & propaganda.

My other grandmother was born in Poltava (Малороссия) now Ukraine. So all our homelands are being targeted. You & I know who we are, we know our history & we know what our cultures & common interests are. Blessings to you, I hope Georgia sees sense. (Обожаю вашу страну всего хорошего)

Natali O.
I am Georgian. My father was fighting in Abkhazia, what Scott says about that war is 99% accurate. In regards to current situation in Georgia his point of view is 100% right in the neck. I just hope my people will have enough wisdom to safe themselves from woke-globalists-LGBT barbarism.Really great interview!

Yes, 1% is a lot. This must have included the bombing by a Georgian helicopter of the civilian ship Kometa-44 flying the Russian flag on August 27, 1992 and the tragedy near the village of Lata on December 14, 1992, when a Russian Mi-8 was carrying more than 80 refugees, among whom were 35 children and 8 pregnant women. The helicopter was shot down by the Georgians, killing everyone inside. There is much to remember about Georgia’s generosity to both Abkhazians and Russians.

The West and NATO starting to dump Ukraine for their loss to Russia
56,236 views Mar 12, 2023 UKRAINE

The West and NATO led by the United States appear to be starting to dump Ukraine over their defeat by Russia. French animators released a short film about the war and how NATO manipulated Ukraine to destroy Russia. Meanwhile America is trying to prove that Nord Stream has been destroyed by pro-Ukraine groups.

Cee Mor
The video illustration depicting Zelensky as a little man and a loser is accurate and funny as fukk 🤣😂🤣😂🥊💥👍🏾

wtf_ usa
If countries around the world have not figured out yet that accepting „help” from America is the WORST possible thing they could do for their people, then they’re simply not paying attention.

Dave Saenz
Spot on! The list is endless.

wtf_ usa
„The goal is NOT to win the war. The goal is to USE the war to wash money out of the tax bases of the United States and out of the tax bases of European countries and back into the hands of a Transnational Security Elite. THAT is the goal. To have an ENDLESS war, NOT a SUCCESSFUL war.” ~ Julian Ass.ange – Stop the War Interview – 8 October 2011

Exactly as I’ve been writing on here since before it all started. Next chapter will include Zelensky mysteriously dying and US and EU will pull back saying they had nothing to do with it all. They don’t want Zelensky open his mouth.


  1. New Atlas LIVE: Ukrainian Offensive, UK Depleted Uranium, Russia-China, AUKUS + More…
    The New Atlas
    80,041 views Streamed live on Mar 24, 2023

    New Atlas LIVE is a weekly stream for discussing current events, connecting with the New Atlas community, and more.

    Q&A is open the entire time, please write „QUESTION” or „Q” and then your question so we can more easily spot it.


    BBC – Ukraine war: UK defends sending depleted uranium shells after Putin warning:
    Harvard University Atlas of Economic Complexity – Australia Trade by Partner:

    Jeremy Horne
    STILL, we in the US do not have health care, affordable housing, even a SAFE infrastructure, etc. This whole non-caring of those running the US MIC is really sickening and depressing. I have come to conclude that the core running the US is truly the eye of evil in the modern world.

    Thank you for another great segment. 👍 The US is not just trying to wage war on two fronts, some US Congress critters are raging for invading Mexico. Ben Norton of Geopolitical Economy has done a great piece on a speech by AMLO which emphasized the independence of Mexico to a crowd that seemed to number in the hundreds of thousands. It’s invaluable to allow us a glimpse into an area of the world basically neglected especially by the MSM.

    The UK and the US are completely reckless with Ukraine. They have been since 2008. I’m so sick if this. As an American I’m disgusted.

    Jimmy Takayesu
    Russia is fighting a Defensive Attrition War against Ukraine. It has intentionally fought in the South & East to keep its own supply lines as short as possible while forcing Ukraine to have long ones. It picks Targets important to Ukraine that forces Ukraine to expend a lot of resources to defend these selected positions. Russian Offensives target supply line choke points & high grounds to gain tactical advantages to create cauldrons to increase Ukrainian Casualties. Russia Is methodical & efficiently brutal.

    Pete M
    A good example of the consequences of using Depleted Uranium shells is to research what has happened in Italy and it’s servicemen who served in Yugoslavia, the evidence produced in court left no ambiguity about the dire effects for the people, the environment as well as the families of the servicemen and the servicemen themselves involved with handling or receiving these shells….

    Kush Bangaroo
    The CEO of Northrop Grumman could sprinkle a little on some cornflakes and eat it for everyone to see and so be reassured about it’s safety.

    @Kush Bangaroo Any health hazard presented by depleted uranium comes principally from its chemical toxicity, which is on par with that of lead, and not from its low intensity radioactivity. Uranium is actually fairly common in soil and certain kinds of rock. There are some regions around the world where uranium concentrations in soil and rock are naturally considerably higher than the global average, and people who live in these regions (like the mountain west states in the US) do not exhibit any detectable health problems as a consequence.

    Italy’s servicemen serving in Yugoslavia don’t illustrate „the dire effects for the people”, as the original poster claimed. The various health problems some of these men developed were not characteristic of health problems produced by exposure to radiation, nor were they characteristic of health problems associted with uranium’s chemical toxicity.

    To date, no research has ever proven that exposure to depleted uranium causes cancer or results in birth defects or even offered persuasive evidence that this is the case. What could result in a rise in birth defects are things like the destruction of a country’s healthcare system and poorer nutrition resulting from disruption caused by the ravages of war.

    By the way, the people would would be most exposed to depleted uranium would be the tankers who use DU munitions, because not only are the munitions they fire made of DU, much of the armor protecting their tank is also made of DU.

    Fred Berger
    A truly great meeting of the minds. If only the collective West had such high quality leadership as Brian and Angelo.

    Jens Rosin
    German filmmaker Frieder Wagner came up with a brilliant documentation about the effects of depleted uranium (name: ‚Todesstaub’ / ‚Deadly Dust’, can still be seen on youtube, english subtitles available). This documentation on war crimes in Yugoslavia and Iraq is 15 years old and was only shown one or two times on German TV. After that, Wagner had been isolated and not been given the chance to place any other of his works on TV again.

    Frank McGourty
    And Michael parenti on Yugoslavia


    • Update from Ukraine | Uranium shells delivery to Ukraine | Putller scares with response
      Denys Davydov
      698,228 views Mar 22, 2023

      Hi Denys, for your information, the reason Depleted Uranium is used is nothing to do with Radiation, it is simply because DU is denser than Tungsten, the rounds used are Called APFSDS Armour Piercing, Fin Stabilised, Discarding Sabot. basically the way these work, there is a long DU Dart 3cm wide by 30cm long , this is encased in 120mm casing that enables the round to be fired from a 120mm barrel, in the UK’s Challenger Tank the barrel of the gun is rifled which improves accuracy and power. when the tank fires and the round leaves the barrel the casing splits apart into 4 pieces and the actual Dart carries on to the target ,the casing, just falls to the ground . these rounds are purely anti armour rounds, they are not explosive as such , they are just a really, REALLY hard steel bar that becomes superheated on impact and bores through tank armour.

      So these shells produce no radiation after hitting their target?

      @JRH very minimal, well below any dangerous levels, about 40% less than naturally occurring unprocessed Uranium typically 0.002 MsV per hour, which means you can drive around in a tank fully loaded with DP rounds for 1000 hours and the dosage would still be below the yearly average of natural background Radiation in the UK.

      @Aynsley If true than why did some NATO personnel have hazmat suits when touching armor that was hit by A-10 in Kosovo, there are pictures. Italians even say that some of their soldiers had died from radiation in Kosovo. That being said tanks that were hit by A-10 were moved around by Serbian soldiers using only gloves and masks as protection, and those damaged tanks were hit over and over again by depleted uranium munitions. There are no reports of radiation casualties, but honestly since i live in the area, no soldiers even got their salary for 3 months of fighting, so no research was done about anything..

      allan strand
      @1GTX1 Need protection gear when cleaning these up later after a battle, sad lesson learned in iraq….=Uranium shells delivery to Ukraine

      Peter Hagen
      @allan strand its a heavy metal too, so is lead. There are probably many substances in tank that you don’t want to be exposed to after it has been attacked.

      Stephen Hookings
      ​ @JRH true story. They are just denser. So the penetrate more

      Stephen Hookings
      ​ @1GTX1 I used to have DU shells firing over my head on military ranges. DU could be dangerous if you breathed on particles to your lungs. But generally the sabots are many Kms away from you when they hit.

      Olaf Red
      @1GTX1 The hazard here is from the dust produced by the uranium round after impact.
      This dust in itself is relatively harmless, but if inhaled in largeish quantities it can accumulate in the lungs and cause some radiation damage and some physical scarring, somewhat similar to inhaling silica or clay dust. But you can prevent this by using a respirator and keeping your hands and clothing dust free.

      Polubione przez 1 osoba

    • https://wpolityce.pl/swiat/639513-bialy-dom-rosyjskie-obawy-o-amunicje-z-uranem-sa-absurdalne

      Biały Dom odpowiada: Jeśli Rosjanie rzeczywiście obawiają się brytyjskiej amunicji z uranem, to mogą po prostu zabrać swoje czołgi z Ukrainy

      opublikowano: 23 marca

      John Kirby / autor: PAP/EPA/JIM LO SCALZO / POOL

      Amunicja zawierająca zubożony uran jest dość powszechnie używana od dekad. Jeśli Rosja obawia się o swoje czołgi, powinna je wycofać z Ukrainy – powiedział rzecznik Rady Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego (NSC) John Kirby. Skomentował w ten sposób ostrzeżenia Rosji dot. potencjalnego dostarczenia takiej amunicji czołgowej Ukrainie przez Wielką Brytanię.

      Podczas briefingu prasowego w Białym Domu Kirby stwierdził, że nie będzie wypowiadać się za Wielką Brytanię ws. dostaw amunicji, ale rosyjskie obiekcje w tej sprawie są rozdmuchanym problemem i „kolejnym chochołem, którego Rosjanie chcą przebić kołkiem”.

      Ten rodzaj amunicji jest dość powszechny, używany od dekad. Myślę, że (…) Rosja po prostu nie chce, by Ukraina nadal niszczyła jej czołgi

      — ocenił urzędnik.

      Obawy Rosjan
      I jeśli to faktycznie jest ta obawa (…), Rosjanie mogą po prostu zabrać je (czołgi) z Ukrainy, bo tam zresztą nie jest ich miejsce. Taka jest moja rekomendacja w tej sprawie

      — dodał.

      Kirby zaznaczył, że USA nie przekazały Ukrainie żadnej amunicji ze zubożonym uranem. Jak zauważył, badania wykazały, iż nie niesie ona zagrożenia radioaktywnego i nie ma mowy, by mogła być traktowana jako broń jądrowa. Jej zaletą jest natomiast większa zdolność przebijania pancerza.

      Słowa Kirby’ego były reakcją na środową wypowiedź rosyjskiego prezydenta Władimira Putina, który stwierdził, że dostarczanie przez Wielką Brytanię amunicji ze zubożonym uranem „eskaluje zagrożenie nuklearne”.

      Rzecznik NSC z przekąsem porównał też niedawną wizytę Putina w Mariupolu ze środową wizytą prezydenta Zełenskiego w okolicach Bachmutu.

      Tam toczą się najbardziej zacięte walki, a mimo tego on (Zełenski) tam pojechał. Tymczasem innego dnia Putin zdecydował się pojechać do Mariupola, który znajduje się tak daleko od walk, jak to tylko możliwe w granicach Ukrainy, by przyglądać się rekonstrukcji po zniszczeniach, których dokonała jego własna armia

      — powiedział.

      Odznaczenie za zderzenie
      Kirby wyraził też zdumienie z powodu przyznania odznaczeń przez Rosję pilotom myśliwców Su-27, którzy uderzyli w amerykańskiego drona MQ-9 nad Morzem Czarnym. Jak stwierdził, nie zna żadnego wojska na świecie, które odznaczyłoby pilota za zderzenie się z dronem.

      Jeśli to jest odwaga, to chyba mamy jej inne definicje

      — ironizował.

      Zaznaczył, że nie wiadomo, czy uderzenie w drona było celowe, ale do niego doszło.

      Tak czy inaczej w marynarce, w której się wychowałem, jeśli w coś uderzysz, to oznacza to dla ciebie złe rzeczy. Więc przykro mi (…), nie mam pojęcia, dlaczego wręczyli odznaczenie za odwagę pilotowi, który w najgorszym wypadku złośliwie naraził siebie i mienie USA na wielkie ryzyko, a w najlepszym był po prostu idiotą

      — podsumował rzecznik.


      — Wielka Brytania zdecydowała. Przekaże Ukrainie dwa razy więcej czołgów, niż początkowo obiecała! „Pierwsze trafią w marcu”

      — Ukraińskie MSZ wzywa Niemcy do przyspieszenia dostaw amunicji dla Kijowa. „To problem ‘numer jeden’ w próbach odparcia rosyjskiej inwazji

      — Prezydent Zełenski złożył wizytę na froncie! Nagrodził obrońców Bachmutu: „Bronicie państwa i suwerenności”


      Tylko kompletny ,,trzykropek” nie rozumie , że Rosjanie też mają taką amunicję. Jak banderowcy zaczną , otrzymają odpowiedź

      Witaj @J. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depleted_uranium#Health_considerations. From Russian Propaganda 🙂 with love. A poważnie- Pozdrawiam!


    • https://wpolityce.pl/swiat/639576-polska-przystapila-do-porozumienia-ws-amunicji-dla-ukrainy

      Zgodnie z zapowiedziami! Polska formalnie przystąpiła do porozumienia UE o wspólnym zakupie amunicji dla Ukrainy

      opublikowano: 23 marca
      aktualizacja: 23 marca

      autor: Fratria/Twitter

      Europejska Agencja Obrony (EDA) poinformowała w czwartek na Twitterze, że Polska, Litwa i Hiszpania przystąpiły do porozumienia UE o wspólnym zakupie amunicji dla Ukrainy.

      Na początku tego tygodnia Europejska Agencja Obrony informowała, że 17 krajów Unii Europejskiej oraz Norwegia przystąpiły formalnie do mechanizmu wspólnego zakupu amunicji w celu udzielenia pomocy Ukrainie i uzupełnienia krajowych zapasów. Plan przewiduje dostawę 1 mln pocisków na Ukrainę.

      Dołączyliśmy do unijnego porozumienia dotyczącego wspólnych zakupów amunicji dla Ukrainy. Polska od początku zabiegała o uruchomienie takiej inicjatywy. To duże wsparcie dla naszych wschodnich sąsiadów i szansa dla polskiego przemysłu zbrojeniowego

      — napisał wicepremier, szef MON Mariusz Błaszczak w czwartek na Twitterze.

      Polskie wsparcie
      Polska od początku wspierała inicjatywę, a przyłączenie się do niej wymagało jedynie dopięcia formalności w MON.

      Państwa, które uczestniczą w porozumieniu, oprócz Polski, to Austria, Belgia, Chorwacja, Cypr, Czechy, Estonia, Finlandia, Francja, Hiszpania, Litwa, Niemcy, Grecja, Luksemburg, Malta, Holandia, Portugalia, Rumunia, Słowacja, Szwecja i Norwegia.

      Polityczne porozumienie w tej sprawie zostało osiągnięte przez ministrów obrony państw UE, którzy obradowali w Brukseli w poniedziałek. Koordynacja realizacji przedsięwzięcia została powierzona EDA.

      CZYTAJ RÓWNIEŻ: Amunicja dla Ukrainy. Rzecznik rządu: Przystąpimy do europejskiego porozumienia. Polska będzie beneficjentem tego programu


      Węgrzy, za pieniądze z tego programu chcą budować u siebie fabrykę amunicji na własny użytek. Polska….. Brak słów.

      Błogosławieni pokój czyniący.


      • https://wpolityce.pl/polityka/640062-powstanie-specjalny-program-wspierajacy-produkcje-amunicji

        Powstanie specjalny program wspierający produkcję amunicji! Morawiecki: Jesteśmy po wielu rozmowach w UE na ten temat

        opublikowano: 5 godzin temu
        aktualizacja: 2 godziny temu

        autor: Twitter/MON

        Rada Ministrów w ciągu kilku najbliższych dni przyjmie specjalny, wieloletni program wspierania produkcji amunicji, w zakładach prywatnych i państwowych. Dzisiaj wiemy, że tej amunicji w całej Europie, a nawet w całym NATO jest zbyt mało – powiedział premier Mateusz Morawiecki.(…)

        Gdyby rząd PiS nie wydał kilkaset miliardów na łagodzenie skutków lockdownów które tak ochoczo wprowadzał to byłyby miliardy i na armię i na gospodarkę i nie byłoby kryzysu i inflacji. Niestety rząd łudził się, że zamknie Polskę i Polaków na kwarantannach i restrykcjach, gospodarka ucierpi ale obiecane 770 miliardów z Unii Europejskiej starczy pokrycie strat zamykanej gospodarki. Niestety, jest inflacja, są kamienie milowe ale pieniędzy z Brukseli nie ma.

        A dlaczego powstanie? Ano po to by ja słać za darmo na ukrainę. Ukraina First + to naczelny program tego nierzadu i Tuska.

        Czyżby znowu sukces podobny temu z KPO ?!


    • https://wpolityce.pl/swiat/639918-bron-jadrowa-na-bialorusi-co-oznaczaja-zapowiedzi-putina

      Broń jądrowa na Białorusi. Co oznaczają zapowiedzi Putina? „Element operacji informacyjnej”; „Kreml wziął Mińsk jako zakładnika”

      opublikowano: 2 godziny temu
      aktualizacja: 2 godziny temu

      Łukaszenka i Putin / autor: wikimedia.commons: Putin-Lukashenko meeting/18 February 2022/Kremlin.ru/https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

      Zapowiedź Putina o umieszczeniu taktycznej broni jądrowej na Białorusi w sensie militarnym nie wpływa na ryzyko konfliktu jądrowego; jest to element operacji informacyjnej – ocenia w najnowszym raporcie Instytut Badań nad Wojną.

      Zapowiedź rozmieszczenia taktycznej broni jądrowej (TBJ) na Białorusi pozostaje bez znaczenia dla ryzyka eskalacji do wojny nuklearnej, które obecnie jest ekstremalnie niskie. Poprzez rozmieszczenie TBJ na Białorusi Putin dąży do wykorzystania zachodnich obaw dotyczących eskalacji nuklearnej

      — ocenia ISW, zaznaczając, że rosyjski prezydent dążył do rozlokowania tego rodzaju broni na Białorusi jeszcze przed rozpoczęciem pełnoskalowej inwazji na Ukrainę.

      Ośrodek zaznacza przy tym, że Rosja posiada broń większego zasięgu, która może dosięgnąć celów pozostających w zasięgu broni taktycznej rozmieszczonej na terenie Białorusi.

      ISW powtórzył swoją wcześniejszą ocenę, że Putin jest aktorem unikającym ryzyka. Regularnie sięga po groźby jądrowe, by osłabić determinację Zachodu, jednak nie zamierza ich realizować.

      Putin najwyraźniej dążył do rozmieszczenia broni jądrowej na Białorusi przed inwazją rozpoczętą w lutym 2022 r., a obecny moment wybrał najpewniej ze względu na cele prowadzonej teraz operacji informacyjnej

      — pisze ISW.

      Broń atomowa na Białorusi
      Jako pretekst Putin wskazał brytyjską decyzję o przekazaniu Ukrainie pocisków ze zubożonym uranem, które fałszywie przedstawia jako zagrożenie nuklearne, mówiąc o „radioaktywnym pyle” i potencjalnym ryzyku dla ludzi i środowiska, co nie jest zgodne z prawdą.

      Think tank przypomina, że białoruski przywódca Alaksandr Łukaszenka zaproponował Rosji rozmieszczenie na terytorium Białorusi broni jądrowej jeszcze w listopadzie 2021 r, a w lutym 2022 r. Mińsk usunął z konstytucji zapis gwarantujący neutralny status Białorusi.

      W styczniu i lutym 2022 r. ISW przewidywał, że Putin może dążyć do rozmieszczenia na terytorium tego kraju taktycznej lub strategicznej broni jądrowej po to, by zwiększyć zakres rosyjskiej kontroli nad Białorusią.

      Putin prawdopodobnie nie zrobił tego na początku inwazji po to, by zachować tę opcję jako element przyszłej operacji informacyjnej, służącej do manipulowania Zachodem

      — ocenia ISW.

      Think tank ocenia, że obecny moment został wybrany w nadziei na osłabienie ukraińskiego morale oraz zachodniej pomocy, by zmniejszyć efektywność oczekiwanej ukraińskiej kontrofensywy.

      Analitycy przypominają, że od początku konfliktu strona rosyjska używała gróźb użycia broni nuklearnej, nasilając je i osłabiając w zależności od sytuacji na froncie i po to, by osłabiać zachodnie wsparcie dla Ukrainy.

      ISW ocenia, że (najnowsze) deklaracje Putina są częścią tego wysiłku i w dalszym ciągu uważa, że użycie przez Rosję broni jądrowej na Ukrainie i poza nią jest bardzo nieprawdopodobne

      — zaznaczono.

      Think tank odnotowuje również inną rozpoczętą przez Putina „przewidywalną operację informacyjną”, co wiąże się z wygasaniem rosyjskiej ofensywy i przygotowaniami Kijowa do kontrofensywy. Jej elementem są oceny, że Zachód nie jest w stanie zapewnić Ukrainie odpowiedniej pomocy wojskowej oraz wyolbrzymianie możliwości rosyjskiej zbrojeniówki.

      Komentarze Putina są operacją informacyjną, mającą na celu odtworzenie atmosfery zbrojeń i zmasowanych sił czasów sowieckich. Nie odzwierciedlają one obecnych rosyjskich realiów ani równowagi sił ekonomicznych czy potencjału militarno-przemysłowego pomiędzy Rosją a kolektywnym Zachodem

      — podkreśla ISW.

      Ośrodek przytacza zróżnicowane oceny ukraińskich i zachodnich władz na temat sytuacji w rejonie Bachmutu w obwodzie donieckim, jednak zaznacza, że większość z nich wskazuje na to, że rosyjska ofensywa w tym regionie wygasa.

      Analitycy zastrzegają, że Rosja nawet po wygaśnięciu ofensywy może utrzymywać agresywne ataki. Mogą się one nawet nasilić, jeśli do miasta dla wsparcia bojowników Grupy Wagnera zostanie wysłane więcej sił konwencjonalnych z rosyjskiej armii. Taki scenariusz mógłby potencjalnie nawet zapobiec wygaśnięciu ofensywy lub pozwolić Rosji uzyskać istotne zdobycze czy wyprzeć siły ukraińskie, jednak obecnie ISW ocenia taki rozwój wypadków za nieprawdopodobny.

      Nuklearny zakładnik
      *Oświadczenie Putina o umieszczeniu taktycznej broni jądrowej Rosji na terytorium Białorusi to krok do wewnętrznej destabilizacji tego kraju – oświadczył w niedzielę szef Rady Bezpieczeństwa Ukrainy Ołeksij Daniłow, nazywając Białoruś „jądrowym zakładnikiem Rosji”.8

      Oświadczenie Putina o rozlokowaniu taktycznej broni jądrowej (TBJ) na Białorusi to krok do wewnętrznej destabilizacji kraju, który maksymalnie zwiększa poziom negatywnego odbioru i społecznego odrzucenia Rosji i Putina w społeczeństwie białoruskim

      — ocenił Daniłow w komunikacie na Twitterze.

      Kreml wziął Białoruś jako nuklearnego zakładnika

      — dodał.

      W sobotę Władimir Putin oświadczył, że Rosja zamierza rozmieścić na terytorium Białorusi taktyczną broń jądrową. Według Putina Rosja przekazała Białorusi m.in. dziesięć samolotów, które mogą przenosić pociski jądrowe, a do 1 czerwca mają zostać zbudowane magazyny do przechowywania tej broni.

      Według prestiżowego amerykańskiego think tanku Instytut Badań nad Wojną ten krok w sensie wojskowym nie wpływa na ryzyko eskalacji obecnej wojny do poziomu nuklearnego, lecz jest elementem kampanii informacyjnej, mającej zastraszyć Zachód.

      Putin, jak zaznacza ośrodek, dążył do rozlokowania TBJ na Białorusi jeszcze przed rozpoczęciem pełnoskalowej inwazji na Ukrainę, a głównym celem tych działań jest „pogłębienie kontroli nad Białorusią”.


      — Polska, Ameryka, NATO i dylematy nuklearne. „Moskwa chcąc wygrać wojnę będzie zmuszona posunąć się do eskalacji jądrowej”

      — Rosja odmówiła Stanom Zjednoczonym inspekcji swojego arsenału jądrowego. To złamanie traktatu Nowy START

      — Ciekawa wypowiedź Blinkena: Chiny i Indie powstrzymały Rosję przed użyciem broni jądrowej. „Wiemy, że przekazali te wiadomości Putinowi”


      Tu nie chodzi o zapowiedzi, ale o konkretne działania; broń atomowa na Białorusi, to wyraźna eskalacja wojny! Wbrew wszystkim zapowiedziom, także z Chin o nieeskalowaniu „konfliktu” i całkowitym wykluczeniu broni nuklearnej widzimy, że Putin robi dokładnie odwrotnie! Z pewnością zależy mu na postraszeniu zachodu, bo przecież od lat stoją głowice atomowe w Kaliningradzie, które zainstalowano w obronie przeciwko sąsiednim państwom NATO, chociaż żadne nie posiada takowej broni.

      Zapowiedzi Putina oznaczają tyle że Rosja traktuje Białoruś dużo poważniej niż amerykański sojusznik Polskę. Gdzie są zamówione i opłacone przez Polskę zestawy Patriot ? dostała je Ukraina a Polska uzbrojona tylko w obietnice Błaszczaka?


    • Tactics, Arms & Ammo: What Will Shape Ukraine’s Offensive & Impact its Aftermath
      The New Atlas
      8,935 views Mar 27, 2023

      Update on Russian military operations in Ukraine for March 27, 2023;

      – Russian forces are not only encircling the fortified cities of Bakhmut and Avdeevka, it is increasingly utilizing its military aviation to bomb fortified positions;

      – Increased use of Russian military aviation may indicate an irreversible deterioration of Ukrainian air defense networks and may continue to expand, accelerating the demilitarization of Ukraine;

      – Ukraine’s offensive may be directed toward the south or east, however, Russia has created extensive defense networks in both directions;

      – Because of the West’s dwindling stockpiles of weapons and ammunition, Ukraine’s offensive, no matter how successful, will end with Ukraine unable to sustain military operations or maintain territorial gains;

      – Russia bringing in older tanks and makeshift mobile gun platforms may be used to eliminate weaknesses in Russian defenses, saturating the battlefield with additional firepower to prevent Ukrainian forces from making it through zones of fire;

      – Russian military industrial output is greater than Ukraine’s Western sponsors, and therefore gives Russia the advantage in shaping the conflict after Ukraine’s offensive ends;


      BBC – Ukraine war: UK defends sending depleted uranium shells after Putin warning (March 22, 2023):
      AP – Russia’s security chief blasts West, dangles nuclear threats (March 24, 2023):
      Novaya Gazeta – The Barren Barrels (November 2022):
      CNN – West to deliver 321 tanks to Ukraine, says diplomat, as North Korea accuses US of ‘crossing the red line’ (January 2023):
      Statista – Number of disclosed main battle tanks committed to Ukraine between January 24 and January 15, 2023, by type and donor country:
      Alexander Mercouris – Russia Presses Bakhmut Avdeevka, Furious on UK DU Shells; China Russia Mutual Defence Pact (March 23, 2023):

      Washington Post – Wounded Ukrainian soldiers reveal steep toll of Kherson offensive (September 2022):
      US Army Fort Benning – Defeating the Russian Battalion Tactical Group:

      Kliknij, aby uzyskać dostęp 2Fiore17.pdf

      Z The Letter
      You should add that the slow movement of the Russian military is also attributed to a well dug in and fortified Ukrainian force and a focus on limiting, if not actually stopping, civilians casualties. As you know, this operation is to free the Russian people in eastern and hopefully southern Ukraine from the oppressive Kiev government and to also ensure the security of those regions. That, of course, will mean a buffer zone and many of us imagine that will need to extend well to the west of the Dnipro river. I have only seen one missile strike in our area and that was in a meadow about 3 kilometres from my home in Zaporozhye, to the south, apparently it was a misfire because it hit nothing. I flew into Rzeszow 2 days ago and there were 6 MLRS sitting off the tarmak and a US military transport plane just leaving.

      André Balsa
      Brian, you have a brilliant brain perfectly wired to think in strategic terms, and each and every one of your videos provides an illuminating analysis of the Ukraine conflict or other geopolitical or military situation. Thank you for your amazing work !


  2. MAJOR UPDATE Possible WAGNER Capture of AZOM Steel Plant | Russian Breakthrough in Makiivka 26/03/23
    Weeb Union
    21K views 2 hours ago

    Mitchell Oates
    My friend, you put out more accurate and concise information in 10 minutes, than other channels do in a half-hour. As Detective Joe Friday (Jack Webb) used to say on the old 1960’s police show „Dragnet”, „Just the facts sir”. Your videos are more professional than anyone on mainstream media these days.

    But biased in orc favour. He says he is not bias but you can tell from both his voice when Ukraine were attacking and forcing the orc back months ago and the way he describes the maps. When russia is attacking it is shown and his voice shows he supports it. When Ukraine is attacking it is they only captured a little bit. You wait and see the disappointment in his voice when Ukraine starts in main advance.

    Larry Cera
    We’re now seeing both Marinka and Avdeevka falling incrementally (major movements for the first time in eight years of the war) while pressure of having all Kievs eggs in the Bakhmut basket begins to crack the defense of VSU

    The people of Donetsk city will finally be able to breathe a sigh of relief after Avdeevka falls and the shelling of their citizens finally stops after 8 long years. Funny how the Western media and the ICC have nothing to say about the willful and purposeful targetting of civilians by the Ukrainians.

    @tomatodamashi : Why would the Ukrainians shoot at civilians? To achieve what? And to waste scarce ammunition? The Ukrainians are shooting at the invaders. But they often stay in villages and towns. In Donetsk, too. That is why there are victims among the civilians.


    • https://wpolityce.pl/swiat/639850-rzecznik-ukrainskiej-armii-polemizuje-z-ocena-brytyjczykow

      Rosyjska ofensywa na Bachmut przystopowała? Rzecznik ukraińskiej armii polemizuje z oceną brytyjskiego wywiadu

      opublikowano: 6 godzin temu

      zdj. symboliczne / autor: Fratria

      Rzecznik Wschodniego Zgrupowania Sił Zbrojnych Ukrainy Serhij Czerewaty powiedział w sobotę, że ocena wywiadu brytyjskiego, iż rosyjska ofensywa na Bachmut przystopowała, wymaga przeanalizowania. Walki o miasto wciąż są bardzo intensywne – mówił Czerewaty.

      Jak pokazują ostatnie trzy dni, dziś było 18 starć, a niedawno – 30 do 50. Ale wymaga to (ocena wywiadu brytyjskiego-PAP) bardziej szczegółowej analizy

      — powiedział Czerewaty, cytowany przez portal ZN.UA. Jak dodał, najbliższy tydzień pokaże rozwój sytuacji. Podkreślił, że Bachmut wciąż stanowi epicentrum walk.

      Rzecznik armii wyjaśnił, że w ciągu minionej doby Rosjanie przeprowadzili na kierunku Bachmutu 178 ostrzałów, w tym 40 – na samo miasto. Użyli przeciwko oddziałom ukraińskim artylerii, lotnictwa i systemów rakietowych. 182 Rosjan zostało zabitych przez siły ukraińskie, 218 zostało rannych – poinformował Czerewaty.

      Brytyjczycy o przystopowaniu rosyjskiej ofensywy
      Ministerstwo obrony podało w najnowszej aktualizacji wywiadowczej w sobotę, że rosyjska ofensywa na Bachmut w znacznej mierze przystopowała w wyniku wyniszczenia rosyjskich wojsk. Duże straty podczas obrony miasta poniosła też armia ukraińska – wskazał brytyjski resort.

      Sytuację strony rosyjskiej mogły też pogorszyć napięcia pomiędzy resortem obrony Rosji a najemniczą firmą tzw. grupą Wagnera, która również ma swoich bojowników na tym odcinku – zaznaczyło ministerstwo w codziennej aktualizacji wywiadowczej.

      Według resortu działania Rosji najprawdopodobniej skupiły się na Awdijiwce na południu od Bachmutu i okolicach miejscowości Kreminna i Swatowe na północy. Tam – jak czytamy – rosyjskie siły najprawdopodobniej będą dążyć do ustabilizowania linii frontu. Świadczy to o powrocie do bardziej defensywnego planu w związku z niesatysfakcjonującymi rezultatami ofensywy.

      CZYTAJ RÓWNIEŻ: RELACJA. 395. dzień wojny. Siły ukraińskie przygotowują się do kontrofensywy. Zełenski: Czekamy na dostawy uzbrojenia

      CZYTAJ TAKŻE: TYLKO U NAS. Rozpoczynamy cykl relacji opisujących wydarzenia na froncie! Przygotowaliśmy interaktywną MAPĘ! SPRAWDŹ


      Analizując wpisy użytkowników pod kątem trollingu i orientacji pro-rosyjskiej, manipulujących Zbrodnią Wołyńską i dążących do skłócenia Polaków z Ukraińcami, co leży w interesie faszystowskiej Rosji, powstał spis ruskich trolli i onuc, powielających propagandową narrację Kremla. Oto Lista ruskich onuc i trolli stale aktualizowana (update): Pio, jurij, JarekSobieski, obamowicz, prezesknesetu, Szczerbiec, Darekk, marguar44, JohnnyBravo, Guy Fawkes, Tex-, prof.B.Gabka, Precz z banderyzmem, emil21, Gdańszczanin, Spinnerbait, xxx.z, witold67, piotrwielki, mnemoniuk, Yossarian, Ajax, głosLudu, neb, UWAGA, stanislaw37, Tog, aśka, Adamo, łubdub, ASkier777, Maria, tropiciel, zenonm

      Wołyń 1943 rok pamiętamy!


    • [ BAKHMUT ] WAGNER FORCES CAPTURED AZOM PLANT – Southern line breaking; Fighting at MiG-17 monument
      Defense Politics Asia
      2,046 views Mar 26, 2023 #War #Military #UkraineWar

      Update from the Bakhmut Front: Russian forces reportedly had captured the entire AZOM Non-Ferrous Metal Plant and had crossed the Bakhmutovka River SE of the Plant.

      In the south, Ukrainian forces continue to withdraw from the salient to prevent encirclement as the Russian forces continue to progress unabated. A flanking movement is also seemed to be developing as Russian forces captured the neighbourhood west of the Avangard Stadium.

      In the SW, Russian forces reportedly are fighting around the MiG-17 monument, while Khromove continue to be held by the Ukrainian forces despite heavy pressure from the attackers.

      Universal Flamethrower
      Shovel vs Steiner: 10 – 0

      Chan Pasado Polska
      Military Summary, DPA, The Duran and other big channels have to start peace talks with Denys Davydov and Ukraine Matters.

      Denis Kostylaev
      Denys Davydov sucks and coward

      Tom Whittaker
      Nah, the Ukro stooges just need to be ignored.

      ed blarney
      21m per day in Bakhmut. Soon they will take Berlin!

      Vanty Williams
      It could be one inch, but it’s progress, and the fortified city will fall.


    • THE DANCE OF DEPLETED URANIUM SHOVEL – FAB500 Glide Bombing [ Ukraine SITREP ] Day 394-395 (24-25/3)
      DPA War
      6,061 views Mar 26, 2023 #War #Military #UkraineWar

      Russian continues it’s offensives on multiple fronts: Marinka region of the Donetsk Front, Avdiivka Front, Bakhmut Front, Siversk Front, Kreminna Front and Kupyansk Front.

      gainst Viral Misinformation
      Commander, to cope with Russian advances, all I am going to say is they are advancing slow and haven’t taken Bakhmut in 9 months because apparently if you don’t capture the 3rd largest city in Ukrainian held territory in Donbas you lost🤓🤓.

      Playback Error
      Yup bro game over for Russia I heard they’re running out of shovels

      I hope you understand…it is not about capturing bakhmut..but to kill lure and kill more and more Ukraine forces and effect of this are now showing in all other fronts.Ukraine defence crumbling.Slava Shovel 😂

      Billy Arshad
      They couldn’t stop smiling, so, they might suffer from the jaw pain 😅

      Joel M
      If Asom steal is confirmed completely capture, we can confirm that the fight reach the center of Bachmut… Deep shoveling…


    • Poland, how do I see it now. (My personal opinion).
      Through the eyes of
      4,293 views Streamed live 3 hours ago

      Sam Smith
      „My Sons are in the Cemetery, nobody needs me anymore” Right in the feels, that poor woman.

      Rudy Topo
      Absolutely brutal. 😢

      gdi wolverine male 2
      She can thank Zelensky and the cabal around him for the death and destruction around her. Indeed, it is an unimaginable tragedy

      Craving Tuna
      ​ @gdi wolverine male 2 j am sure the Ukrainians blame zelensky for the warm in sure Russia isn’t hated across the entirety of Ukraine

      Polubione przez 1 osoba

    • Poland prepares to send South Korean shells to Ukraine
      118K views 1 day ago

      Chip Bower
      Thank you Republic of Korea for sending these to Ukraine via Poland. Poland your leadership in helping Ukraine defeat Russia is awesome!!

      S.Korea is selling those as a business! NATO pays for it. Agree, however, with your appreciation to Poland, of course. They are indeed great in supporting Ukuraine.

      Stig Henning Johansen
      Poland has stepped up in a big way in these sorry times.. I’m very impressed, and thanks! Will never forget this

      juzek moczymorda
      but Norway made a great business on that situation… 😦

      Stig Henning Johansen
      @juzek moczymorda We stepped up gas deliveries to Europe, and the price level is mostly because the EU has decomissioned several Nuclear plants, and left fucking flimsy windmills to keep the lights flickering. So don’t point that finger at us. We are your biggest natural gas supplier as of today, and the prices are on you, th EU


  3. Mike and John Go to Depo Food Market
    31,081 views Mar 25, 2023 #Russia #sanctions

    If you are considering moving to Russia and require professional advice and support, please follow this link for a consultation FREE OF CHARGE: https://bit.ly/MoveToRussia

    You guys are suffering too much. Nothing to eat. Nothing to drink. The sanctions are definitely killing you! 🤣

    Polubione przez 1 osoba

    • we all saw this coming…
      The Dive with Jackson Hinkle
      36,021 views Mar 27, 2023

      Putin retreated to China and brought back Iran and Saudi Arabia that’s the art of intellectual diplomacy. informed Australian.

      Jane Doe
      Exactly, Art of the Deal!

      Vladimir Putin
      Well the reason why Russia’s economy is doing better is BRICS. It’s an economic group. Like nato if one country is in trouble all others help.

      Yonke Uulen
      Exactly, sir!… He has previously agreed with both Iran and the Saudis, and Xi has done public work.

      @Yonke Uulen Rusia and china has made moves to strength BRICS, Its time India too do its part and pull its weight. Bring Arab countries, or ASEAN countries into the fold using its softpower.

      Emma Allison
      Russia’s case has proved that there exists no direct correlation between the application of sanctions and a consequent economic demise of the targets of those sanctions. The theory was always that sanctions would hurt those targets – and part of a ‚toolkit’ to ‚shape’ international behavior. Nope, they were wrong.

      Arif Nasfi
      You simply cannot sanction a country who have shitloads of resources and plenty of type of them plus they have knowledge to processing them all…

      @Arif Nasfi but they are selling half as much. plus they are spending more to fun putin’s stupid war. do you have the basic mathematics ability to understand what that means? ps it’s doesn’t mean growing economy.

      Крис Досс
      ​​ @Deon they are not selling half as much. Russia’s trade with India, for example, has tripled. Rather hilariously, its trade with Holland has doubled.


  4. Peace In Ukraine Is “Unacceptable” Says Biden Spokesman
    The Jimmy Dore Show
    110,186 views Mar 22, 2023 #TheJimmyDoreShow

    In an effort to get ahead of any possible progress toward peace in Ukraine that might come of Chinese Premier Xi Jinping’s visit to Moscow, White House spokesman John Kirby insisted that no ceasefire between Ukraine and Russia could possibly happen, with Secretary of State Antony Blinken going so far as to say a cessation of hostilities would violate the U.N. charter!

    Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the administration’s determination to oppose peace and keep Ukrainians fighting to the last man.

    April Guittar
    This makes my blood boil. The entire country needs to rise up & call out these war pigs for the maniacs they are! 😭😡

    Frank B
    The US won’t even let Germany decide anything for themselves. They certainly won’t let Ukraine make their own choices.

    Malcolm Nicoll
    “All the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting.” – George Orwell
    Thanks Jimmy for calling out these sociopaths and their nonstop wars.

    Fanny Birot
    John Kirby said China is not impartial! And.the Chinese foreign affair spokesman Wang Wenbin replied by asking these questions: Is it to say the US sending arms to the warfront impartial? Is it to say the US encouraging escalation impartial? Is it to say taking the war to disturb the whole world impartial?

    Polubione przez 1 osoba

  5. Bakhmut Battle Fog of War Update
    Task & Purpose
    341,276 views Mar 26, 2023 #UKRAINE #BAKHMUT #war

    Is Bakhmut surrounded or is it the location of a Ukrainian Army Counter Attack?

    Paul Masterson
    Prighozhin might be making a very smart political move. If he releases his soldiers after they have fulfilled their six months contract he will be giving a slap on the face to the Russian army which has also signed people up for six months contracts and then arbitrarily extended them. If Wagner then withdrew from Bahkmut due to its reduced manpower it would create a large hole in the Russian front line. He might be playing for a bigger political future as the man who fought better than the Russian army but was betrayed and undermined by them.


    • Scott Ritter: „Ukraine Is Getting WIPED OUT, THIS IS HAPPENING NOW” in Exclusive Interview
      Red Pilled TV
      40,919 views Premiered 10 hours ago #scottritter #interview #redpilledtv

      Scott Ritter: „Ukraine Is Getting WIPED OUT, THIS IS WHAT’S COMING” in Exclusive Interview
      Scott Ritter joins us on this exclusive interview to discuss the Russia Ukraine war, the conflict of Bakhmut, the bad feelings between Putin and Zelenskyy and how this war will end. Russia rained down over 80 missile on Ukraine last night after figuring out how to bypass their air defense systems. Scott Ritter and Stephen Gardner also discuss military predictions of Colonel Douglas Macgregor on how this war will end and Putin’s next military moves.

      Scott Ritter is an American author, pundit, former United States Marine Corps intelligence officer, former United Nations Special Commission weapons inspector, and convicted sex offender. Ritter served as a junior military analyst during Operation Desert Storm.

      Ariel guzman
      Glad Scott spoke about Poland. Just came from another video of a decent journalist but they didn’t mention the part about Poland not accepting what their ambassador said.

      Ultras Magowski
      Do little more research about Volhynia

      Claudia Swanson
      And I am hearing the Poles are sick and tired of the Ukrainians flooding in

      Zak Martin
      If he isn’t killed first, Zelensky will „escape” to the US, where he will be feted as an anti communism hero (a la the Dalai Lama). He’ll write books and appear on talk shows with his „glamorous” wife. He might even go into politics, but more likely he’ll set up a media production company of some kind. As Scott Ritter points out in this interview, Zelensky is an actor. He was previously a dancer. His wife is experienced in PR. The pair are made for Hollywood.

      Sandy George
      No doubt he’ll run to Florida where he recently purchased a mansion.

      Zak Martin
      @Sandy George He has mansions all over the place, including in the UK, France and Italy. He also has billions of dollars salted away in offshore accounts in Belize and the Cayman Islands. He and his wife are doing quite well out of the war.

      Ratuhoehoe Haunui
      Maybe write a book on how much Blood he had on his Hands
      How can you miss all those innocent Lives Lost in a senseless battle

      I think hes already doing that😂

      Ultras Magowski
      @Zak Martin you forgot to mention his Israeli connections


    • Douglas Macgregor: „What’s Coming IS WORSE THAN A WW3, THIS IS SERIOUS!” in Exclusive Interview
      Red Pilled TV
      142,348 views Premiered 11 hours ago #douglasmacgregor #interview #redpilledtv

      Douglas Macgregor: „What’s Coming IS WORSE THAN A THIRD WORLD WAR, THIS IS SERIOUS!” in Exclusive Interview

      Douglas Macgregor is back on the show to talk about the war in Ukraine. Macgregor gives his assessment of where things stand on the ground. They talk about the astounding casualty numbers and the horrifying nature of the battle over Bakhmut. Macgregor then gives some predictions for the next stages of the war. They talk about the rising tension with China. They agree there is no need to go to war with China but discuss what may explain the sudden attention shift towards Beijing. Lastly, they talk about the effects of cronyism in the weapons industry and the probability of a nuclear war.

      eugene zellenoff
      scott ritter and douglas macgregor are a breath of fresh air on speaking truth.

      One could argue that if Western Ukraine is Polish, then Donbass and Crimea is definitely also Russian. I wonder if the Poles have considered the double sided morale in that?

      curt mayer
      If western Ukraine is polish, I’d be happy to reclaim my family’s property in Pomerania.


  6. Douglas Macgregor: „Everyone Will Be WIPED OUT IN 10 DAYS, THIS IS SERIOUS!” in Exclusive Interview
    Red Pilled TV
    131,701 views Premiered 10 hours ago #douglasmacgregor #interview #redpilledtv

    Douglas Macgregor: „Everyone Will Be WIPED OUT IN 10 DAYS, THIS IS SERIOUS!” in Exclusive Interview

    Douglas Macgregor is back on the show to talk about the war in Ukraine. Macgregor gives his assessment of where things stand on the ground. They talk about the astounding casualty numbers and the horrifying nature of the battle over Bakhmut. Macgregor then gives some predictions for the next stages of the war. They talk about the rising tension with China. They agree there is no need to go to war with China but discuss what may explain the sudden attention shift towards Beijing. Lastly, they talk about the effects of cronyism in the weapons industry and the probability of a nuclear war.

    Mohamad Azam Abdullah
    People who are in the war front will know what Mc Gregor is saying. Those living far off will not be bothered until it strikes them.

    Eagle airborne
    Zelensky is not bothered about ukraine getting wiped out. He’s more interested about pleasing the US, Israel and some western countries.

    Polubione przez 1 osoba

  7. Oh SH*T, we’re out of bullets!” – Ukraine admits the truth in the war
    80,171 views Mar 28, 2023 #redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris

    In an interview with Japanese newspaper journalist Yomiuri Shimbun… Zelensky talked about a lot of things. But the biggest item that he let slip is that Ukraine is out of bullets. And then he kind of drew a line in the sand, he told the newspaper that Ukraine won’t launch a counteroffensive until the West sends more weapons and ammunition.

    Russia has “imperialistic goals” and yet it was ukraine that invaded donboss in 2014 following the euro maidan. If anyone has imperialistic goals it’s NATO , pushing up against russias border and stockpiling weapons, entering into the Minsk accords then purposefully using them as a way to buy time to stockpile weapons all while orchestrating a coup (the euro maidan)

    @ winterlight — Your comment is spot on. I believe NATO should have been disbanded when the USSR fell.

    To jest prawda.

    Glenn Wilcock
    How can you invade your own country? Russia sent weapons and troops to kick off the Donbas war !

    Vo B
    @Glenn Wilcock Who did not follow the Minsk Accords? Then, according to you China cannot invade Taiwan, as Taiwan is not a country. Yet we constantly are being told China plans invasion. So if China is able to invade its own teritorry, or Russia can invade Chechnya, same thing is with ukraine invading Donbass.

    Polubione przez 1 osoba

    • Putin, shift from USD. China envy. No regime change for you. Protests Pakistan, Israel, France. U/1
      Alex Christoforou
      98,138 views Mar 27, 2023

      Putin, shift from USD. China envy. No regime change for you. Protests Pakistan, Israel, France. U/1
      Topic 912

      debbie ross
      As a Canadian it is scary how most citizens have no knowledge of the US dollar issue or how it will impact us. I live in a full time clown world.

      The US had a very blown-up view of their own strength and power.

      Wade Goodwin
      „Freedom” in capitalist countries exists only for those who possess money and who consequently hold power. -Nikita Khrushchev

      Joel Ferguson
      Certainly we are not the only ones who thinks that it goes way deeper than pension reform.

      Evelyn Read
      I think a regime change in the collective west would make the world a safer place, but that’s just me. Good morning Alex!

      Polubione przez 1 osoba

  8. Ukraine’s Spring Offensive Might Run Into a Wall
    18,160 views Mar 28, 2023 #historylegends

    Where and When is Ukraine’s much awaited Spring Offensive going to take place? The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine hopes to repeat the success of the September 2022 Kharkiv offensive, but things on the front have drastically changed since then.

    Márton Papp
    Reminds me of Operation Citadel. The Germans with all their new tanks launched an offensive to regain the initiative. The it crushed against a fortified wall of defences well constructed, manned and prepared so it can hold of any attack. I don’t expect any success. Ukraine is already losing as did the Third Reich did in 1943 when they attacked. And as we all know that German offensive was followed by a devastating Soviet counterattack. It won’t be successful. But maybe I am wrong.
    Edit: I wrote it before I watched the full video.

    Just a turtle
    It reminds me that Ukraine lost this war in February of last year -Scott Ritter


    • Ukraine’s Counteroffensive DOOMED to Failure as EU Stockpiles Run Dry

      The Left Lens with Danny Haiphong
      8,530 views Mar 27, 2023 #Ukraine #Russia

      The collective West is preparing Ukraine for a „Spring Counteroffensive” despite all indications that Europe has exhausted its weapons stockpiles.

      NATO wants Crimea for Sevastopol. I don’t think in the long run they care about the eastern territories nearly as much as Crimea. That’s been the goal forever.

      Russia will defend Crimea no matter what.

      Lucky Joestar
      @Yurichtube Yeah. They know NATO’s game.


  9. THE DURAN: Ukraine Has ISOLATED the Collective West, not Russia
    The Left Lens with Danny Haiphong
    49,412 views Mar 26, 2023 #theduran #Russia #Ukraine

    Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris joined the program to discuss how the conflict in Ukraine has irreparably damaged US credibility around the world.

    Ma vie, c’est la musique et autres choses
    The West: so obsessed with destroying Russia, like Captain Ahab in Herman Melville’s book „Moby Dick”. This obsession is fatal.

    Unavailable Username
    „If my chest were a cannon, I’d have shot my heart upon it” – Joe Biden


    • TikTok stops ammo. Tanks arrive, spring offensive almost ready. Bear Grylls, chocolate poison. U/1
      Alex Christoforou
      35,506 views Mar 28, 2023

      TikTok stops ammo. Tanks arrive, spring offensive almost ready. Bear Grylls, chocolate poison. U/1
      Topic 913

      As a citizen of a vassal country 🇨🇦to the US I have lost all hope for the future. This administration is taking us all down with them.

      Same thoughts here mate

      100% agree. The economy of my country (another vassal state) cannot bear this weight anymore, inflation will kill us all

      jay Roberge
      No, no, no!! Don’t despare!! God Created the world to contain an equal amount of „good” and „evil”!! So simply look to the 50% which is good and avoid the evil!! Faith in God is the only effective way to escape the evil, so always work hard on developing the good and trust in God to shield you from the evil, and you’ll be fine!!

      You can include 🇬🇧 as a vassal country too. 😔

      Rishabh Sood
      It’s been so buddy since decades and decades and decades…

      @Rishabh Sood True and it is overdue time to end it.

      J. Green
      Civil disobedience…
      Less than civil disobedience….
      All better than quiet despair.

      Never lose your hope. The citizens of Eastern Europe never believed that Soviet Union may one day collapse, and then unthinkable happen. All it takes is one leader, one leader that will show different way and pull the other behind him. This will not be Trudeau, Macron or Scholtz, but one day this new leader will appear and then we all will be free, I promise.

      Doris Ganz
      I am a Canadian too and I totally agree with your judgement.

      Ego less
      Don’t lose hope, although it’s going to get ugly in the short time I believe we will finally have a lot less wars when the American empire collapse. It’s just a matter of time. Glory to Russia and China to finally putting the bully in its place. Cheers from Canada 🇨🇦.

      Polubione przez 1 osoba

  10. Avdeevka RETREAT BEGINS, Bakhmut LIBERATION Continues
    The Dive with Jackson Hinkle
    22K views Streamed 5 hours ago

    The bitter truth
    We forgot to mention the grain deal, Russia provides passage to ships with grain for Africa, but Europe selects grain to feed its livestock, not even for people👍👍

    Ya El Z
    Europe’s leadership caste doesn’t see the difference.

    István Godány
    The problem is bigger ! The farmers in poland bulgaria romania and hungary are unable to sell their own grain. Unfortunately, the grain does not reach Africa but flood into the market of neighbor countries. In EU there is serious food control system, that is not valid for the ukrainan grain, so they can go under the neighbor prices, and because of less control and rules, the Ukrainian grain is more competitive.

    Monic Sperryn
    Ukrainian grain is poor quality. South Africa mixed it with local grain, other countries feed it to livestock.

    Polubione przez 1 osoba

    • Col. Tony Shaffer: „Ukraine IS TRAPPED In Russian Crossfire, THIS IS SERIOUS” in Exclusive Interview
      Red Pilled TV
      53,544 views Premiered 11 hours ago #interview #tonyshaffer

      Col. Tony Shaffer: „Ukraine IS TRAPPED In Russian Crossfire, THIS IS SERIOUS” in Exclusive Interview
      Tony Shaffer is back on the show to talk about the war in Ukraine. Shaffer gives his assessment of where things stand on the ground. They talk about the astounding casualty numbers and the horrifying nature of the battle over Bakhmut. Shaffer then gives some predictions for the next stages of the war. They talk about the rising tension with China. They agree there is no need to go to war with China but discuss what may explain the sudden attention shift towards Beijing. Lastly, they talk about the effects of cronyism in the weapons industry and the probability of a nuclear war.

      SJ Andrew
      Thanks for your objective view of the Russia, Ukraine war. Most people do not understand the history and you have express it very clearly keep up the good work.

      Ed Lukoss
      Russia is not the Soviet Union. Poland needs to get over their concern/fear of getting attacked by Russia.

      shaun chapman
      10 hours ago (edited)
      President Putin is the real example of real leadership. Awesome job Putin 👏 👍

      V ulture
      ♥♥ Putin’s efforts at destroying the Russian military, its troops and its economy has no peer. It looks like he may even succeed in destroying the Russian Federation at this rate. LOL ♥♥♥

      Scott Deagan
      @V ulture The Russian economy has done a lot better than all European economies, with the ruble being the best performing currency of 2022. Also, this has been the first time in any conflict that hypersonic missiles have been used – with pinpoint accuracy, without detection, let alone interception. We’ve also seen the Russian people unite around this war, fully aware of the hatred and vitriol west Ukrainians have for Russians. Finally, we’ve seen Russia rekindle its domestic manufacturing. So yeah, Putin’s leadership has been commendable for the Russian Federation. His only mistake was not going into Ukraine in 2014 (and he acknowledges this).


  11. Douglas Macgregor: „Ukraine IS LOSING, THIS IS IT” in Exclusive Interview
    Red Pilled TV
    162,208 views Premiered 11 hours ago #douglasmacgregor #interview #redpilledtv

    Douglas Macgregor: „Ukraine IS LOSING, THIS IS IT” in Exclusive Interview

    Douglas Macgregor is back on the show to talk about the war in Ukraine. Macgregor gives his assessment of where things stand on the ground. They talk about the astounding casualty numbers and the horrifying nature of the battle over Bakhmut. Macgregor then gives some predictions for the next stages of the war. They talk about the rising tension with China. They agree there is no need to go to war with China but discuss what may explain the sudden attention shift towards Beijing. Lastly, they talk about the effects of cronyism in the weapons industry and the probability of a nuclear war.

    jim eagle
    I can’t believe how many in this country said Russia was stupid and are completely unable to accomplish anything, when you are laughing and mocking your enemy you are probably making a huge mistake

    „Pride goes before destruction” is a painfully true proverb.

    Nathan Braidman
    The great British Parliamentarian,Enoch Powell, once said that „Power somewhere is not Power everywhere.” The United States is the dominant power in North America. Russia is the dominant power in Eastern Europe. It is axiomatic that any attempt by either party to intrude in the others sphere of influence will result in conflict because fundamental, non-negotiable, issues of national security are involved. Russia will never accept accept NATO bases and troops in Ukraine just as the USA would not accept Soviet missiles in Cuba 🇨🇺 during the Cold War. Colonel Macgregor is one of few Western commentators who understand this basic reality as well as the weakened economic and financial situation of the US in part due to increasing levels of dedollarisation.


    • US Experts Grapple with Ukraine End Game: Admit War of Attrition is Unwinnable
      The New Atlas
      11,889 views Mar 30, 2023

      Desperation and fantastical thinking take hold of “top US foreign policy experts” as they contemplate an end game in Ukraine…

      – CSIS admits crucial weapons and munitions face critical shortages including HIMARS launchers, 155mm artillery rounds, anti-aircraft and anti-tank missiles;

      – CSIS suggests the US could deplete all of its inventories along with Europe into Ukraine to make up for critical shortages or shift to “substitutes” despite being inadequate for Ukraine’s requirements;

      – A recent confab of US foreign policy experts attempted to come to grips with the coming end game in Ukraine in which they see a Russian victory owed to its ability to supply more weapons, munitions, and trained manpower;

      – Suggestions to turn the tide include sending 1,000 M1 Abrams tanks, creating (another) foreign legion, and transferring weapons to Ukraine to strike deep within Russia;

      – However these “solutions” range from unrealistic to entirely counterproductive;

      – Ukraine doesn’t have the manpower or time to assemble crews for 1,000 M1 Abrams tanks, a foreign legion was already created and already failed, and striking deep inside Russia will likely only help Moscow justify further mobilizations;

      – Sanctioning China is also considered, with no self-reflection on the flawed reasoning that led to ineffective sanctions already placed on Russia;

      – Only a fundamental change in Washington’s premise can a sensible foreign policy be proposed, one that sees the US cooperating constructively with all other nations rather than attempting to subjugate all other nations;


      CSIS – Rebuilding U.S. Inventories: Six Critical Systems (January 2023):
      Asia Times – Why Ukraine may embrace China’s peace plan (March 20, 2023):
      Alexander Mercouris – Russia Pushes Central Bakhmut, Ukraine Evacuates Avdeyevka, Zelensky meets Army Chiefs; US Fear (March 28, 2023):

      RAND Corporation – Extending Russia (2019):

      Thank-you Brian. Listening to the ongoing commentary from The White House, Pentagon and Kiev there seems to be considerable immaturity. I can think of no conflict in history that the vanquished has been so pathetic as to cite loss on the basis that the conclusion would’ve been different if they’d had more manpower and weapons. Zelensky still hasn’t worked out that he and Ukraine have had a massive NATO number done on them.

      John Badell
      He doesn’t care !! He is Jewish !! Not a Ukrainian !!

      Are we asking the right question? #
      Zelensky believed that he is special and the collective west won’t do an Afghanistan on him.

      Dan L
      BELLENDSKY is a billionaire thanks to this war. He also has around 25 luxury properties world wide including a 37 Million US dollars Mansion on Juniper island, Miami USA and since Boris Johnson gave him £3.5 BILLION from our taxpayers Reserve’s he has been buying high end properties in Belgravia London as well as a country stately home. He also bought his parents a Mansion in Israel with 3 luxury Mercedes Benz in the garage. His wife spent 40,000 Euro’s in Paris recently in one day buying designer clothes and luxury handbags 😮

      John Skrelnik
      It’s nice to see that Russia managed to demilitarize not just Ukraine alone but the whole west collective

      Well done, Russia 👍


    • Douglas Macgregor: No More Defense Lines to Stop The Russians
      Douglas Macgregor Straight Calls
      14,367 views Mar 30, 2023

      Col Douglas Macgregor Straight Calls – Analysis of breaking news and in-depth discussion of current geopolitical events in the United States of America and the world.

      Interview with Andrew Napolitano on 3/29/2023.

      Fernando Esteban
      In a Congress of liars, a General lying is just kosher.

      * Mako *
      Or halal😉

      Sean Steele
      Sad point but true

      James T. Kirk
      The T-55 tanks were not sent to act as main battle tanks but as to act as an IFV. It shouldn’t be underestimated. It has better armor and main gun than any. IFV out there. Also most people are not aware how long the frontline is. Its 1000km long. That means if You deploy 2000 tanks You have a tank every 500meters. Thats not enough to hold out against a concentrated strike fist. Thats why they reinforce the IFV category. Aside from that Russia isnt running out of anything. They have in total around 14,000 tanks and 30,000 APCs and IFVs combined. New tank production is at 30 units per week now. Ukraine will crumble no matter what NATO will do. Russia still hasnt comitted its main forces to Ukraine by the way. They keep that in reserve for NATO.

      Russia has 12,000 T-55’s in storage alone. It’s very quick and easy to upgrade these tank to a modern standard with top gun sights and fire control mechanisms and reactive armour….plus they have over a million rounds in storage for these tanks alone. Why not use them! The West cheered and called the T-55 a game-changer when the West donated the same tanks to Ukraine…..but when Russia uses them….. Russia’s in trouble. Don’t expect the average western Joe to understand the double standard of their own media.

      Michael Kennedy
      The Israelis have converted their captured T54/55s into infantry Fighting Vehicles. To me sound like a good chassis..😊👍


  12. End of the dollar by this year? Saudi Join SCO and buy Chinese Stealth, Brazil ASEAN trade in Yuan
    PTE Geopolitics „World Gone Crazy”
    1,249 views Premiered 104 minutes ago

    End of the dollar by this year? Saudi Join SCO and buy Chinese Stealth, Brazil ASEAN trade in Yuan

    Great segment on digital banking and international banks, the first 15min very straight forward reality check to come. HORRORS to come in USA and around the world.

    Sun Temple
    🌍🌍Victory to BRICS 🌎🌏


  13. The central Bakhmut has Fallen. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.04.06
    Military Summary
    50,929 views Premiered 7 hours ago

    This short video describes the military situation in Ukraine on the 6th of April 2023

    Martin Mdl
    As the area held by Ukraine is reduced, the concentration of shelling is increased, simply because of the reduced number of targets. Therefore, expect the Ukrainian withdrawl to accelerate.

    Tom Bayless
    Many flying hammer’s and shovels

    Final Days of Central Bakhmut | Front Analysis | Full Front Update 06/04/23
    Weeb Union
    55K views 5 hours ago

    Ryan Gonzales
    This is what happens when you get the latest Shovel Pro Max 1TB.

    Grimshaw Grummage
    I wonder if zelenski is going to go to the mothers of the fallen personally and given them his condolences for forcing them to hold in bakhmut just so they can buy some time elsewhere.

    Mariusz Cieslak
    @Julien Pierard Life of russian soldiers mean nothing to putin and russian generals. I still remember kursk submarine disaster and putins reaction.

    Sam Schreiber
    @Mariusz Cieslak try not to mention putin challenge (impossible 😨)


    • Update from Ukraine | Crimea is the main Target | Ruzzia can’t defend it
      Denys Davydov
      565,982 views Apr 6, 2023

      Gary Filmer
      Thank you, Denys, excellent war report. Well done to the unbreakable, determined, valiant armed forces of Ukraine!🇺🇦Ukraine🇺🇦will be victorious! Slava Ukrajina!🇺🇦

      Piuner Namelo73
      Go Ukraine don’t give up it’s been too late to negotiate.💪🏼🇺🇦👍🏻🇺🇦❤️🇺🇦.Thank you brother Denys

      Yellow Tunes
      Until the last Ukrainian, what a great plan

      ♠️ Манька Облигация
      Roger Waters (founder of Pink Floyd) – „Zelensky is a gravedigger not only of Ukraine, but also of the West, the EU first of all. The former comedian is not liberating Ukraine, but European politics from common sense, and this madness at the top of the EU leadership will ruin this project.”

      I am a Ukrainian girl living in Mariupol. We have a battle of Good and Evil going on in Ukraine, this is clearly seen by the sivolika used by the opposing sides – if Bandera occupiers covered with tattoos depicting swastikas, Hitler and Baphomet go into battle with the banners of the Third Reich, then the Donbass militia and Russian soldiers helping them who liberate my Ukraine from neo-Nazis and Satanists go into battle with flags on which the face of Christ is depicted. Russia has united the forces of Good – Christians, Muslims and Buddhists, to fight against Evil, against Western colonialists and Satanists. Russians will never lose a war, because the Russians are on the side of God, and God is on the side of the Russians. The truth is on the side of Russia. Freedom to Ukraine! Death to the Fascist occupiers! Glory to the Russian soldier liberator! 🇷🇺 ❤️

      This is the end of the fascist West. Have you noticed how your standard of living has fallen in the West, how everything has risen in price? These globalists, having lost the opportunity to rob independent countries, are now robbing you, Westerners, the USA and Western Europe are colonies of globalists, Westerners, you are slaves of globalists, you will lose with them if you do not throw off their criminal power in your countries!
      And to those who write here the slogan of the murderers of Ukrainian children, the slogan of Hitler’s Bandera accomplices „Slava Ukraine”, I want to say – you are the stupidest slaves of the system, your time has passed, you will now live worse and worse, because you have the intelligence of the embryo.

      P.S. Builders come after the liberators and punishers after the occupiers. We have in Mariupol, after the liberation from the Nazi Bandera authorities in Kiev, 11,000 apartment buildings have already been built, and repressions continue in Kherson occupied by Bandera, people are being imprisoned for receiving humanitarian aid from the Russians.

      The West, which created Al-Qaeda, armed ISIS against the legitimate government of Syria and is now arming the neo-Nazis of the Bandera junta of Kiev, is a universal Evil!

      We are witnessing the end of the hegemony of the West, the West that created the Inquisition, colonialism, the African slave trade, the atomic bomb, which used a bomb against two peaceful cities, which killed 95 million American Indians, which robbed, raped and killed all the peoples of the planet for hundreds of years, the cursed West, homosexuals, Satanists, perverts of all stripes, geeks, be you are cursed, we the peoples of the planet Earth are happy that you are coming to an end. Ave Putin! Ave Xi Jinping!


  14. https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxEiNTC2aExEl01CoaZFKaeO9uMFl_ctNl


    „According to Turkish sources, a column of the Ukrainian Armed Forces brigade, which approached the fortifications northeast of the Ugledar line as reinforcements, was hit yesterday by Russian fighters who dropped FAB-500 and UPAB-1500 glide bombs from a distance of up to 60 km. Most of the column was destroyed or scattered.” (Donbass Devushka)

    Malcolm B
    Bringing freedom and democracy to those Ukranian troops.

    Sixth Sense
    freedom from this mortal coil in order to join Bandera in eternal rest?

    anyone notice a giant increase in russian air force units being used in the past few weeks?

    agrippa Ž🤙
    Starting to hear people saying that. Notice the bombings against energy target suddenly stopped?

    Yeah someone ran out of SAMs and launchers on the main battlefield. lol.

    Jorge Nitales
    Thats due to the reduce number of Ukrainian AA sistems, Russia has been destroying those sistems weekly to make possible the support of the air forces in most of the frontlines.

    Dennis Young
    They fire in stand off mode at the limit of their range. I don’t think the Uko air defenses are totally dead yet.

    Sneaky B
    @Dennis Young the main threats are MANPADs. Current Russian air losses are Su-25 that provide CAS in Artemovsk since it’s the only aircraft that Wagner operates.

    Glide bombs are perfectly suited since flying at their suitable altitudes is also outside the engagement range of MANPADs.

    the parks of no return
    Yes. SAM systems are disappearing

    Jackson Onesmo
    Imagine FOAB gliding towards your position

    Universal Flamethrower
    Glide Shovels are deadly


  15. https://wpolityce.pl/swiat/641873-isw-rosja-uzywa-artylerii-by-ukryc-oslabienie-ofensywy

    ISW: Armia Rosji używa artylerii, by zrekompensować zmniejszenie potencjału ofensywnego na froncie

    opublikowano: 2 godziny temu

    autor: PAP

    Armia rosyjska używa artylerii, by zrekompensować zmniejszenie potencjału ofensywnego na froncie, a sama ofensywa najwyraźniej wygasa – ocenia Instytut Badań nad Wojną (ISW), analizując doniesienia z pola walki na Ukrainie.

    ISW przytacza wypowiedź ukraińskiego wojskowego Iwana Tymoczki, który oświadczył w sobotę, że wojska rosyjskie kontynuują walki na całej linii frontu, ale ich potencjał ofensywny się zmniejsza.

    M.in. w rejonie Bachmutu intensywność ataków na różnych kierunkach zmalała, ofensywa pod Awdijiwką „utknęła”, a siłom rosyjskim nie udało się zająć Marjinki, chociaż miasto zostało przez nich zrównane z ziemią.

    Jednocześnie siły rosyjskie wykorzystują ostrzały artyleryjskie, by zrekompensować zmniejszenie potencjału ofensywnego. ISW zaznacza przy tym, że taktyka Rosjan polega na tym, że najpierw poprzez ostrzały całkowicie niszczą miejscowości, a dopiero potem rozpoczynają ataki piechoty.

    Jednocześnie ISW twierdzi, że zdolność armii rosyjskiej do rekompensowania (przy pomocy artylerii) innych słabości i ograniczeń podważą utrzymujące się niedobory amunicji artyleryjskiej.

    ISW ocenia również, że „rosyjska kampania ataków rakietowych, której celem było zniszczenie ukraińskiej infrastruktury energetycznej poniosła całkowite fiasko i Rosja najwyraźniej zrezygnowała z tych wysiłków”.

    Zmasowane ataki rakietowe na ukraińską sieć energetyczną, które trwały od października ubiegłego roku, miały w zamierzeniu wywołać katastrofę humanitarną i zmusić Ukrainę do ustępstw, jednak celu tego nie udało się osiągnąć. Minister energetyki Ukrainy poinformował w sobotę, że kraj ten wznawia eksport energii elektrycznej.

    CZYTAJ TAKŻE: RELACJA. Trwa 410. dzień wojny. Prezydent Zełenski: Polska zrobiła wszystko, co zadeklarowała w sprawie czołgów



    • Ukraine’s Coming Offensive: Leaked NATO Plans + Lack of Arms
      The New Atlas
      67,853 views Apr 9, 2023
      Update on Russian military operations in Ukraine for April 9, 2023:

      – US arms shipments have drastically dwindled, the majority of weapons pledged require contracts that will take weeks, months, even years to fulfill;

      – The NYT admits arms shipments may not be adequate for the upcoming Ukrainian offensive expected to begin within 2-3 weeks;

      – Leaked NATO plans regarding Ukraine may have been fabricated by NATO and leaked through authentic means to reinforce other ongoing deceptions;

      – 2013 US government-funded polls regarding Crimea and Ukraine indicate that the nation was divided, many favored Russia or had affinity for Russia and the Russian language was at least as widely spoken nationwide as Ukrainian;


      US Department of Defense – Biden Administration Announces Additional Security Assistance for Ukraine (April 4, 2023):
      Newsweek – What Are c-UAS Laser Guided Rocket Systems? Kyiv Gets Experimental Weaponry (April 6, 2023):
      Washington Post – US is providing Ukraine with $2.6 billion in military aid (April 4, 2023):
      NYT – New Weapons Aren’t Enough: The Challenges of Ukraine’s Coming Assault (April 3, 2023):

      NYT – Ukraine War Plans Leak Prompts Pentagon Investigation (April 6, 2023):

      Politico – Ukraine gives Russia two options: Leave Crimea peacefully or be ready for battle (April 6, 2023):
      USAID, International Republican Institute (IRI) – Public Opinion Survey Residents of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea May 16 – 30, 2013:

      Kliknij, aby uzyskać dostęp pnaec705.pdf

      USAID, IRI – Public Opinion Survey Residents of Ukraine August 27-September 9, 2013:

      Kliknij, aby uzyskać dostęp PNAEC703.pdf

      Eileen Gibson
      Thank you. You are my go to for information on what is going on weaponry, tactics, supplies, and the working of the war. How the media lie. Without you and the Duran, Scott Ritter, Colonel MacGregor, Jackson Hinkle, we would be lost.

      Very comprehensive factual information, Thank you Brian. My worry, isn’t that the US & NATO still aren’t taking Russia seriously. My worry is that Poland has committed to entering the war, despite watching the Ukraine military being torn apart time and again. The Talk of removing the Border between Ukraine and Poland to create a New Polish Lithuainian federation. I have no doubt Russia would be able to deal with that influx of Polish Military but I would imagine that the 100k US troops in Poland would also join the „Colaition of the willing” which would cement WW3 as a reality rather than a Probability. Lets hope I’m wrong, the US Military Empire is collapsing under their own stupidity and disastrous economic decisions made over the last 30 years. We have to ask How is it that the US & NATO can spend TRILLIONS on their military industrial complex, yet the industrial capabilities of those industries are near Zero??? Where did all the TRILLIONS GO??? How could that much money be wasted with nothing to show for it.

      Milan Matovic
      ​ @Ken Lawson By now, 11-12 million Ukrainians left Ukraine. Around 4 million went to Russia, 7-8 million went to the EU and elsewhere.

      Richard L
      What level of reality are you living in Russia have lost over a 175000 troops they’re failing miserably they Ve been circling bakhmut for the last 9 months without making more than 200 yd of territory Then losing it again inexperienced barely amy ammo lol 😆

      Milan Matovic
      175.000 is more than the Russians had initially deployed for the most intense fightings which took place in the regions of Kiev, Suoma, Kharkov, Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporozhye and Kherson!? During the last 10 months they’ve only kept a fraction of that number of troops to defend Lugansk, Donetsk and Kherson. How could’ve they lost more than they deployed!??

      @Richard L worry not, the shovel 76 air assault brigade is on it’s way

      Mark Hillary
      As shown in Patrick Lancaster’s latest upload (April 7), the Vampire missiles are currently being fired at unarmed civilians in residential urban areas like Donetsk that are devoid of any military targets; in other words, standard AFU tactics.


    • Searching Europe for ammo. Blinken, counteroffensive in coming weeks
      The Duran
      96,247 views Apr 7, 2023

      Searching Europe for ammo. Blinken, counteroffensive in coming weeks The Duran: Episode 1554

      Adina Haun
      Blinkin should be looking for his replacement as Secretary of State. He’s the worst person for this job, more of an arms salesman than a diplomat. We here in the US have hit rock bottom in foreign policy and he bears great responsibility for this, along with the rest of the cabal, Nuland, Biden, and Sullivan etc., arms salespersons all. Thanks Alexander and Alex for Friday update.

      trust me, his successor will do the same thing. They all work for MIC.

      PJ Cabrel
      Name, even one, United States Secretary of State that was not an maniacal, bloodthirsty egomaniac?!

      Fabian Pillay
      Rich Ukrainians are partying in Europe and America while the poor ones are dying

      Des smith
      Like nicola sturgeon


      Recently passed by a Ukrainian Bentley near Brussels.
      I hope they also get the taxpayer funded financial support. Fuel in the EU is expensive.

      Pragmatic Skeptic
      Nailed it!

      Good on them. Ukranians did not revolt against Zelensky, so who cares?

      Well said 👍 were is the great boxing champion no where near any dying.

      Bogdan Meleszczenko
      Rich Russians are partying inTurkey and UAE while the poor ones are dying

      Karan Parashar
      @Bogdan Meleszczenko russian army is fighting unlike ukraine civilians

      Hansjörg Kunde
      Not before they have taken their bag from the food bank.

      Bogdan Meleszczenko
      @Karan Parashar 😂😂😂so why they can’t take even Bahmut in 9 months (while losing half of its gains) ?

      Clear Lake
      @Bogdan Meleszczenko the longer the fight in bakhmut is the better for russia. Ukraine keeps sending troops to defend bakmut against wagner group which consist of ex convicts. While Ukraine is loosing valuable troops, wagner can just get more ex convicts to replenish their troops.

      Polubione przez 1 osoba

    • Chinas GDP grows 4.5% & where are the YT’s who predicted collapse, Leaked docs, BMW Icecream,Vietnam
      PTE Geopolitics „World Gone Crazy”
      6,324 views Premiered 8 hours ago

      Shadowless Kick
      The US not only demonized Huawei for spying, they even said that Chinese giant cargo cranes are possible spy tools😂

      and weather balloons. 😂

      Taiwanstill Isntacountry
      Dont forget the Chinese „police-stations”😂😂😂😂

      Totally delusional and paranoid. 😂😂😂

      M. Salleh
      And the washing machines! 😂

      Be Proud, Asian
      Don’t forget the TV is watching you 24/7! face-green-smiling


  16. Russian fuel for Ukraine. Milley prepares Russia surrender. Hungary, Cyprus sanctions escalator. U/1
    Alex Christoforou
    26K views 3 hours ago
    Russian fuel for Ukraine. Milley prepares Russia surrender. Hungary, Cyprus sanctions escalator. U/1 Topic 927

    Paul Meaney
    When the whole world are pressing for peace we see JB, Zelensky, Duda, showing no concern for it. This presents the world with a window in which to see into their mindset. It’s a mindset so very dark, so very chilling and so very evil.

    yndi iatecow
    Guess who are they, including Nuland, Sullivan, Allbright, Yellen, yes you guess right….they are alll Big J…

    Casimir III
    There’s too much money to be made. You don’t stop the gift when you rule over such a docile people. These opportunities are literally once in a lifetime.

    Paul Meaney
    @yndi iatecow Excluding “Sullivan”, unfortunately that specimen of a creature he has an Irish ☘️ surname.

    Peter Waine
    Let’s get something straight here, Ukraine was finished in the first two weeks of the war, done and dusted, then USA and NATO stepped in and that’s why it’s taking so long now.

    janice williamson
    Absolutely correct. Thank you

    ukraine basically living under life support from west

    keith tomey
    And so many young Ukrainians have died on the battlefield who didn’t need to..and so many extra civilians have been murdered in the Donbas by the Ukrainian-NATO regime 💔 (Dot)

    keith tomey
    And many brave Russian soldiers have died 💔 too in the mission to liberate Ukraine.

    Tina Forbes
    ​ @keith tomey However, the filty rich Ukrainians are having fun with their families / friends in the West . Free from the trouble back home .


  17. Lavrov multilateralism. Politico, Biden fears failed offensive. WaPo, US blocked Moscow attack. U/1
    Alex Christoforou
    20,705 views Apr 25, 2023

    Lavrov multilateralism. Politico, Biden fears failed offensive. WaPo, US blocked Moscow attack. U/1 Topic 939

    Biden’s team fears the aftermath of a failed Ukrainian counteroffensive

    I’m proud of our Minister of foreign affairs Sergey Lavrov and I’m proud for being Russian….Thank you Alex for your daily hard work. ❤
    Peace and hope for everyone…

    J M
    You should be, I’m from the UK and I envy you your diplomats and politicians.

    Front Standard
    Russians should be proud again, without hubris, and become leaders of a peaceful future without our elites breathing on this planet hopefully. Greetings from Liverpool.

    I’m proud of Lavrov too and I’m Canadian.

    I’m proud of you for being Russian! We absolutely love Russia and its rich culture.. God is on your side.💗

    Deki K.
    Serbia is proud with you❤

    Linda Ostrom
    canada. really admire lavrov. he is a statesman and there arent many of those these days.

    Maria Courtney
    Z.. go Lavrov, your the man❤

    Maria Courtney
    ❤Russia and its people❤Z

    Beauty Ximba
    Glory to Russia 🇷🇺 ❤️🇿🇦


  18. Zelensky is FINISHED and Biden knows it | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris
    22,222 views Apr 29, 2023 #redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris

    President Biden is preparing for the eventuality that Ukraine’s “spring counteroffensive” is not the victory they’ve sold to the American people. This was the plan to re-take land that is now part of Russia, namely Crimea and the Donbass region. The President has been telling the American people that continued financial support in Ukraine is necessary for Ukraine to “win” but recently leaked documents show that the administration knows that this is all smoke. They are lying about the extent of U.S. involvement and they are selling us a failed storybook ending, [according to Politico](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/04….
    Will this help or hurt his re-election ambitions? We look at how Libya was not the quick win that Hillary Clinton had hoped it would be for her 2016 election.

    Zelensky and joe are competing for the clown of the year award. It’s going to be a close contest this year. Kamala: hold my beer.

    Kay Smith
    Basically he talks about freedom think the opposite. Whatever they say the opposite happens.

    Burt Harbenson
    Exactly. Whatever they are accusing others of doing is what they are horribly guilty of themselves.


  19. To dopiero POCZĄTEK GRY! Ameryka TRACI SOJUSZNIKÓW. Taki będzie ŚWIAT PO WOJNIE!
    Super Express
    91,292 views Apr 29, 2023 #skrzypczak #wieczornyexpress

    Jaki świat powstanie w wyniku wojny? Gośćmi „Wieczornego Expressu” są dr Wojciech Szewko, analityk ds. międzynarodowych z Collegium Civitas, autor podcastu „Na wschód od Bliskiego Wschodu” i gen. Waldemar Skrzypczak, były dowódca Wojsk Lądowych.

    Marian Koniuszko
    Słuchając Skrzypczaka można się zastanawiać, jak ten kraj ma mieć sprawne wojsko, skoro generałami są tam tacy ludzie jak on. To jest kompromitacja Wojska Polskiego. Nawet jeśli pan generał jest już past prime i na emeryturze. Szewko natomiast lepiej się prezentuje w we własnym obszarze działania, czyli Bliskim Wschodzie.

    pan z brodą ma więcej wiedzy na temat wojny jak pan generał, który służył w wojsku , gdzie od 30 lat polskie wojsko miało wegetację,pytamkim był pan generał 30 lat temu???? bo ja wtedy służyłem w tym niby wojsku…..

    Piotr Maślanka
    Czyżby generał objawienia doznał ? Byłem pewien , że ten poprzedni bełkot to maskirowka 😅

    Panie generale my już nie mamy czym pomagać UK a oni już mają pretesie ze zboża ich nie chcemy

    Milosz Lorenc
    Panie Generale z całym szacunkiem pana retoryka dwa miesiące temu była delikatnie mówiąc „odmienna”.

    maria wasyluk
    p Skrzypczak sie osmiesza, zmienil narracje! ja go nie ,,trawie,, choragiewka na potrzeby systemu, wstyd!

    Benny K
    Co w tym dziwnego, gdyż każda wojna z czasem się zmienia, wiec i stanowiska, poglądy powinni się do tego dostosowywać.

    Ella Dowling
    Polityka zmienna jest 😮🤣👏

    Teresa Superson
    Jego narracja jest za każdym razem”odmienna”. Dobrze że jest już w rezerwie bo strach się bać. SKS

    Polubione przez 1 osoba

    • https://dorzeczy.pl/opinie/433303/gen-andrzejczak-sytuacje-oceniam-jako-bardzo-zla.html

      Gen. Andrzejczak o wojnie na Ukrainie: Niestety sytuacja nie wygląda dobrze

      Gen. Rajmund Andrzejczak, szef Sztabu Generalnego Wojska Polskiego Źródło: KPRP / Przemysław Keler

      Sytuację bezpieczeństwa oceniam jako bardzo złą, bardzo niebezpieczną dla Polski – powiedział o wojnie na Ukrainie gen. Rajmund Andrzejczak, szef Sztabu Generalnego WP.

      Podczas debaty strategicznej w Biurze Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego Andrzejczak mówił, że „wojna nie jest sprawą wojskowych”. – Wojna była, jest, i nic nie wskazuje na to, żeby było inaczej, polityką, a w swych określnikach ma zasadniczą ilość czynników ekonomicznych: finanse, kwestie infrastrukturalne, sprawy społeczne, technologie, produkcję żywności i cały zestaw problemów, który należy włożyć do tego boxu, żeby tę wojnę zrozumieć – podkreślił.

      – Kiedy przyglądam się wojnie na Ukrainie, to przede wszystkim widzę ją przez te soczewki polityczne, i nie wygląda to niestety dobrze – ocenił. Tłumaczył, że w krótkiej perspektywie planistycznej, 1-2 lat, „nic nie wskazuje na to, żeby Rosja nie miała pieniędzy na wojnę”. – Te instrumenty finansowe, które posiadała przed wojną, dynamika wydatków oraz efektywność sankcji czy całej złożonej sytuacji ekonomicznej wskazują na to, że Rosja pieniądze na wojnę mieć będzie – dodał.

      – Ukraina ma ogromne problemy finansowe. Wiemy, ile potrzebuje miesięcznie. Wiemy, jaka jest pomoc amerykańska, całego cywilizacyjnego Zachodu. Wiemy również, jaka jest pomoc polska w tym obszarze, bo jesteśmy drugim donatorem i chyba powinniśmy być znaczącym inspiratorem dla innych. Szybkość ścierania się w obszarze finansowym wychodzi dzisiaj w mojej ocenie na niekorzyść (Ukrainy – red.). Niestety – powiedział.

      Gen. Andrzejczak: Sytuacja jest bardzo niebezpieczna dla Polski
      Zwrócił również uwagę, że w najbliższym czasie nic nie wskazuje na to, aby Ukraińcy, którzy uciekli przed wojną, wrócili do domu i rozpoczęli proces odbudowy kraju. Podkreślił, że lipcowy szczyt NATO w Wilnie będzie „bardziej szczytem naszej wiarygodności, nie tylko natowskiej, ale całego Zachodu”. – Jeżeli się spóźnimy, jeżeli nie wykorzystamy tej szansy i nie wykażemy determinacji, nie damy szansy Ukrainie na to, żeby mogła zbudować swoją bezpieczną przyszłość – zaznaczył.

      – Jako żołnierz, mam też obowiązek przedstawiać najbardziej niekorzystny i trudny do realizacji wariant, dając pole dla tych wszystkich, którzy mogą i powinni pomagać Ukrainie, oceniam tę sytuację bezpieczeństwa jako bardzo złą, bardzo niebezpieczną dla Polski – stwierdził Andrzejczak.

      Pytany, czy liderzy Zachodu zdają sobie sprawę z tego, że Ukraina jest bardzo daleko od wygrania wojny z Rosją, generał odparł, że „pozbawiona upiększeń perspektywa oceny zagrożeń jest dla większości wciąż zaskoczeniem, wciąż szokująca”.

      – My po prostu nie mamy amunicji. Przemysł nie jest gotowy do tego, żeby nie tylko wysyłać sprzęt na Ukrainę, ale również uzupełniać nasze zapasy, które topnieją. Ta świadomość nie jest taka, jak tutaj nad Wisłą, i trzeba to absolutnie, bez znieczulenia, przekazywać wszystkim i na wszystkich forach, gdzie tylko jest to możliwe, co zresztą czynię – podkreślił szef Sztabu Generalnego WP.

      Źródło: Biuro Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego


    • https://wpolityce.pl/swiat/644970-rosja-nadal-silna-europa-bezbronna-ameryka-ostrozna

      Rosja nadal silna, Europa bezbronna, Ameryka ostrożna. O bezpieczeństwie na dwa miesiące przed kolejnym szczytem NATO

      opublikowano: 39 minut temu

      autor: Fratria

      Generał Christopher Cavoli, dowódca sił amerykańskich i sojuszniczych w Europie powiedział występując w ubiegłym tygodniu przed Komisją ds. obrony Izby Reprezentantów, że choć Rosja poniosła znaczące straty od początku wojny z Ukrainą, to obecnie, jego zdaniem, ma większe siły lądowe niż na początku konfliktu. Dodał też, że Rosjanie, którzy stracili w wyniku działań wojennych ok. 80 samolotów mają nadal w służbie ponad 1000 maszyn różnego typu a marynarka wojenne poniosła niewielkie, w gruncie rzeczy, straty. Dodał też, że jego zdaniem większa część rosyjskiego potencjału wojskowego „nie uległa negatywnemu oddziaływaniu”.

      Zaskakująca opinia
      Ta zaskakująca z naszego punktu widzenia opinia, bo w Polsce w mediach głównego nurtu silnie zakorzenionym wydaje się być pogląd, iż Rosja z wojskowego punktu widzenia leży na łopatkach, nakazuje refleksję nie tylko na temat wyniku wojny na Ukrainie, ale również przyszłości systemu bezpieczeństwa w Europie. Wydaje się to tym bardziej palącą kwestią, że w Stanach Zjednoczonych coraz częściej mówi się, iż nasz kontynent będzie musiał wziąć we własne ręce kwestie bezpieczeństwa i w przyszłości w mniejszym stopniu liczyć może na amerykańskie wsparcie. Ostatnio wprost w tym duchu na łamach The National Interest pisali James J. Carafano i Victoria Coates z konserwatywnego The Heritage Foundation. W reakcji na słowa Emmanuela Macrona, który w wywiadzie zasugerował, że w razie wojny o Tajwan Ameryka nie ma co spodziewać się wsparcia wojskowego ze strony europejskich sojuszników, napisali oni, że:

      Ameryka nie może troszczyć się o bezpieczeństwo europejskie bardziej niż Europejczycy, zwłaszcza jeśli jest to ich własna odpowiedzialność.

      Postawę zaprezentowaną przez francuskiego prezydenta określili oni mianem „samolubnej i cynicznej” i zaproponowali aby „oświadczenie Macrona skłoniło Waszyngton do przeglądu statusu Stanów Zjednoczonych jako głównego darczyńcy sprawy ukraińskiej.” To na co warto w tej zaocznej polemice zwrócić uwagę to fakt, że Carafano jest zwolennikiem wzmocnienia przez Stany Zjednoczone wschodniej flanki NATO. Propozycje „postawienia” na Trójmorze zawarte też zostały w ostatnim raporcie Heritage Fundation, który poświęcony był centralnej kwestii amerykańskiej polityki strategicznej a mianowicie poszukiwaniu odpowiedzi na pytanie co zrobić aby wygrać drugą zimną wojnę i pokonać Chiny. Docenianie wysiłków Europy Środkowej i Skandynawów na rzecz wzmocnienia wojskowego wschodniej flanki nie przeszkadza Autorom tego wystąpienia w napisaniu, że „najważniejszym w przypadku Ukrainy jest to, że biorąc pod uwagę wielorakie zagrożenia, przed którymi stoją Stany Zjednoczone na całym świecie, Ameryka nie może troszczyć się o bezpieczeństwo europejskie bardziej niż Europejczycy, zwłaszcza jeśli przywódcy kontynentu, tacy jak Emmanuel Macron, otwarcie deklarują zamiar porzucenia Ameryki, kiedy Stany Zjednoczone mogą potrzebować ich najbardziej.” (…)

      Polska rozbrojona panie Budzisz. Oddali ponad 300 czołgów 54 nowe kraby za darmo zelenskiemu.

      @xxx.z…. I czego łżesz ruSSka onuco? A co do czołgów, 116 Abramsów dotrze do końca tego roku (już część jest) a pozostałe 250 Abramsów dotrze do końca roku 2024. Koreańskie czołgi Black Panther są już w Polsce (25szt) i 36szt. armatohaubic K9. I nadal trwają dostawy. KŁAMLIWA RUSSKA ONUCO.

      @xxx.z….I czego łżesz ruSSka onuco? Za darmo to daliśmy 18 Krabów (zresztą też nie do końca za darmo, bo UE nam częściowo zwraca za nie kasę). 54szt, Ukraińcy KUPUJĄ. PANIAŁA KŁAMLIWA ONUCA?

      Trudno się walczy z wrogiem bez zasad moralnych bo ich brak sprzyja wrogom w walce. W tej wojnie USA chce osłabić sowietów i Chiny które ostrzega przed pomocą dla sowietów. Niemcy liczą na szybki kompromisowy pokój i powrót do niemiecko sowieckiego dealu energetycznego kosztem biednych krajów europejskich. Francja podobnie. Silna Ukraina nie jest w unii pożądana dla Niemców a także Polski bo stracimy na znaczeniu. Więc okrojona Ukraina bez Donbasu będzie w unii lepiej widziana. Słowem każdy inaczej widzi koniec wojny.


    • https://wpolityce.pl/swiat/645498-faz-niepowodzenie-ukrainskiej-ofensywy-spowoduje-grozny-pat

      FAZ: Fiasko ukraińskiej ofensywy spowoduje impas, na którym skorzysta Putin. Dopóki rządzi, Rosja będzie państwem zbójeckim

      opublikowano: 5 minut temu

      autor: Fratria

      „Po ukraińskiej ofensywie w wojnie może nastąpić „bolesny pat”. Po 2015 roku taka faza trwała całe siedem lat. Niemcy stały się wtedy głównym sponsorem nowego rosyjskiego faszyzmu poprzez gazociągi na Bałtyku. Jeśli Putin wygra na Ukrainie, stanie się hegemonem Europy. Tylko NATO może temu zapobiec – pisze w niedzielę „Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”. (…)

      impas to już jest, bo ani wygrana Rosji ani Upadliny nie jest nikomu na rękę, a być może wygrana banderowskiej Upadliny jest nawet większym złem! Ruscy są prymitywni i prostaccy w swojej propagandzie jednak jest w niej zawsze istotne ziarno prawdy, jak np. że Upadlińcy to banderowskie niebezpieczne naziole!

      Ewentualna porażka kontrofensywy Ukrainy powinna być zimnym prysznicem dla Polski. Opieramy swoje bezpieczeństwo wyłącznie na USA. Nie budujemy własnej broni rakietowej oraz rozpoznania. Jak USA będą w kłopocie to oddadzą nas Niemcom i Rosji.



      Reznikow dla „WP”: Obawiamy się, że nasza kontrofensywa może nie spełnić oczekiwań Zachodu. Oczekiwania na świecie są zawyżone

      opublikowano: 5 godzin temu

      Zdjęcie ilustracyjne / autor: PAP/EPA/CLEMENS BILAN

      Obawiamy się, że nasza kontrofensywa może nie spełnić oczekiwań Zachodu; oczekiwania na świecie są zawyżone – wyznał ukraiński minister obrony Ołeksij Reznikow w wywiadzie dla „Washington Post”. (…)

      Już robicie w portki p. Reznikow ? Ruscy przecież nie mają amunicji dlatego walczą łopatami i masowo się poddają.

      Niestety Reznikow ma rację, nawet w Polsce było/jest za dużo gadania że „Ukraina musi wygrać…”. Jak? zajmą Moskwę? Ta wygrana urosła w propagandzie do jakichś nieprawdopodobnych rozmiarów!


    • https://wpolityce.pl/swiat/645554-pavel-przestrzega-ukraincow-przed-pospieszna-kontrofensywa

      Prezydent Czech przestrzega Ukraińców przed pośpieszną kontrofensywą: Byłoby to niezwykle szkodliwe, gdyby się nie powiodła

      opublikowano: 2 godziny temu

      autor: Fratria

      Prezydent Czech Petr Pavel ujawnił na lamach brytyjskiego dziennika „Guardian”, że podczas niedawnej wizyty w Kijowie ostrzegł ukraińskie władze przed pośpiesznym przeprowadzaniem planowanej kontrofensywy. Pavel uznał, że jeśli atak się nie powiedzie, będzie to dla Kijowa porażka.

      Czeski prezydent udzielił wywiadu brytyjskiemu dziennikowi podczas podróży na koronację brytyjskiego króla Karola III.

      Byłoby to niezwykle szkodliwe dla Ukrainy, gdyby ta kontrofensywa się nie powiodła, ponieważ nie będą mieć kolejnej szansy, przynajmniej nie w tym roku

      — powiedział Pavel.

      Doświadczenie wojskowe
      „Guardian” przypomniał, że jest on emerytowanym wojskowym, byłym szefem sztabu generalnego czeskiej armii i były wysokim dowódcą w strukturach NATO.

      Pavel miał w Kijowie zaapelować do Ukraińców, by nie dali się „wepchnąć w przyspieszone tempo, zanim nie będą w pełni przygotowani”, a celem tego nadmiernego pośpiechu miałoby być pokazanie wyników sojusznikom.

      Prezydent powiedział „Guardianowi”, że Wołodymyr Zeleński poprosił go i prezydent Słowacji Zuzanę Czaputovą o uzbrojenie przed spodziewanym kontratakiem po jednej ukraińskiej brygadzie zmechanizowanej. Chodziłoby o około 35 czołgów, 100 transporterów opancerzonych i amunicję. Zdaniem Pavla, spełnienie tej prośby będzie „niezwykle trudne” – biorąc pod uwagę m.in. fakt, że Czechy już dostarczyły Ukrainie prawie 100 czołgów, podobną liczbę haubic, wyrzutnie rakietowe i „dużo amunicji”.

      CZYTAJ RÓWNIEŻ: Prezydent Czech alarmuje Zachód: Wojskom ukraińskim krytycznie brakuje amunicji. To ogranicza zdolność do kontrofensywy


      No odkryl Ameryke po raz drugi. Jak sie atak nie powiedzie,to bedzie to porazka. Czy trzeba konczyc szkoly wojskowe i miec stopien gen zeby to wiedziec???:)))))

      Czechy dostarczyły Ukrainie 100 czołgów, Polska ponad 200, a najbogatsze państwo UE- Niemcy …18! Kilka dni temu przestrzegał Scholz Ukrainę, aby nie ważyła się użyć sprzętu niemieckiej produkcji do walk na terenie Rosji….. tak piszą media, a jak jest w rzeczywistości?


  20. https://wpolityce.pl/swiat/645418-strategiczny-blad-stanow-zjednoczonych

    Strategiczny błąd Stanów Zjednoczonych. Ameryka może nawet zapłacić cenę światowego przywództwa

    opublikowano: wczoraj
    aktualizacja: wczoraj

    autor: PAP/EPA

    W czasie niedawnych posiedzeń komisji obrony Senatu, przedstawiciele amerykańskich służb wywiadowczych, zarówno nadzorująca je Avril Haines, jak i kierujący wywiadem wojskowym generał Scott D. Berrier powiedzieli kilka ciekawych rzeczy, na które warto zwrócić uwagę. Otóż ich zdaniem siły zbrojne, które Rosjanie zaczęli budować po wojnie z Gruzją, realizując tzw. reformę Serdiukowa, odchodzą w przeszłość. (…)

    Rządowi USA może zabraknąć pieniędzy na spłatę długów już 1 czerwca, a Kongres nie podejmie żadnych działań. Mówi się, że jednym z potencjalnych rozwiązań jest wybicie platynowej monety o wartości biliona dolarów, aby zapobiec katastrofie.

    Panie Bidzisz USA ma głęboko w … Polskę, klepie nas po plecach za dziesiątki miliardów wydawane w USA na uzbrojenie. A PiS jak zwykle zamiast wydawać piendze w Europie i wzmacniać dzięki temu finansowo Unie której jest członkiem to kupuje sobie klepnie po plecach na innym kontynencie

    Zapasy broni są puste w kilku krajach UE w tym samym czasie, gdy elity UE decydują się na większą pomoc wojskową. Jest to spektakl jak żaden inny, którego po cichu jesteśmy świadkami i nikt nie protestuje, gdy nasi przywódcy polityczni wykorzystują pieniądze obywateli na rzecz przemysłu wojennego i przedłużają cierpienia zarówno narodu ukraińskiego, jak i żołnierzy na polu bitwy, jednocześnie dostając łapówki na swoje konta to wstyd. Coraz więcej nietrafionych wypowiedzi, nie da się tego czytać.

    Czyli zawsze trzeba pamiętać, że nasi sojusznicy są sojusznikami dla realizacji swoich a nie naszych interesów . Opuścili spektakularnie Sajgon i Kabul. Zostawli też walczących Kurdów . Ale innych sojuszy obecnie nie mamy. Takie jest życie.

    Niemcy się mylą, Francuzi się myslą, Amerykanie popełniają bła za błędem, tylko Budzisz i PiS ma rację. Gratuluję Polakom Budzisza


  21. Trump vs CNN. Zaluzhny skips NATO meeting. Poland renames Kaliningrad. Klitschko shows Kinzhal. U/1
    Alex Christoforou
    24K views 3 hours ago

    Trump vs CNN. Zaluzhny skips NATO meeting. Poland renames Kaliningrad. Klitschko shows Kinzhal. U/1 Topic 956

    No doubt that Zaluzhnis letter is authentic😂

    Comrade Alex, the last clown world was epic, Patriot system shooting down a khinzal missile 😅 followed by Ukrainian air defence systems which knock down their own Turkish Bayraktar UAV’s. Great narrative on today’s video. Cheers Alex 🍷😊

    reg smith
    The much fabled Ukrainian offensive, the sound of one hand clapping.

    The Communist
    The „big offensive” has been coming now for almost a year 😂🤣🤣🤣😂🤣🤣😂😂

    David Lazarus
    10:50 Alex you forgot the Russian use of shovels. These are the real game changers. Especially now that they are out of missiles, and only have one spare T34 tank.

    Alex, in regards to Poland, we have a bigger problem then how we should call Kaliningrad (!!!). As of latest, unofficially – according to the Air Force Institute of Technology – one Polish radio reports that the missile found in the town of Zamość near Bydgoszcz „is a Russian Ch-55 cruise missile”. The case became center of media attention at the end of April, when a random person found fragments of a several-meter missile in the forest. Most likely, the Russian Ch-55 cruise missile entered Polish air space in December last year. They still investigating all possibilities. Polish PM still claims he was not aware of this incident until April. I feel safe here, like nowhere else in the world!🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

    Vlad THE Sanctions Impaler
    Poland can change the name of Kaliningrad
    But cannot change the ownership of Kaliningrad
    So sad .. they must feel powerless & depressed lol

    Aqua Fyre
    If Poland renames Kaliningrad
    Then Russia should rename Poland ——– Greater Germany.yougotthis

    Klaun Führer
    or western Prussia

    Aqua Fyre
    @Klaun Führer I was hoping someone would add that – 😉

    Kyle Trimbach
    Or Western Russia 😮😂

    Andrei Sokolenko
    Alex, cities listed down in Medvedev’s post are former German cities named in the Polish manner. He means that those cities were given to Poland by Soviet Union after 1945 and now can be renamed back to the original names along with the land returned back to Germany.


    • Zelensky to BBC, Ukraine needs more time. Zaluzhny, NATO no show. Syrsky, busy in Bakhmut
      The Duran
      19,452 views May 11, 2023

      Zelensky to BBC, Ukraine needs more time. Zaluzhny, NATO no show. Syrsky, busy in Bakhmut
      The Duran: Episode 1582

      You can’t understand this war if you don’t understand Ukrainian nationalism. Oleksiy Arestovych recently said that „the national idea of Ukraine is to lie to ourselves and to others as much as possible.” If you take this into consideration, many things the Zelensky regime has said and done become clear.

      Игорь Трянин
      “Even the British media didn’t buy into this…” 😂😂😂 I will remember this phrase throughout my whole life 😂😂😂

      Sarcasm Unlimited
      So what Alex is telling about the two Ukrainian Commanders, Zaluzhniy and Sirsky, not wanting to get involved in the big offensive is captured in a motivational poster North American management coaching companies use. Under a picture where a man is standing waist deep in a swamp and surrounded by giant lizards is this caption: „It’s hard to do strategic planning when you are up to your ass in alligators.”


    • https://wpolityce.pl/swiat/646810-ukraincy-zestrzelili-szesc-kolejnych-pociskow-kindzal

      Ukraińcy zestrzelili sześć kolejnych pocisków Kindżał! Doradca Zełenskiego: „Dosyć już wiary w mity i przechwałki Kremla”

      opublikowano: wczoraj

      autor: PAP/EPA/Twitter

      Dosyć już wiary w mity i przechwałki Kremla; czas z tym wszystkim skończyć. Ale potrzebujemy do tego amunicji, rakiet dalekiego zasięgu i samolotów – ocenił we wtorek na Twitterze doradca prezydenta Ukrainy Mychajło Podolak, komentując zestrzelenie przez ukraińskie wojska sześciu kolejnych rosyjskich ponaddźwiękowych pocisków manewrujących Kindżał.

      Państwo-fejk z mnóstwem niepotrzebnych (nikomu) zmobilizowanych rezerwistów i fikcyjną bronią hipersoniczną

      — dodał Podolak, odnosząc się do Rosji.

      Do sprawy odniósł się też minister obrony Ukrainy Ołeksij Reznikow.

      Kolejny niewiarygodny sukces Sił Powietrznych Ukrainy! Ostatniej nocy nasi obrońcy zestrzelili SZEŚĆ rosyjskich hipersonicznych pocisków Kindżał i 12 innych pocisków. 80-1-6= X. Rosyjscy terroryści nie mają szans na zapanowanie nad Ukrainą. Ich broń może i powinna być zwalczana bronią zachodnią. Dziękujemy naszym członkom Sił Powietrznych i naszym państwom partnerskim, które zainwestowały w zabezpieczenie nieba nad Ukrainą i całą Europą.Wygrajmy razem!

      – czytamy w jego wpisie.

      Pierwszy pocisk Kindżał strącono 4 maja nad obwodem kijowskim przy pomocy amerykańskich systemów przeciwrakietowych Patriot. Zestrzelenie potwierdziły ukraińskie siły powietrzne oraz rzecznik Pentagonu generał Pat Ryder.

      Rosyjska propaganda przedstawiała Kindżały jako rakiety, których nie da się przechwycić. Miały być pierwszymi pociskami ponaddźwiękowymi nie posiadającymi odpowiedników na całym świecie. Prawda jest jednak taka, że te pociski są ponaddźwiękowe tylko ze względu na swoją prędkość. Kindżał nie spełnia pozostałych kryteriów broni hipersonicznej

      — wyjaśniał wówczas ukraiński ekspert ds. wojskowości Ołeksandr Kowałenko, podkreślając, że zestrzelenie Kindżała jest „ogromnym ciosem w wizerunek Rosji”.

      We wtorek w godzinach porannych naczelny dowódca Sił Zbrojnych Ukrainy generał Wałerij Załużny powiadomił, że ubiegłej nocy ukraińskie siły obrony powietrznej zniszczyły 18 rosyjskich pocisków różnego typu, w tym sześć Kindżałów.

      Ponaddźwiękowe rakiety manewrujące Kindżał, zdolne do przenoszenia głowic jądrowych lub konwencjonalnych, obejmują swoim zasięgiem, określanym na 1,5-2 tys. km, całą Ukrainę. Poruszają się z prędkością kilka razy większą niż prędkość dźwięku (mogą osiągnąć 10 machów, czyli ponad 12 tys. km na godzinę). Uważane są za trudne do wykrycia przez systemy obrony przeciwrakietowej.

      Pociski Kindżał były wielokrotnie wykorzystywane przez siły rosyjskie w wojnie przeciwko Ukrainie. Pierwsze znane bojowe użycie tej broni miało miejsce 19 marca 2022 roku, kiedy Rosja wystrzeliła rakietę w kierunku składu amunicji w południowo-zachodniej części napadniętego kraju.

      Opinie ekspertów
      Do sprawy odnieśli się też poszli polscy eksperci ds. międzynarodowych.

      Skuteczność ostatniego rosyjskiego ataku rakietowego: 0%. Ukraińska obrona przeciwlotnicza strąciła nocą 6 rakiet hipersonicznych „Kindżał”, 8 pocisków manewrujących „Kalibr”, trzy pociski balistyczne, 6 dronów kamikadze „Shahed” oraz trzy drony zwiadowcze

      – napisał Adam Eberhardt.

      Jarosław Wolski udostępnił nagranie pokazujące moment wczorajszego ataku na Kijów.

      Tak jeszcze w temacie wczorajszego ataku na Kijów. Epickie wideo z pracy baterii OPL „czegoś” Po torze lotu i smugach wskazuje to na raczej zachodnie systemy ale to już mocno wróżenie z fusów (Buki latają podobnie). Pojawiają się głosy że na końcu filmu widać trafienie baterii OPL UA przez rosyjski środek rażenia. Ja wcale nie jestem taki pewien. Zestawiłem oba urywki filmu w tej samej skali (dolny spowolniony). Każdy może ocenić sam ale IMHO owa eksplozja jest DALEJ niż ślady startów przeciwrakiet baterii OPL. Uprawdopodobniałoby to twierdzenia UA że 6x Ch-47 zostało strąconych ale też umówmy się: głównym zagrożeniem były Ch-101 lecące w cieniu tego zamieszania. A eksplozja na filmie jest z gatunku tych dużych. Pasuje na głowicę crusie lub Kindżała tyle tylko że faktycznie to może być efekt zestrzelenia. Czas wyjaśni co się stało. Na razie wiadomo że w tym ataku RUS spalili kilka autobusów

      – czytamy.

      CZYTAJ RÓWNIEŻ: Nocny atak na Kijów. Są ranni. Rosjanie prawdopodobnie użyli rakiet balistycznych! „To było wyjątkowe w swojej intensywności”


      Na Tweeterze jest film kiedy Patriot System odpalil 30 rakiet po 5mln$ kazda w dwie minuty.Nastepnie wielki bum w miejscu odpalania rakiet.Poszukajcie sami.https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/russia-says-it-took-out-us-supplied-patriot-missile-unit-hypersonic-strike-kiev


      • Russian Kinzhal Missile Strikes US Patriot System in Kiev + the Fundamental Disadvantage West Faces
        The New Atlas
        14,575 views May 17, 2023

        Update on the conflict in Ukraine for May 17, 2023:

        – Russia’s Ministry of Defense and US officials confirm Russian hypersonic Kinzhal missiles successfully targeted US-made Patriot air defense systems;

        – Patriot systems launched approximately 30 missiles over 2 minutes, representing tens of millions of dollars of missiles that were already in short supply;

        – Despite this, the Western media continues repeating obvious fabrications about Ukraine intercepting “all” incoming missiles and drones. The Patriot system falling victim to a Kinzhal missile despite firing upward to 30 missiles calls into question Ukraine’s previous claims of intercepting a Kinzhal days earlier;

        – As Ukraine burns through Western weapons and ammunition, the West continues preparing to transfer other weapon systems including warplanes;

        – European nations are preparing a “coalition” to purchase and provide F-16 fighters to Ukraine;

        – F-16 warplanes have no specific capability beyond the aircraft that made up Ukraine’s original air force which is now mostly destroyed;


        TASS – Russia hits US-made Patriot air defense system in Kiev with Kinzhal hypersonic weapon (May 16, 2023):
        BBC – Ukraine war: Kyiv says it shot down Russian hypersonic missiles (May 17, 2023):
        CNN – US assessing potential damage of Patriot missile defense system following Russian attack near Kyiv (May 16, 2023):
        Lockheed Martin – New Lockheed Martin Facility To Support Increased PAC-3 Production (October 2022):
        Guardian – UK and Netherlands agree ‘international coalition’ to help Ukraine procure F-16 jets (May 16, 2023):
        Politico – The end of Ukraine aid is rapidly approaching. Reupping it won’t be easy (May 5, 2023):
        The Atlantic – The Case for Increasing Aid to Ukraine (May 116, 2023):

        Jeff Lovejoy
        To say that Ukrainian military technicians cannot repair a damaged Patriot system because they are not trained to do so is problematic. Every time the west has announced delivery of new advanced system they seem to appear, as though almost all at once in Ukraine, as though they had been in Ukraine all along. For example, Patriot systems deliveries to the Ukraine were only just recently announced, and now they are being destroyed in Kiev.

        Jason Delvaux
        With a blast that enormous, to have even the Ukrainians report that only 21 civilians were „injured,” shows how precise & accurate the Russians can be with these strikes. Obviously, even 21 is tragic. We don’t want any civilians hurt, but when you consider how wanton & indiscriminate U.S./NATO airstrikes & drone attacks can be over the course of many years, 21 seems amazingly light in terms of collateral damage.

        SpartanThe300th Thermopylae
        @Jason Delvaux not only that but, very cynically, that Patriot battery was deployed in a very close proximity to several residential buildings. The moment one deploys a military weapon in a civilian area, that weapon becomes a military target. Unfortunately, it’s as simple as that.

        Kit cat
        And what happened in Syria, Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan…

        The Religion of Rationality
        How does Ukraine shoot down Kinzhal missiles when literally no other country in the world, including the U.S., has the technology to do so? Maybe we need to start buying arms from Ukraine, not the other way round! 🤣

        Ukrainian tech is so good they shot down missiles that were never even fired, always two steps ahead they are. Some say the ghost of Kiev himself took out the 45 kindjal missiles fired by Russia simply by winking at them. By sheer force of charisma the Russia hypersonic missiles detonated in mid air. Truly amazing.

        Shane Jean
        You are forgetting the ghost of kiev

        Daddy Attlee
        ​@Zevin good sense of humor, good analysis 😂😂😂😂😂.

        Kinzhal missiles are shot down with jars of strawberry jam.

        Not me
        Yeah, they are so good that they shot six missiles out of two 🤣🤣

        That particular Patriot was blessed by Elensky, he touched it, giving it super powers.

        SpartanThe300th Thermopylae
        Nah, I don’t think it was the Ghost of Kyev. His MiG is not fast enough. I reckon it was that grandpa with his shotgun.


      • Borrell warns India. CNN, Patriot damaged. Elensky, Kinzhal 6 for 6. Hersh, Poland wants peace. U/1
        Alex Christoforou
        4.1K views 15 minutes ago

        Borrell warns India. CNN, Patriot damaged. Elensky, Kinzhal 6 for 6. Hersh, Poland wants peace. U/1 Topic 962

        The Tree Keeper
        India should of replied to Borrell with, „why the heck are you still buying our oil if you dont like the fact it comes from Russia?”

        Zhou Bai Dinh
        Them colonial days of slaves and masters are Ova’!

        wifi nebeng
        Using the wrong phrase when asking India for a discount

        I had the same thought too. It’s like an addict being angry at their dealer for selling them drugs.

        The Patriot missile system heroically destroyed Putin’s Kinzhal by suicide.

        Rashmi Gupta
        It was a noble sacrifice for democrazy and western values😂

        South East
        It stabbed itself in the back four times and threw itself off the bridge – like that.

        Golan Heights
        These things couldn’t even hit scuds back in the day and now they are trying to tell people they can shoot down multiple warheads with one shot. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Probably not.

        @Golan Heights The US MIC will definitely receive many new contracts for the purchase of Patriot systems 😂

        Polubione przez 1 osoba

    • 30 Patriot missiles in 2 minutes. Zelensky returns to Kiev
      The Duran
      42,352 views May 17, 2023

      30 Patriot missiles in 2 minutes. Zelensky returns to Kiev The Duran: Episode 1591

      Physical, technical reasons why a Patriot set of Batteries cannot take down a Russian Kinzhal hypersonic missile:
      1. SPEED: Kinzhal, Mach 10. Patriot: Mach 4.
      2. When the Kinzhal hits the atmosphere at its maximum, final speed (Mach 10) the intense friction creates a Plasma Shield around it that absorbs any incoming radar waves, making the Kinzhal (currently) INVISIBLE to Patriot Radars.
      3. The final, target hitting trajectory of the Kinzhal changes CONTINUOUSLY, making it such an elusive target even if SEEN with binoculars, to say.
      That is why they are UNSTOPPABLE, on top of the extremely high accuracy in targeting, I understand the error is less than ONE meter !
      4. The Patriots are so MEDIOCRE, that they were UNABLE to take down primitive Yemeni Rebel’s missiles targeting Saudi Arabia’s refineries…
      I suspect this highly disappointing US military technology for the Saudis, who invested Billions and Billions in those useless Patriot Systems, had some kind (minor?) of influence on MBS decision to start moving Saudi Arabia AWAY from the United States !

      J R
      People don’t seem to understand that a Kinzhal moves at 2 miles per second. Even if you could get a Patriot missile in the ballpark of hitting a Kinzhal, even being off a fraction could be a miss by a half-mile. Its like trying to shoot a bullet out of the air with a tennis ball.

      Herr Lich
      What does a patriot missile system cost?

      gino gino
      ​ @Herr Lich $ 5 mil per missile

      Ukraine LAUGHABLY Claims They Shot Down HYPERSONIC Missiles
      The Dive with Jackson Hinkle
      6,264 views May 17, 2023

      The Patriot system couldn’t even stop Houtis from firing into S. Arabia when the F1 race was being held. Anyone with basic knowledge of physics knows that right now nothing exists that can down hypersonic missiles

      🅉 Дима из Крыма
      Or stop Iran from firing cruise missiles and drones destroying Aramco refinery in Saudi Arabia, or Iranian ballistic missiles destroying US al-Assad Air Base in Iraq (I can still laugh about that US major recording a video to his son, telling him to take care of his mother if he doesn’t make it, crying like a little girl).

      Vadim Malinovskiy
      Jackson, stop it! When you start shouting „Slava Ukraini!”, I get scared! Haven’t you heard a story from Ukrainian television about how a retired grandmother shot down a Russian helicopter by throwing a can of cucumbers into it from the balcony of her own house? After all, they were talking about it on TV in all seriousness … 🤣

      Bill CIA Wilson
      Drone, actually. But yeah. There was also grandpa who shot Russia’s MiG with his hunting rifle. On television, obviously.

      Polubione przez 1 osoba

      • Douglas Macgregor – Russia’s Devastating Airstrike on Ukraine
        Douglas Macgregor Col
        53,302 views Premiered 7 hours ago

        Someone had a brilliant idea of placing a Patriot system right in the thick of residential high rise area. Did they really think Russians would hesitate like they did in the beginning of SMO?? They must’ve not got the memo.

        Raymond Sarvarian
        RUSSIA IS THE ONLY COUNTRY WITH THE CAPABILITY TO SHOOT DOWN HYPERSONIC AND ICBM MISSILES WITH THEIR NEW S550 air defense system. Russia is ahead from every country when it comes to hypersonic missiles and defensive missiles that can shoot down ICBM’s and hypersonic missiles, Ukraine dose not even have any air defense system any longer the last of the Patriot junks were hit by the Russian hypersonic missiles. Claiming Patriot missile have succeeded to shoot down hypersonic is a joke, patriot air defense system failed to keep the Saudi oil fields protected from the Iranian drones. Iranian drones enter the area destroyed half of Saudi ARAMCO oil fields returned home and Patriot missiles DIDN’T even notice anything.

        Polubione przez 1 osoba

    • Patriot damage, Tis But a Scratch. Odessa missile strikes. Pope, void Jesus icon. Sanna HBO MAX. U/1
      Alex Christoforou
      12K views 40 minutes ago

      Patriot damage, Tis But a Scratch. Odessa missile strikes. Pope, void Jesus icon. Sanna HBO MAX. U/1 Topic 963

      Ukraine : All hypersonic Kinzhal missiles have been successfuly intercepted at ground level by our infrastructure, buildings, ammo depots and military assets…

      Joshua Paul
      Technically the Patriot missile system did destroy the missile when the missile hit it. It’s Zelenskyy way of destroying missiles . Ukraine always downs 100% of missiles using Ukrainian weapons depots and army barracks.

      Cezar Nero


      Ronald Kulas
      Oh man, that first sentence surprised me. I still am laughing. Thanks.

      Jimmy Rustle
      Ukraine could develop a new type of anti-missile air defence. Just paint „Ammo Storage” on a building for the Russians to hit it. Very cheap and easy, only needs a tin of paint. Raytheon and Co Mics could say it is special paint and Bill the US tax payer for 150 million dollars a tin, so every one gets their nose in the trough for the new weapons system. It’s the way the US system works.

      Sarah Brown
      The US is playing a game of semantics. The „system” refers to every missile, every launcher, every radar….everywhere in the world. All parts of the Patriot System. If a Prius rolled off a cliff…it would still exist, so not destroyed only damaged. Toyota would still be „operational”. This is how the US can say „parts were damaged, but the system is still operational”.

      Same way they deal with inflation numbers

      Jack Spring
      Watch out: they’ll accuse you of being anti-semantic.

      Ah yes, the words of lawyers…..

      Polubione przez 1 osoba

    Weeb Union
    1,914 views May 20, 2023

    Just a turtle
    Glory to the Russian federation for liberating Bakhmut with only shovels 💪🇷🇺✌️🇷🇺

    Just a turtle
    The Wagnerians will be remembered for generations for successfully defeating a modern army with only shovels 💪🇷🇺

    shovels and toilet lids 😂

    Daniel Petrucci

    bro the shovel joke is getting old and cringe

    luka Ha
    Agreed.. too much shovel jokes

    Just a turtle

    lilaj S1000
    Salute to the strong Russian forces led by Wagner! Long live the Russian Federation against Nato’s expansionist ways

    There’s no more Bakhmut, it’s Artemovsk. Bakhmut is erased from history by the victor.

    Joseph Mwema
    Your prediction was right that Bakhmut will fall before Sunday and that both Mariupol and Bakhmut both fell on 20th May. Well-done Russia! Goodmorning Artemovsk!


  23. Russia’s Victory in Bakhmut Has NATO in SHAMBLES ft. Brian Berletic
    Danny Haiphong
    2,760 views May 31, 2023 #Ukraine #Russia #nato

    NATO is scrambling to supply F16 jets to Ukraine for a counteroffensive in the aftermath of Russia’s devastating victory in Bakhmut.

    The West did not prepare for war because they thought sanctions would be enough.

    Dean Chen
    Zelensky is still claiming that Ukraine has control over Bakhmut. He will finally acknowledge it in a month or two.

    Barry Shaw
    Danny Russia defeated the best NATO’s forces could put together, a lot more than just Ukrainen’s. Thanks for the update

    Daniel Hutchinson
    The US was apparently seeking to provoke Russian Economic failure, as the Soviet Union was overcome by the US creating bigger and more expensive weapons.
    The US had a lot of weapons that were not being used for 20 years, so they did not manufacture more ammo and weapons. Now the US is broke from spending money to maintain military bases that appear intended to intimidate Nations to send Tribute payments in the form of resources that the US needs to support industry.
    The Russians and China as Members of BRICS Group have created a Trade Union that allows the former Colonies to make a living selling their resources, instead of simply giving them to the US. So the US threatens Russia and China as their part in BRICS appears to be pivotal in the organization. The Latin American producers have begun to trade among the Member Nations, depriving the US of cheap goods, driving inflation up. The economic implications of the BRICS Trade Union appear to be driving the US GDP down and all that has helped convince the US Congress to authorize money to develop more weapons. The Ethics of the US appear to suck?

    Yao Li Ang
    One correction here, it’s not cheap goods but free goods.


  24. Ukraine war: Why hasn’t the spring offensive started yet?
    Sky News
    121,634 views Jun 4, 2023

    Ukraine’s much anticipated spring offensive still hasn’t begun. So what is the delay?

    Military analyst Sean Bell explains the practical reasons why the counter offensive against Russia hasn’t started yet – and why President Zelenskyy could be feeling the pressure.

    never ending offensive story.

    It’s summer offensive at this point.

    they say spring offensive, but don’t say what year… just so we won’t be able to say they’re lying.

    Polubione przez 1 osoba

    • SUPER DUPER UBER UKRAINE OFFENSIVE BEGINS; Russia attacks too [ Ukraine SITREP ] Day 465-466 (3-4/6)
      Defense Politics Asia: War
      25,770 views Jun 5, 2023 #War #Military #UkraineWar

      00:00 Intro
      00:34 Kherson Front
      00:41 Zaporizhzhia Front
      11:03 Donetsk Front
      17:27 Avdiivka Front
      20:18 Bakhmut Front
      22:00 Siversk Front
      22:54 Kreminna Front
      26:07 Svatove Front
      27:22 Kupyansk Front
      30:28 Kharkiv Front
      33:48 Conclusion

      This is the FULL Summary / SITREP of Day 465-466’s development in the Ukraine-Russia war as we start off the day in the morning (ukraine time) of Day 467 of Russian’s „Special Military Operation” against Ukraine.

      Losing 16 tanks for probing attacks also making forces visible ends some values of Ukraine’s forces.

      André Balsa
      In summary : the UAF used 60 old tanks – unspecified, still waiting to see Leopard 2 or Challenger 2 – attacking at three different points along the front line in the Zaporizhzhia region, lost 20 tanks and about 150 troops. and then had to retreat. The Ukrainian MOD is describing this as a major victory. And that was the beginning and the end of the Great Ukrainian Summer Offensive, previously known as the Great Ukrainian Spring Offensive.

      michael faraday
      NATO says they’ve fixed Ukrainians mistakes for the counteroffensive. So let’s see how good Nato generals are.

      [ Donetsk Front ] UKR OFFENSIVE SOUTH OF MARINKA AND FROM VUHLEDAR; Chechen captured 80% of Marinka
      Defense Politics Asia: War
      11,419 views Jun 5, 2023

      DAVID 14
      Slava Ukraini!! Moscow, Saint Petersburg and Volgograd will soon be free from Ruzzia

      Johannes Paul Frank
      Suicide actions in Ukraine similar to Kamikaze by Japan, 1945. History repeats :-/

      UKRAINIAN OFFENSIVE FINALLY BEGINS IN MULTIPLE SECTORS; success could mean straight push to Mariupol
      Defense Politics Asia
      8,430 views Jun 5, 2023

      The Great Ukrainian PR Stunt.

      1 hour ago (edited)
      I have a feeling that Russia will try to exhaust the Ukies as much as possible during this offensive before going on their own offensive once the dust has settled.

      We are now witnessing the beginning of the end of the Kiev regime.


    • SUMMER IS COMING! A Prelude To The GREAT Offensive
      Weeb Union
      31,003 views Jun 5, 2023

      HUGE Losses On Day 1 Of Ukrainian Counteroffensive w/ @Kalibratedwithscott
      The Dive with Jackson Hinkle
      8,448 views Jun 5, 2023

      duke flower
      After a night of fighting, things got very complicated for the Ukrainians. If on the first day we were discussing losses of 16 tanks, 21 armored vehicles, 8 howitzers and so on, now we have reached figures of over 1000 Ukrainian soldiers and approximately 55 armored vehicles (including 25-30 de tanks). Anyone who has any doubts about this fact, should watch the video shot live from a Ka-52 which effective destroyed 9 Ukrainian armored vehicles in a single sortie !!!! Another video posted by the Russians shows them walking next to the destroyed American armored vehicles in the fields. The conclusion is simple, if we do elementary math, the Ukrainians lost 10 percent, in number, of the tanks they received for 500-700 m of land.. How many kilometers are there until they reach Crimea? 🤣😂

      JJ Ryan
      Zelensky speaking everywhere: we are defending our land from evil terrorist invaders. Meanwhile in Belgorad…

      As long as we don’t see Leopard tanks showing up with an offensive, the real offensive hasn’t started yet.

      Vaska Tumir
      Yes, it has. Leopards are and will be a side show.

      John Akass
      Waiting for British tanks in action. They should take Moscow soon.


    • The Results Of The 1st Day. The Beginning Of The 2nd Wave. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.06.05
      Military Summary
      73,018 views Premiered 8 hours ago

      This video describes the military situation in Ukraine on the 5th of June 2023

      N Paj
      If Ukraine see that it offensive isn’t going well, they will say ” well, it was actually just probing attack, our offensive hasn’t started yet”

      Tommy Boman
      Ukr will likely make „a lot” of gains the coming 4-5 weeks, and Russians will slowly move back and do a fighting retreat during that time. According to western media and Ukr it will be huge gains, and fantastic military achievement’s…while their losses will be 20:1… and once the Ukr losses starts to be felt this will come to a halt and then Russia will roll back and just keep going and not stop until they won.

      Very valid assessment if I am the general that’s what I will do trade space for Ukrainian lives make it hurt till they stop then rollback I am very doubtful if the Ukrainian forces will be able to absorb the casualties if it’s very heavy if it is basically I think this war is over

      I think that’s actually optimistic for Ukraine, it’s going to be a literal massacre

      Western media : this was no offensive.. just a a probing attack

      I am sorry for being rude before
      The counter offensive is in our heart❤

      Summer offensive starts, kind of. Belgium wants answers. Macron master of lies. Poland Protest. U/1
      Alex Christoforou
      9,044 views Jun 5, 2023

      Summer offensive starts, kind of. Belgium wants answers. Macron master of lies. Warsaw Protest. U/1 Topic 982

      Damon Urbani
      Amazing how their narrative changes 😃👋🇿🇦 Thank you Alex

      John Strawb
      I admit being startled by Sullivan’s blather. Ukraine is headed for the negotiating table? I approve of the sentiment, though his timing is ludicrously, sadly, horribly off.

      Why does West think that Russia will want to negotiate if Ukraine takes some territory? Maybe Russia will just want to take some territory back before negotiations, just like Ukraine.

      Wes Urry
      I feel as if Russia will take whatever it wants and won’t stop until they have achieved their goals….

      Francisco Alvarez
      Polish people were protesting with EU flags, so they want more war it seems

      The party that was organizing the protest was in power back in 2014 and they were supporting maidan coup, so basically yes.They all are the same.


      • Opening act of Ukraine’s big offensive
        The Duran
        18,274 views Jun 5, 2023
        Opening act of Ukraine’s big offensive The Duran: Episode 1611

        Between Belgorod and the offensive Ukraine has succeeded in making everyone forget about the loss of Bakhmut.

        This counter-offensive will be so great that they will conquer even Poland and Poles will
        have to proclaim Bandera a new Saint… the patron of butchers.

        Donbass Zugzwang | Bloody Vremevka Tactical Bridgehead. Military Summary And Analysis For 2023.06.05
        Military Summary
        16K views 51 minutes ago

        This video describes the military situation in Ukraine on the 5th of June 2023

        Halina Trolle
        I think, what the Ukrainians are doing is trying to punch through the Russian defense lines : if they manage, it will be called ‚The Great Offensive’. If they don’t, it will be called ‚the reconnaissance’ 😀 Thank You , Dima for the very detailed and dynamic update. Greetings.

        Marilyn hudson
        How can the Ukrainians possibly lose? The Russians ran out of missiles last March, Ukraine air defense shoots down almost 100% of Russian Missiles and Drones, the battle of Bakhmut Zelensky said last year was pivotal became of no significance after it fell to the Russians, and they haven’t really needed more weapons he’s been going around the world begging, sometimes demanding saing „we need more, we need more!” almost non stop for a year since the billions of dollars in weapons came. Do you remember this clown boy wanting a no fly zone from day one? Do you remember him saying the US needs to launch a pre preemptive nuclear strike on Russia? Do you remember him saying the Russians fired a missile into Poland and the US immediately saying „Ahem, no they didn’t. And now he needs F16s oops I almost forget he wants F-35s. PLEASE


    • What do we know about Russia’s claim it thwarted Ukraine offensive? – BBC News
      BBC News
      71,842 views Jun 5, 2023 #Russia #Ukraine #BBCNews

      Russia’s defence ministry says it has thwarted a major Ukrainian attack in Donetsk, in the latest sign that a wider counter-offensive may have begun. Video of what Russia says is the battle shows military vehicles under heavy fire in fields. Russia claims it killed 300 troops and destroyed 16 tanks. However Moscow’s claims have not been independently verified.

      Dan Boyd
      Russia: „Our troops are victoriously withdrawing. The enemy is pursuing in complete chaos. 😂

      thats what ukraine has been saying for the entire war

      Whether it’s a Ukraine failure or Russian success, neither will be mentioned on the BBC

      Ukraine ‚shifting towards offensive actions’ against Russia – BBC News

      BBC News
      18,594 views Jun 5, 2023 #Russia #Ukraine #BBCNews

      Ukrainian forces are „shifting to offensive actions” in some areas, the country’s Deputy Defence Minister Hanna Malyar has said. Military sources told the BBC that a series of small scale armoured offensive operations are under way. They did not say whether this was the start of Ukraine’s long-awaited full-scale counter-offensive. Russia says it thwarted major Ukrainian offensive and claims it killed 300 troops and destroyed 16 tanks.

      Luke R
      Why no post for the Andrew Tate interview?

      is he burnign down the kremlin?

      Justice Granville
      Lol…the video is in telegram..a Russian helicopter destroying 9 amoured vehicles of the ukronazis 👍


      • Ukraine War: Has Ukraine’s counter-offensive begun?
        Sky News
        19,795 views Jun 5, 2023

        Russia is claiming it has pushed back a major operation in the Donetsk region, killing 250 Ukrainian soldiers in the process. It comes as the leader of the Wagner Mercanary Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, claims Ukraine has taken back a settlement North of Bakhmut, labelling it a disgrace. Kyiv is yet to comment on the incidents and it remains unclear whether this is the start of a long-awaited counter-offensive.

        13 Brigades of approximately 65,000 Ukrainian troops is not enough to have a successful attack. Not to mention the setbacks of depots being destroyed with depleted uranium shells sorely needed for the counter offensive. Just a few reasons why the „Spring” offensive is now in Summer.

        Icarus 7c
        Today is the day the Russians finally realize that spending months engaged in brutal urban combat in Bakhmut, which always favours the defender, whilst Ukraine quietly prepared it’s new brigades for a well planned counter offensive, may not have been the great victory they thought it was.

        The Wagner Group lost 20k in Bakhmut — it was great target practice for the Ukraine Army.

        Jake Cole
        New brigades? Made up of raw press gang recruits and survivors of previous battles not yet dead. The Russian army intact waiting for them. Btw, I thought Bakhmut wasn’t important last week? 🤔

        Jack J
        What is this? Ukrainian main news channel now or something?

        Trevor Sutherland
        been that way for a year.

        Ukraine war: Has the counter-offensive now begun?
        Channel 4 News
        35,472 views Jun 5, 2023

        The silence Kyiv had been encouraging seemed to break today – and in the last few hours a Ukrainian deputy defence minister appeared to confirm that the war may be about to enter a new phase, with her country’s forces moving to “offensive actions” in some places.

        Aby Rahman
        So, it seems silence is the next game changer! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

        Elaine Read
        Zelensky should stop attacking the civilians in the Donbas. That’s why this all kicked off in the first place.

        Ukrainian Army launched attack in direction of Vuhledar and Zaporozhye – fierce battles take place
        4.7K views 30 minutes ago

        Using up to 10 armored vehicles and lost 10 armored vehicles😏

        Biggles Harrumpher
        Well, they won’t go that way again. Its called reconnaissance in force, and that’s what happens, they find strong points and advance another way.. That’s why they have thousands of armoured vehicles now, and more pouring in.


    • https://wpolityce.pl/swiat/649652-wysadzenie-tamyskrzypczakrosjanie-sa-wystraszeni-w-panice

      NASZ WYWIAD. Wysadzenie tamy w Nowej Kachowce. Co chcieli osiągnąć Rosjanie? Gen. Skrzypczak: Są wystraszeni, w panice

      opublikowano: godzinę temu

      Wysadzenie tamy w Nowej Kachowce/Gen. Waldemar Skrzypczak w studiu telewizji wPolsce.pl / autor: PAP/EPA/OFFICIAL CHANNEL PRESIDENT OF UKRAINE VOLODYMYR ZELENSKIY HANDOU/Youtube: wPolsce.pl

      „W mojej ocenie, w ciągu 3-5 dni, może trochę więcej, do 8 maksymalnie, należy spodziewać się tego głównego uderzenia armii ukraińskiej na armię rosyjską. Gdzie oni uderzą – to wiedzą tylko Ukraińcy i Zełenski, reszta to tylko spekulacje” – mówi portalowi wPolityce.pl gen. Waldemar Skrzypczak, były dowódca Wojsk Lądowych. (…)





      -Czy wysadzenie zapory na Dnieprze zagraża Zaporoskiej Elektrowni Atomowej? Jest komunikat koncernu Enerhoatomu!



      Mogli to zrobić w czasie ataku,a tak to działa na korzyść VSU czyli to im sie opłacało wywalić tamę.” Jak przekonuje na swoim kanale na Telegramie, po uszkodzeniu tamy powstanie możliwość przekroczenia Dniepru przez wojska ukraińskie na „szerokim obszarze poniżej Nowej Kachowki po znaczącym obniżeniu się poziomu wody w zbiorniku”.

      „Czy zrobią to, czy nie – na dwoje babka wróżyła” – pisze Girkin, dodając, że tak czy inaczej Rosja będzie zmuszona przerzucić w ten sektor dodatkowe odziały.

      „»Wymycie« naszych oddziałów z lewego brzegu Dniepru poniżej Nowej Kachowki. W tym wszystkich struktur obronnych i wszystkich pól minowych, które zostały »wymyte«, wszystkie polowe składy amunicji zostaną zalane, wszystkie materiały, których nie zdążymy załadować i wywieźć zostaną całkowicie lub częściowo zniszczone (a będzie ich dużo, niestety)” – ocenia Girkin.


    • Kakhovka dam destroyed. French tanks destroyed. Budanov disinfo. Canada weapons shortage. U/1
      Alex Christoforou
      15,807 views Jun 6, 2023

      Kakhovka dam destroyed. French tanks destroyed. Budanov disinfo. Canada weapons shortage. U/1 Topic 983

      Jimmy Braun
      The first stage of the widely publicized counter-offensive failed. The Russian army was ready for it and repelled all attacks. Out of desperation, the Armed Forces of Ukraine followed the well-known path of terror and on the night of June 6 they blew up the dam of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station, thereby causing a humanitarian and environmental catastrophe not only in the territory controlled by the Russians, but also in those areas where Ukrainian units are still stationed. The damage from the dam break has yet to be calculated, but it is already clear that it will be huge. And while the water is actively coming. Against the backdrop of the terrorist attack on the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station, the logic of Russian Sergei Surovikin becomes clear, who made the „difficult decision” last fall to withdraw the Russian troops from the right bank of the Dnieper. If they had remained there, then the grouping of several thousand Russian fighters would now be in a difficult situation and in complete encirclement due to a break in the dam.

      Emi Tizmo
      Destroyed the dam so they can have an excuse why they won’t do big counteroffensive. O man we were so ready but all this water now… O well we will do it later this year! Send 🤑

      Christopher Dizon
      Shame on Canada for delivering weapons. Canada should be delivering non-violent aid to Ukraine and stay neutral. You can give medicine and medical supplies, food and clothing to Ukraine and still be a neutral party to the conflict. Canada should and always be a country of pacifism and not one of aggression even when it is indirectly. Canada should be calling for peace. Trudeau is an embarrassment to Canada.

      Lise Lamoureux
      We have been arming and training azov nazis since 2014 when jason kenney CPC was defense minister under harper then PM.there is video were kenney is fondly looking on as freeland awkwardly hugs porochenko then ukraine president. Both side of Parliament clapped like clown seals when zelensky did his acting debut to canada. We are in this deep and dirty.

      Joe Blow
      There is no Canada…only the British Crown, Inc.

      HH71VM CAAD_5G
      The level of speculation is going through the roof. Everyone agrees Russia did it on traditional media, yet at the same time the talking heads agree that population under control of Russia is the one suffering.

      Wes Urry
      As the Ukrainian greatest millatary offensive has begun I tend to believe that Russia did it to limit the line of contact and complicate Ukrainain supply lines to Southern Ukraine where the offensive is in process.

      Just heard on UK news that there is no benefit for Ukraine to destroy the dam. Mental illness is rife in the uk😂

      So True
      ​ @Wes Urry Russia also blew up Nordstream, according to your logic.

      Ukraine Loses ENTIRE BRIGADE In Counteroffensive
      The Dive with Jackson Hinkle
      16K views 3 hours ago

      Tatjana Kisse
      The failure of the counter-offensive had to be justified somehow, and they simply blew up the Kakhava hydroelectric power station, blaming Russia for this. One of the reasons why the Russians withdrew from Kherson last year was the fear that the Ukrainians would blow up the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station. They repeatedly bombed the dam. The fears were justified.

      Rizky Zulkarnain
      The Ukrainian Counter Offensive was successfully in our hearts – Zelensky

      Polubione przez 1 osoba

    • 04 Jun: Finally! Ukrainians TOOK BY STORM THE SOUTHERN FRONT | War in Ukraine Explained
      Reporting from Ukraine
      672,924 views Jun 5, 2023

      I am Ukrainian. My country has been invaded by Russia. In this video I will tell you what happened on the four hundred and sixty sixth day of the war.

      Day 466: Jun 04

      Today there is a lot of good news. In the Belgorod region, after seeing that Russian forces were simply incapable of holding off even small assault groups, the Freedom of Russia Legion and Russian Volunteer Corps decided to rapidly increase the scale of their operations. The insurgent forces opened 7 more lines of attack and managed to secure at least 4 settlements, namely, Solntsevka, Sereda, Maryno, and Leninskiy; while the fights are taking place in 9 more settlements, including Zibrovka, Shebekino, and Voznesenovka. Combat footage confirms the ongoing operations in multiple settlements.

      Russian officials were forced to admit that the issue was not resolved and started a massive evacuation. At the moment, Russian forces lost control over 200 square kilometers of the Belgorod region. The crisis continues to escalate, and more and more sources start to consider Belgorod as a new front line. The scale of the operation also implies that the losses increase, which is why the commander of the Russian Volunteer Corps asked the Head of the Belgorod region to swap prisoners of war. The Head of the Belgorod region declined the offer, called them terrorists, and said that he doubted that Russian soldiers were alive anyways.

      The Head of the Wagner Group, Prigozhin, immediately responded by viciously criticizing the decision to basically abandon Russian soldiers and said that it costs nothing to organize a regular prisoner exchange that happens all the time anyways.

      Simultaneously, it was revealed that the Russian Ministry of Defense tried to ambush and kill the withdrawing Wagner forces from Bakhmut. Prigozhin said that his troops noticed strange activity in the rear, and when they checked the roads, it turned out that someone completely mined them as if planning to take out the whole convoy. Prigozhin said that they demined the area, but when withdrawing, they were hit with artillery fire that was probably supposed to take out the survivors after the mines detonated. The Wagner forces conducted an internal raid and took captive the artillery crew that fired at them. Later they showed a video with the commander of the Russian 72nd Brigade, that confessed that a group of 12 people under his command fired at Wagner forces.

      Prigozhin saw an opportunity in all these situations and basically said that for security reasons, he would not report when and where his forces deploy and that all operations would be conducted at his discretion, bypassing the Russian Ministry of Defense. Prigozhin immediately took action and started redeploying certain elements of his forces to the Belgorod region, claiming that if the Russian Ministry could not do its job and protect the Russian people, then he would do it himself. The Head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, recognized this opportunity as well and also said that he could help.

      In the meantime, Russian forces started losing Bakhmut. The moment the Wagner Group withdrew from the city and the DPR units became solely responsible for Bakhmut, Ukrainians entered the southwestern part of the city. Russian analysts are extremely worried that Ukrainians will leverage these gains in order to conduct a pincer movement on Klischiivka and breach the most formidable strong point without even storming it. Today a fighter from the Aidar battalion reported that they are exacerbating the situation by blocking the rotation process with artillery fire and based on the intercepted radio exchanges, Russians in Klischiivka may soon abandon their positions from lack of food and sheer exhaustion.

      However, the biggest news by far comes from the south. Here, Ukrainians launched a series of mechanized assaults. During the first stage of the offensive operation, Ukrainians opened 2 lines of attack: toward Novodarivka and Neskuchne. Russian sources reported that Ukrainians used up to 2 motorized rifle companies with several T-72 tanks. As a result, Russian defense was breached, and Russian troops retreated.

      Overall, Ukrainians managed to advance by 2 and, in some places, by 5 kilometers in 1 day and secure 2 settlements.

      05 Jun: Nice. Russians MISS THE MAIN ATTACK!!! | War in Ukraine Explained
      Reporting from Ukraine
      596,934 views Jun 6, 2023

      I am Ukrainian. My country has been invaded by Russia. In this video I will tell you what happened on the four hundred and sixty fifth day of the war.

      Day 467: Jun 05

      When it comes to the Belgorod region, the insurgent forces are ramping up the intensity of their attacks, and today the commander of the Russian Volunteer Corps reported that they completed the clearing of Tavolzhanka. The head of the Belgorod region confirmed that Russian forces lost control over the settlement and that the situation does not look promising for Russians at this time. As the clashes continued, combat footage showed how the insurgent destroyed at least 4 new tanks and armored fighting vehicles.

      When it comes to the Bakhmut direction, Ukrainians continue to advance. Today the Ukrainian Deputy Minister of Defense reported that Ukrainians made a series of successful assaults on the northern Bakhmut’s flank. The Head of the Wagner Group, Prigozhin, took an opportunity to criticize the regular Russian army for letting Ukrainians enter Berkhivka. Some sources indicate that other attacks were directed toward Dubovo-Vasylivka, Paraskoviivka, and Zaliznianske, but at the moment, there is no geolocated footage to confirm the gains.

      The situation of the southern Bakhmut’s flank is even more favorable for Ukrainians. As expected, Ukrainians quickly started using their gains to conduct a pincer movement on Klishchiivka. A commander of a detachment on the ground reported that Russians in Klishchiivka are about to abandon their positions because Ukrainians destroyed their logistics in the region, and there is no hope of support. Ukrainian soldiers released a warning to the Russian soldiers to leave their positions as soon as possible, or they will die from artillery fire. After seeing no movement, the Ukrainians opened intense fire. The intercepted radio exchanges revealed extreme panic and desperation. After demonstrating what was waiting for them, the Ukrainian stopped the fire and issued another warning to leave Klishchiiivka because they were operationally encircled.

      But the biggest news today once again comes from the south. Russian sources claimed that today Russian forces conducted a counterattack and pushed Ukrainians out of Neskuchne. Later, Russian sources reported that Ukrainians somehow assaulted the next settlement on the line – Storozheve – and again used several motorized rifle companies. Russian sources claimed that the attack was repelled, and Ukrainians were pushed out of these two settlements. Ukrainian sources reported that they captured Storozheve. It looks like Russians saw how Ukrainians were withdrawing their heavy equipment from the contact line after the assault and considered that Ukrainians retreated due to their intense artillery fire. However, as some analysts pointed out, Ukrainians likely left light infantry in the trenches to hold the area while prudently saving the equipment from the artillery fire. And such a decision is not surprising, especially given how small and vulnerable to artillery fire these settlements are and how intensely Russians used incendiary munitions today at night.

      When it comes to Novodarivka, here it looks like Russian forces indeed managed to recapture the village. Nonetheless, Ukrainians retained control over the fields in front of the settlement, which made it easier to attack. Russian sources reported that Ukrainians assaulted Novodarivka and Rivnopil from the north and used up to 1 battalion tactical group.

      However, the main Ukrainian attack came from the opposite direction. The commander of the Russian Volunteer Battalion Vostok reported that Ukrainians tricked Russian forces by making it look like they were preparing to reinforce the small attacks in the western part. He stated that this allowed Ukrainians to close the distance almost undetected, and because Ukrainians also simultaneously jammed radio signals, Russians could not request support and were defeated. Shortly, Ukrainians also launched assaults in the direction of Urozhaine and Novomaiorske, but just like last time, the goal was not to immediately capture the next settlements but rather widen the bridgehead and establish positions in the fields. Such a combination of highly coordinated actions allowed Ukrainians to achieve a very difficult task – cross the river, dissipate and establish a wide bridgehead.

      06 Jun: MAJOR TURMOIL!!! UKRAINIAN 20 km STRATEGIC BRIDGEHEAD WIPED OUT | War in Ukraine Explained
      Reporting from Ukraine
      296,399 views Jun 7, 2023

      I am Ukrainian. My country has been invaded by Russia. In this video I will tell you what happened on the four hundred and sixty sixth day of the war.

      Day 468: Jun 06

      Today the biggest news comes from the Kherson region. Here, due to the partial destruction of the Kahovka Hydroelectric Power Plant, the water has wiped out dozens of settlements and islands and caused a huge ecological and humanitarian problem.

      The dam is an extremely powerful structure that can only be damaged by planting tons of explosives. The Russian Ministry of Defense claimed that this is exactly what Ukrainians did. Defense Minister Shoigu reported that Russian forces completely defeated the Ukrainian counteroffensive in the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukrainians decided to compensate for the losses by redeploying everyone from the Kherson region, and because Ukrainians were afraid that Russians would take advantage of the empty front line and again capture Kherson, Ukrainians blew up the dam.

      The Ukrainian side responded by pointing out that the hole in the dam is located in the middle, and since Russians had destroyed the bridge on the Ukrainian side, only Russians had access to the middle section of the dam, and only Russians could transport tons of explosives.

      Ukrainian officials claimed that Russians decided to blow up the dam because Ukrainians had gradually established control over all islands and were ready open a second southern front and conduct an amphibious operation. In fear that they would not be able to cope with the Ukrainian offensive in Zaporizhia and Kherson simultaneously, Russians blew up the dam and wiped out all Ukrainian positions on the islands.

      Interestingly, some Ukrainian sources pointed out that the same occupation officials that blamed Ukraine at first pretended that there were no explosions. The news about the explosion started appearing at 2 am. At 3 am, the occupation mayor of Nova Kahovka reported that the news about the explosion is fake and that he is in the town and confirms that the night has been quiet. 50 minutes later, he said that Ukrainians were shelling the dam all night and damaged the flood-gates.

      The analysts concluded that Russians tried to make a relatively small hole in the dam to flood only Ukrainians on the islands. Close to 4 am they understood that they had screwed up because the power of water gradually amplified the destruction, and the top part of the dam started to fall apart.

      As a result, the Ukrainian counteroffensive from the Kherson direction is temporarily canceled. The river is 4-5 kilometers wide, so Ukrainians will be spotted and destroyed before even getting close to the other side of the river. Right now, Ukrainians are conducting an evacuation of their troops and ammunition that they shipped to the islands.

      Interestingly, Russians are doing the same. Because the flood turned out to be much bigger than expected, a lot of Russian positions were gradually cut off from the mainland and turned into shrinking islands. In the morning, many Russian social media channels started warning all Russian soldiers that they had only 2 hours to leave, not 3 days. This means that Russian forces were preliminarily informed to abandon their positions, however, because the timing turned out to be off, not all Russians soldiers could be saved on time, and many of them were wiped out by the current.

      Because the flood turned out to be much more severe, in the long run, Russian may even end up inflicting more damage to themselves. Some Ukrainian analysts reported that many parts of the first line of Russian defense have already appeared underwater. Most of the ammunition and equipment will not be saved, the trenches will be turned into pools, and the fortification along the bank will be wiped out. The water is expected to recede in around 2 weeks, and it is unlikely that Russians can resupply the whole Kherson group.

      Simultaneously, as the water level upstream is rapidly dropping, the width of the river in this region can shrink to the point where Ukrainians will unlock a new direction for an amphibious attack and will be able to pick the place on a 250 km front instead of just 70. Such an attack will be even more destructive to the Russian plans, as they will not be able to deploy enough troops to police the whole eastern bank, while simultaneously defensing against the counteroffensive in Zaporizhia.

      07 Jun: MASTERFUL PLANNING! Ukrainians LEAVE RUSSIANS NO CHANCE TO WIN | War in Ukraine Explained
      Reporting from Ukraine
      107,578 views Jun 8, 2023

      I am Ukrainian. My country has been invaded by Russia. In this video I will tell you what happened on the four hundred and sixty seventh day of the war.

      Day 469: Jun 07

      The first attack was directed toward Lobkove. Ukrainians reportedly used at least two squads consisting of 4 armored fighting vehicles and 2 Humvees, which means that it was a light reconnaissance-in-force operation. After a short engagement, Ukrainians understood the most current Russian positions and the number of troops defending them and withdrew with minor losses. Immediately after the attack, Ukrainian artillery shelled the region intensely in cooperation with drone operators, who corrected the fire to maximize the damage.

      After a quick regrouping, Ukrainians assaulted Russians in Lobkove again. One assault unit advanced from Stepove and attacked Russians from the hills. If we look at the topographic map, we can see that Lobkove is located in the lowlands, which means that Ukrainians had a tactical advantage. However, Russians in Zherebianky are also at elevated positions and could with ease fire at Ukrainians. That is why the second Ukrainian group advanced along the gully and assaulted Zherebianky, drawing their attention away from the main target. Russian sources reported that they stopped Ukrainians 1 km away from Zherebianky, which means that Ukrainians never left the gully and confirms that they were just distracting the enemy. Russian sources reported that Ukrainians also used 2 tanks to provide fire support from a distance and help to take Lobkove as fast as possible. As a result, Ukrainians destroyed Russians in Lobkove and penetrated Russian positions by 2 km. Some Russian sources reported that Ukrainians immediately abandoned Lobkove, and the village became a grey zone, but just like the last time, these reports were based on the fact that Ukrainians withdrew heavy equipment away from the contact line after a successful assault.

      Lastly, when it comes to the previous successful Ukrainian attack on Novodonetske, the area of Ukrainian control has shank due to the Russian counterattacks. Nonetheless, Russian sources confirm here as well that Ukrainians retained a foothold south of the river, which is located on the tactical heights west of the settlement. We can observe that the Head of the Wagner forces, Prigozhin, was likely right when he criticized the obsession of the Russian High Command with settlements. He said that regular Russian forces often prioritize holding or capturing settlements over tactical positions around these settlements, which basically means choosing the path of the most resistance.

      Prigozhin said that this produces good-looking reports instead of good situations on the ground. Prigozhin also ridiculed the most recent Russian situational report, where Defense Minister Shoigu reported that they destroyed 8 Leopards during the fights around Novodonetske. Russian Ministry of Defense decided to back up its claims and solidify its reputation and posted combat footage of how its assault helicopter Ka-52 destroyed 4 Leopards just 3 km north of Novodonetske. Unfortunately for the Russian Ministry of Defense, people quickly identified from the silhouette that all of the targets were combine harvester. Fortunately, there were casualties as the farmers were not working at the time. Today real combat footage was finally released, and it confirms that Ukrainians mostly used T-64 tanks. So far, the strategic reserves, namely the 9th and 10th Corps, that Ukrainians created specifically to participate in the main phase of the counteroffensive remain untouched, and Leopard tanks have not been used as well. Just like during the previous counteroffensive operations, Ukrainians are increasing the intensity of attacks along the whole front line slowly, and only when they reach the main line of fortification and can no longer advance by conducting small attacks Ukrainians will pick the weakest spot and finally use their Leopards to deliver the main blow.


    • Is Ukraine’s Offensive Failing? | Summer Offensive Update 07/06/23
      Weeb Union
      26,425 views Jun 7, 2023

      Ein X
      At this point, I’m believing more about the rumored Poland entering the frontline than the hyped falteroffensive.

      Just a turtle
      They’ll be taken care of by Russian artillery too💪🇷🇺

      Еrror1010 1
      The destruction of the Dam was just a diversion from the failed Big Couter offensive. The ukries retreaded to their starting positions with a lot of casualties

      digvijay sandhu
      I think it was done by Ukraine to submerge the Russian trench network on the left side of Dnipro river so as to launch amphibious attack so as to bypass the the Russian defensive line along zaporizhia front.

      Not pot
      @digvijay sandhu will not be so easy since they had built lines behind the ones near the river
      People tought it was a waste of time but now we see the reason

      Gabe Caine
      Your reasons for Ukrainian forces destroying the dam are paper thin. How you can so easily construct and then believe these reasons reveals much about your stance.

      Evgeniy Raevskiy
      @Gabe Caine main reason for the version that Ukraine did it is because their general said in december 2022 that they are testing destruction of the dam as a last resort option

      Not pot
      First mention to attacks to the dam i found was from July 2022
      Then afterwards Surovikin complaints that shelling at the dam put soldiers at risk
      Then during retreat it was one of the reasons he said

      Defense Politics Asia: War
      5,588 views Jun 7, 2023 #War #Military #UkraineWar

      00:00 Intro
      00:46 Southern Front (Kherson)
      06:10 Southern Front (Enerhodar)
      08:33 Zaporizhzhia Front (Lobkove)
      09:42 Zaporizhzhia Front (Velyka Novosilka)
      13:55 Donetsk Front (Novodonetske)
      19:41 Russia claims on Ukrainian losses and Leopard Tanks
      27:59 Donetsk Front
      29:13 Avdiivka Front
      33:45 Bakhmut Front (Southern Flank)
      37:42 Bakhmut Front (Northern Flank)
      40:59 Bakhmut-Siversk Front (Rozdolivka)
      43:32 Siversk Front
      44:36 Kreminna Front
      45:46 Svatove Front
      46:40 Kupyansk Front
      48:29 Kharkiv Front
      50:34 Conclusion

      This is the FULL Summary / SITREP of Day 467-468’s development in the Ukraine-Russia war as we start off the day in the afternoon (ukraine time) of Day 469 of Russian’s „Special Military Operation” against Ukraine.

      When you give a major power like Russia months to prepare for a well announced offensive, what do you really expect to happen?
      • This war is over for Ukraine!
      • Now when Ukraine’s Offensive steam runout, they will have nothing much left to stop any major
      Russian offensive.

      Procavia Capensis
      Russia took 8 months to capture Bakhmut using their best troops.
      Russia can’t even defend it’s own borders.

      @Procavia Capensis when you think Ukraine will get to Crimea or Mariupol?

      Dmitry Yazov
      @buntik1687 He can’t think, that’s the problem. If he knew how think, he wouldn’t have written that comment.


      • [ Bakhmut Front ] DOUBLE PINCER BY UKRAINE DEVELOPING ON RUSSIAN BAKHMUT; Berkhivka must hold for RF
        Defense Politics Asia: War
        5,497 views Jun 7, 2023

        Christoph Becker
        Finally DPA can use up his blue crayons! 😉

        Commander you are awarded with the highet price in vector drawing 👍👍👍👍

        Lun Thang
        Yes, its to delay, all the picer were already stop

        [ VELYKA NOVOSILKA ] UKRAINE OPENS 3RD FRONT AT NOVODONETSKE; Intensifying ops, in possible pincer
        Defense Politics Asia
        1.4K views 20 minutes ago

        Neggy2010 Neggy
        Man u need to be updated u always behind this was yesterday and u reporting it today

        He’s in China they are 2 days behind.😂😂

        Wallace, you like to draw your arrows on the map, don’t you?😅


    • The Ukrainian Spring counter-offensive is a Massive Failure
      Douglas Macgregor Straight Calls
      9,412 views Jun 8, 2023

      Col Douglas Macgregor Straight Calls – Ukraine news today and in-depth discussion of current geopolitical events in the United States of America. Colonel Douglas Macgregor’s Ukraine Russia war update, Russian offensive, Ukraine counter offensive, Ukraine latest news, Ukraine war news, Ukraine war video footage, Ukraine Russia news, Russia Ukraine war update and Ukraine war 2023.

      Gee Row R.
      The Nazi patch was obvious the two weeks of the war. I looked the emblem up, because I knew Zelensky was not a military man. He changed it after some of us, pointed it out. But NATO knew what that patch meant from the beginning. We fought the Nazis in WWII and now were are supporting them. SMH.

      Alexander Friedeler
      I agree with nearly everything and i admire the deep knowledge of Colonel MC Gregor .The explosion of the dam by the Ukrainiens has ,to my opinion ,one reason :if you tell the world (and especially your financial supporters) that you start a counterattack ,but you do not have the power to do so , you blame it on „bad circumstances”,the damage by the dam destruction

      The Russians Repulsed All Attacks And Continue to Defend. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.06.08
      Military Summary
      21,859 views Premiered 2 hours ago

      This video describes the military situation in Ukraine on the 8th of June 2023

      ade dorn
      What the NATO countries actually said was they would consider deployed troops after the war… assuming Ukraine wins 😂

      Lone Tankman
      1943:The great assault on Kursk
      2023:The great probe on Zaporizhia

      2022: Great reorganization from Kyiv. 2022: straightening the from lines from Kharkiv; 2022: Tactical withdrawal from Kherson :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

      Albin Vega
      Operation Bakhmut Meat Grinder results:
      1. 6.5 thousand foreign mercenaries of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were destroyed.
      2. 10 thousand units of military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed.
      3. 35 thousand units of weapons of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were taken as trophies.
      4. More than 50 aircraft and helicopters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed.
      5. 55,000 soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were killed.
      6. 85 thousand soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were wounded.
      7. Such a large percentage of the dead was due to the fact that the Armed Forces of Ukraine were almost surrounded and did not have time to take out the wounded.
      8. PMC Wagner has also losses, but several times less.
      9. 10 brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were completely destroyed and deprived of combat capability.
      10. 21 brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were defeated and withdrawn to the rear for reorganization.
      11. All these brigades were preparing for the offensive but instead of an offensive, they were defeated in Bakhmut.


      • https://wpolityce.pl/polityka/649904-ekspert-przy-nato-decydujacy-moment-wojny-na-ukrainie

        Ekspert przy NATO: Trwa decydujący moment wojny na Ukrainie. „Nie zaczyna się od dużego uderzenia, większe działania następują później”

        opublikowano: za godzinę

        Prezydent Zełenski odwiedzający obwód chersoński / autor: PAP/EPA/MYKOLA TYMCHENKO

        Trwa decydujący moment wojny na Ukrainie, z wojskowego punktu widzenia ukraińska kontrofensywa już się rozpoczęła – powiedział PAP Janis Sarts, dyrektor Centrum Eksperckiego NATO ds. Komunikacji Strategicznej w Rydze.

        „Nie zaczyna się od dużego uderzenia”
        PAP rozmawiała z Sartsem w środę, przed rozpoczęciem dwudniowej konferencji Riga StratCom Dialogue. Ekspert podkreślił, że według niego Ukraina znajduje się w „decydującym momencie wojny”. Jak dodał, sukces kontrofensywy albo jego brak będzie miał istotne znaczenie dla dalszego przebiegu wojny, jej długości i potencjalnego wyniku.

        Z wojskowego punktu widzenia kontrofensywa już się rozpoczęła; nie zaczyna się od dużego uderzenia, większe działania następują później

        — zaznaczył ekspert.

        Rozmówca PAP odniósł się do zniszczenia zapory hydroelektrowni w Nowej Kachowce, do którego doszło nocą z poniedziałku na wtorek.

        Im więcej widzę dowodów, im więcej analizuję danych… Nie nazwałbym tego wypadkiem, lecz czymś, co nie było zaplanowane przez Rosję, jednak było winą Rosji – ujmijmy to tak

        — powiedział.

        W najbliższych dniach pojawi się więcej informacji na temat tego, czy była to eksplozja czy nie. Ja myślę, że tak

        — dodał.

        Jest wiele dowodów – i jest to logiczne z perspektywy wojskowej – że tama była zaminowana przez Rosję, ale czas wybuchu nie za bardzo ma sens

        — uzupełnił.

        Dlaczego Rosjanie zaminowali tamę?
        Jednak, jak już widzieliśmy podczas tej wojny, Rosji nie idzie zbyt dobrze pod względem efektywnej kontroli łańcuchu dowodzenia. Bardzo prawdopodobne, że wydarzyło się coś, co spowodowało tę eksplozję, niosącą straszne skutki dla ekologii, dla ludzi, dla przyszłości Ukrainy

        — zauważył.

        W ocenie Sartsa tama została zaminowana przez rosyjskie wojska m.in., by przeciwdziałać ukraińskiej ofensywie, jednak czas wybuchu „nie wydaje się sensowny”.

        Po pierwsze, w celu powstrzymania ukraińskiej kontrofensywy Rosja mogłaby sięgnąć po „lepsze opcje”; po drugie, większość rosyjskich żołnierzy wciąż była w trakcie eksplozji na obszarze dotkniętym skutkami zniszczenia tamy

        — wyliczył łotewski ekspert.

        We wtorek prezydent Ukrainy Wołodymyr Zełenski oznajmił po naradzie z najwyższym dowództwem wojskowym, że Rosjanie celowo wysadzili tamę na Dnieprze w Nowej Kachowce, ale działali chaotycznie i zatopili swój sprzęt. Szef państwa zapewnił, że wysadzenie w powietrze zapory nie wpłynęło na możliwość wyzwalania terytoriów przez Siły Zbrojne Ukrainy.


        Barbarzyńskie zniszczenie zapory to tragicznie skutki dla ludności, zwierząt i środowiska a z drugiej strony z uwagi na obniżenie się lustra wody powyżej zapory otwiera nowe możliwości przeprawy przez Dniepr wojsku Ukraińskiemu.

        Tak !! czas na kolejny etap rozwalania Mordoru!!!! jest niereformowalny!! 300 lat prób cywilizowania Mordoru poniosło klęskę!!! Świat chce sie bogacić i handlować – Mordor stoi temu na drodze!! Przed rozgrywka świata z Chinami musi nastąpić ostateczne rozwiązanie problemu Mordoru- i to sie właśnie zaczyna!!! hehehehehehehehe Zachodnia bronia i ukraińskim żołnierzem!!!

        Teściowa says PiS
        List gończy za Putinem i oferta do Rosjan o wydanie Putina organom ścigania i postawieniem przed sądem w zamian za zdjęcie sankcji i przywrócenie Rosji Światu.

        Skowyt ruSSkich onuc na forum, to miodzio na moje serce. Brawo Ukraina! ✌️ a roSSiji ☠️!



        Gen. Polko ocenia: Ukraińska kontrofensywa, choć jeszcze nie pełnoskalowa, już się rozpoczęła. Celem jest izolacja Krymu

        opublikowano: 3 godziny temu

        Ukraiński żołnierz w Chersoniu, zalanym po wysadzeniu przez Rosjan zapory w Nowej Kachowce / autor: PAP/EPA

        Ukraińska kontrofensywa, choć jeszcze nie pełnoskalowa, to już się rozpoczęła. Jej celem jest izolacja Krymu, zniszczenie Mostu Krymskiego i odcięcie od zaopatrzenia droga lądową – ocenił w rozmowie z PAP b. dowódca GROM gen. Roman Polko. (…)

        Panie generale, wielomiesięczne już zapowiadanie ukraińskiej ofensywy skutkuje takimi a nie innymi krokami bandytów z Kremla. Te nie kończące się zapowiedzi zaczynają byćc już groteskowe.

        No proszę, ten Polko potwierdza że tamę wysadziły pomioty ban derowskie! Izolacja Krymu jest celem, najpierw odcięli wodę, zobaczymy do czego się jeszcze posuną!

        A jakby rząd sług żydowskiego komika z kijowa odesłał by tych ukrywających się w Polsce banderowskich dezerterów to by ruskich czapkami przykryli!



        Niezależny ekspert: Rozpoczęła się ofensywa. To już jest pewne. „Nocne uderzenie zakończyło się ograniczonymi zyskami terenowymi”

        opublikowano: 11 minut temu

        Zdj. ilustracyjne / autor: Fratria

        „Rozpoczęła się ofensywa. To już jest pewne. Nocne uderzenie UA zakończyło się ograniczonymi zyskami terenowymi” – napisał na Twitterze niezależny ekspert ds. bezpieczeństwa Artur Micek. (…)

        Skoro odbili się od umocnień i nie zdołali przełamać pierwszej linii (a tych lini jest sporo) to sporo swojego gruzu 200 zostawią na przedpolach. Jedno jest pewne. Tysiące kacapów i banderowców juź nigdy nie podniesie swojej łapy na Polskę i Polaków.

        że Rosjanie wysadzając tamę, przeprowadzili kontrofensywę i jeszcze odcięli Krym od wody, tak, właśnie tak było…



        Barbarzyństwo! Rzecznik chersońskiej administracji: Rosjanie pod groźbą rozstrzelania nie pozwalają na ewakuację z zalanych terenów

        opublikowano: wczoraj

        autor: PAP/Vladyslav Musiienko/Twitter Anton Gerashchenko

        Rosyjskie wojska okupacyjne „pod groźbą rozstrzelania” nie zezwalają na ewakuację ludności z terenów zalanych przez wody Dniepru po wysadzeniu we wtorek zapory w Nowej Kachowce – poinformował w środę PAP rzecznik Chersońskiej Obwodowej Administracji Wojskowej Ołeksandr Tołokonnikow. (…)

        Zobaczymy czy banderowiec z kijowa zgodzi się na międzynarodową komisję do zbadania tego barbarzyństwa, zaproponowaną przez Erdogana?

        Do Max48 #34888 Zawrzyj swoją kremlowską jadaczkę, cuchnąca ruska onuco. Do Rosji zmykaj, zanim cię dorwiemy i oddamy naszym służbom, tu nie miejsce dla zdrajców Polski



        Szef RB Ukrainy: Putin osobiście podjął decyzję o wysadzeniu zapory w Nowej Kachowce. Rosjanie nie uprzedzili nawet swoich żołnierzy

        opublikowano: wczoraj


        Decyzja o wysadzeniu zapory na Dnieprze w Nowej Kachowce nie została podjęta ani przez rosyjskiego ministra obrony Siergieja Szojgu, ani żadnego z dowódców wojskowych, lecz osobiście przez Władimira Putina – oznajmił sekretarz Rady Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego i Obrony Ukrainy (RNBiO) Ołeksij Daniłow. (…)

        E tam, nie tylko osobiście podjął decyzję! Osobiście Putin wysadził zaporę! Ban derowskie d u r n i e karnosiowate!


        Defense Politics Asia: War
        20,915 views Jun 8, 2023 #War #Military #UkraineWar

        00:00 Intro
        00:08 Ukrainian MoD misinformation
        02:55 All flood gates open at Zaporizhzhia Dam
        06:23 Zaporizhzhia Front (Kamyanske)
        09:50 Zaporizhzhia Front (Orikhiv)
        11:40 Zaporizhzhia Front (Velyka Novosilka)
        13:58 Donetsk Front
        16:38 Avdiivka Front
        17:42 Bakhmut Front
        19:48 Siversk Front
        20:33 Kreminna Front
        21:18 Svatove Front
        21:38 Kupyansk Front
        23:49 Kharkiv Front
        24:17 Conclusion

        This is the FULL Summary / SITREP of Day 469’s development in the Ukraine-Russia war as we start off the day in the afternoon (ukraine time) of Day 470 of Russian’s „Special Military Operation” against Ukraine.

        JADEANO Muzik
        lol. The Ukrainian supporters are having a meltdown in this feed. I always find it interesting that no matter the channel, you can always depend on this group to rant, rage, and chastise any deviates from the „Russia is evil” narrative. I am sorry bro you said all the right things but in this dispensation of a Western-backed Ukrainian propaganda run, you must comply. Don’t question it .

        Shannon Smith
        Thank you, Wyatt. Professional soldiers on both sides are exactly that, professional soldiers. Human beings. The other side’s soldiers are the same as your side. Noone would act like that in this kind of situation.

        Andre Heck
        Except some people have an idea of subhumans. And there are such troops often reported about.

        Peter Bloemer
        Remember Bucha?

        Júlio Pulse
        Remember Kramatorsk train station?

        Not Today
        The dam was destroyed by Ukrainians. Even if it was no direct strike by any side this time, the dam has been severely hit during the fall and winter period by Ukrainian shelling. Especially after they were failing the Kherson offensive. The structural damage to the dam, which has been reported multiple times by Russia, was the main reason why they pulled out of Kherson despite being on the counter-offensive against Ukrainians.

        Belgorod People’s Republic
        If it was severely hit, why did Russia rise the water levels to a new record high? But ne, there are videos out that clearly show the dam exploded from inside, so it had to be Russia, they were they only side with access to dam internals.

        John Jennings
        @Belgorod People’s Republic They didnt raise the water levels. The Ukrainians did – they control the other 6 sluce gates on the river. The combined total of these gates exceeds teh capacity of the overspill in the (older) dam. Overspill is also managed nowadays with the Criimea canal, remember. What the video shows to me is the turbine overspinning and disintegrating – not an explosion internally. The dam as a whole was not destroyed. The Turbine hall, and accomanying gates have been destroyed. The ship lock and the other 2/3rds remain (a testament to soviet engineering). The whole dam, even below the waterline hasnt been destroyed (it might go yet). The ukrainians have released the water upstream, making potential damage worse and prolonging the flooding.

        UKRAINES SUPERWEAPON FAILING | Summer Offensive Update 08/06/23
        Weeb Union
        41,559 views Jun 8, 2023

        Giraffe Factory
        who would have thought that good old shovel and land mines are still the best defensive weapons. Having total air superiority helps too of course

        F K
        Clown-ensky „if our probing attacks are sucessful then our counter offensive is well underway, however if the counter offensive fails then it was just probing attacks”

        Matthew Fusaro
        They are not probing attacks if they attack in the same place over and over again with no success.


    • Ukraine Lost a Leopard 2 Tank?! First loss of a Leopard 2 tank…
      26,928 views Jun 8, 2023

      It appears that at least one Leopard 2 tank got destroyed in a recent artillery strike conducted on a Ukrainian armored column in the Zaporozhye region…

      Hahahah ‚Leopard 2′ Tank Seen Destroyed In Russian Media Video Was Actually A Farm Harvester
      Hahahaa fake news

      It wasn’t just one leopard, but a whole column, together with a bunch of bradleys, based on all the footage at least.

      burn well) let’s next!))))

      ni 92
      No the video only show one tank burning, the other vehicles burning couldn’t be identified but they’re likely Bradley.

      @ni 92 Well considering the footage before burning when vehicles were still intact clearly showed at least 8 leopards, we don’t need to guess much to know they’re the same ones burning in later footage. It’s not like some of them magically disappeared.

      ​ @BeyerT1 You are still makinga an assumption without actual confirmation. It is impossible to see the vehicle type under the smoke, and it is impossible to know what movements occurred between the intact video and burning video 🙄…….

      Money Minute
      @Mrdumbfellow Immobilized and abandoned vehicles are Great targets , so be ready to see upcoming videos of all of those vehicles burning .

      Steven Parent
      This is no surprise tanks get destroyed in war, especially with all the new weapons made to destroy them, I would personally dread being in a tank during war.

      Ryan Smith
      They are killing tanks with shovels? Wow. Impressive.

      Kind of expected… NATO tanks weren’t going to be game changers due to Russia having an overwhelming artillery/air support advantage. Also, using Leopard 2s in an attack means this wasn’t a reconnaissance in force, but a main attack.

      Hasselnøtt Per
      To be expected. This may be that „big offensive” if they’re actually using them now. Why else waste them?

      Its definitely part of the big offensive, but the way it seems to have started it looks like Ukraine isnt throwing everything it has on one location (you cant see Challengers or Bradleys atleast on this footage) at once, so they could be doing several attacks along the front lines and trying to find whats the best position to try to make bigger breakthrough.

      Sadly Ruskies have had time to dig in, so no matter where they attack, it wont be easy and its naive to think there wouldnt be big casulties on Ukraine’s side as well.

      Alex Fang
      @Balnazzardi they are probing. Trying to see where the lines are weakest. These soldiers were sent to die because they want to know how Russian soldiers will react. It seems cold but that’s the truth.

      Lothar Scholz
      It’s not the anger that the tank got destroyed but how stupid the action was

      @Alex Fang These soldiers were sent to recon not to die.

      @Alex Fang Yeah, that’s why Ukraine is begging Poland to send reinforcement troops.


      • Donbass Zugzwang | Zaporozhye… One-Way Ticket. Military Summary For 2023.06.08
        Military Summary
        12,475 views Premiered 25 minutes ago

        This video describes the military situation in Ukraine on the 8th of June 2023

        While Ukrops on the south front tried all night and all day to achieve something with their mass „recon in force” and largely failed due to insufficient artillery and air support, Belgorod region got shelled by literally hundreds to thousands shells from all kinds of artillery, with occasional long range rocket strikes. It’s like they’ve gone completely mad.

        Vlajko Dzudovic
        They did not believe 250 000 Russian soldiers are waiting in Zaporozhie….Well now they believe….

        Cheesy Peas
        Panic mode has set in .

        Vlajko Dzudovic
        @Cheesy Peas Ukie emotional damage overload 😂😂😂😂😂

        Funko Ritmix
        the people who give such commands have mindset of psychopats & i hope those of them (commanders who give orders civilian targets to be attacked) who survive the SMO will have to pay for their crimes with long jail sentences…

        This is anecdotal and not 100% confirmed. But the war correspondent Marat Khairullin said on a Russian podcast that when Ukrainian units take Russian POW’s, they call their families directly, asking for money. If this is the case, combined with their incursions into “old Russia”, drone strikes on Moscow, and other questionable tactics, it is a sign of an impending Ukrainian collapse. You just don’t conduct such actions when you are in a position of strength. These are tactics of the weak.


      • https://wpolityce.pl/swiat/649950-kontrofensywa-rozpoczeta-ukrainski-sztab-zaprzecza

        Co dzieje się na froncie? Media donoszą o rozpoczęciu kontrofensywy. Ukraiński sztab generalny zaprzecza. „Potężna blokada informacyjna”

        opublikowano: 33 minuty temu
        aktualizacja: 32 minuty temu

        Ukraińska artyleria (zdj. ilustracyjne) / autor: Facebook / Генеральний штаб ЗСУ / General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

        Nie mamy takiej informacji – odpowiedział rzecznik prasowy Sztabu Generalnego Sił Zbrojnych Ukrainy na pytanie agencji Reutera o doniesienia zachodnich mediów o rozpoczęciu ukraińskiej kontrofensywy. „Po stronie ukraińskiej jest potężna blokada informacyjna” – podkreśla niezależny ekspert z Polski.

        Nie komentujemy informacji opartych na anonimowych źródłach – dodał rzecznik.

        O rozpoczęciu oczekiwanej od miesięcy ukraińskiej kontrofensywy informowały w czwartek, powołując się na ukraińskich wojskowych, m.in. telewizja NBC oraz dziennik „Washington Post”.

        Również władze Rosji od kilku dni twierdzą, że rozpoczęło się szerokie kontrnatarcie. Strona ukraińska apeluje, by nie sugerować się oświadczeniami Moskwy i jej propagandy, a ufać wyłącznie oficjalnym źródłom ukraińskim.

        Co piszą analitycy ISW?
        Również Instytut Studiów nad Wojną (ISW) pisze o rozpoczęciu ukraińskiej kontrofensywy. Zdaniem amerykańskiego think tanku aktywność armii wskazuje „na to, że operacje toczą się na całym teatrze ukraińskich działań kontrofensywnych”.

        Blokada informacyjna
        Również niezależny ekspert ds. bezpieczeństwa Artur Micek ocenia, że Ukraińcy rozpoczęli już uderzenie. Jednak podkreśla, że „po stronie ukraińskiej jest potężna blokada informacyjna, a u rosyjskiej oznaki paniki lub fake newsy”.

        SPRAWDŹ SZCZEGÓŁY: Niezależny ekspert: Rozpoczęła się ofensywa. To już jest pewne. „Nocne uderzenie zakończyło się ograniczonymi zyskami terenowymi”

        Najcięższe walki na czterech odcinkach frontu
        W wieczornym podsumowaniu sytuacji na froncie w czwartek Sztab Generalny ukraińskiej armii powiadomił, że najcięższe walki toczą się na czterech odcinkach frontu na wschodzie kraju – łymańskim, bachmuckim, awdijiwskim i marjinskim.

        Sztab przekazał również informację, że na okupowanym lewym brzegu Dniepru w obwodzie chersońskim Rosjanie rozmieszczają powodzian w obiektach wojskowych.

        W miejscowościach tymczasowo okupowanego obwodu chersońskiego okupanci wykorzystują skutki popełnionej przez nich zbrodni (chodzi o wysadzenie tamy na Dnieprze w Nowej Kachowce – PAP) w swoich celach. M.in. ludzie, którzy ewakuowali się z zalanych miejscowości, są rozmieszczani w pensjonatach i bazach wypoczynkowych, gdzie są już rozlokowane oddziały wojskowe. W ten sposób najeźdźcy próbują się zabezpieczyć, zasłaniając się cywilami

        — podano w komunikacie dowództwa.


        Waszyngton pod wrażeniem pierwszego etapu kontrofensywy SZU. Biały Dom jest pod wrażeniem większych niż oczekiwano sukcesów Sił Zbrojnych Ukrainy podczas rozpoczętej kontrofensywy, pisze felietonista The Washington Post, David Ignatius, powołując się na swoje źródła.

        Jak pisze Ignatius, siły ukraińskie rozpoczęły 5 czerwca ofensywę jednocześnie w kilku rejonach na kierunku południowym. Mimo zaminowanych terenów jednostkom Sił Zbrojnych Ukrainy udało się przedrzeć przez roSSyjską obronę i posunąć się 10–20 km do przodu.

        Felietonista WP zauważa, że obecne tempo ofensywy daje nadzieję, że wojskom ukraińskim uda się dotrzeć do Mariupola, Melitopola i przeciąć roSSyjski korytarz lądowy na Krym. Jednak Doradca szefa Kancelarii Prezydenta Ukrainy Mychajło Podoliak zauważył, że wielka kontrofensywa jeszcze się nie rozpoczęła. „To jeszcze nie jest główny cios – jest dopiero przygotowywany. Będzie szybki i potężny, jednocześnie w kilku miejscach, z przełamaniem obrony na całą głębokość. Do tej pory główne siły nie zostały nawet zaangażowane” 👍

        ” Leopardy walczą na Ukrainie. Rusza ofensywa ” . ” Coraz więcej źródeł wskazuje na rozpoczęcie przez siły zbrojne Ukrainy zakrojonych na szeroką skalę działań ofensywnych przeciwko wojskom rosyjskim okupującym nadal znaczną część ukraińskiego terytorium. Pojawiają się jednak sprzeczne informacje co do przebiegu walk oraz strat ponoszonych przez obie strony. Wiadomo już jednak, że do działań zostały wprowadzone ukraińskie czołgi Leopard 2. ” – więcej na portalu defence24.pl

        Tak, jeszcze nie rozpoczęli bo juź na wstępie odbili się od ściany więc trzeba ściemniać, źe ich tam nie ma a ruscy walczą sami z sobą. Typowe banderowskie zakłamanie.

        Szczerbiec, ruski łachu wy 16 miesięcy odbijacie się od ściany.


  25. Nord Stream scapegoat of Kiev. Dam distraction. Shoigu, 52 tanks lost. Australia, junk Hornets. U/1
    Alex Christoforou
    6,851 views Jun 7, 2023

    Nord Stream scapegoat of Kiev. Dam distraction. Shoigu, 52 tanks lost. Australia, junk Hornets. U/1 Topic 984

    „We’re working with Ukranians to find out whether it was them who blew up the dam or not” slow clapping

    After blaming them for the nordstream bombing lol

    Shannon Hultz
    Fox guarding the hen house.🤣😂🤣🙃🤣

    Laurent Tru
    Yeah Kirby, and please let us know when you find out…..

    blaming Ukraine on the Nord Stream sabotage is a clever move:
    – the US Corporation avoid the blame
    – Ukraine gets the international recognition of a capability it doesn´t have
    – Germany suffers the loss and gets the embarassment of been giving aid to „those who destroyed” the pipelines

    Ivica Ivan Zeljko
    Clever?? Maybe in short term and exclusively among selected collective west countries. Not so in the real world. Ukraine is admitting and ” bragging” about being terrorist country. In the long run, that will backfire big time. Most countries are already distancing themselves politically and economically

    Ukraine BOMBS Kakhovka Dam, US BLAMES Nord Stream On Zelensky
    The Dive with Jackson Hinkle
    43,797 views Streamed live 14 hours ago

    LC KEE
    USA speaks with forked tongue. Now blaming Zelensky for Nord Stream. Sounds like a plan to get rid of a millstone

    Zelrnsky will get Osamabinladened fast.

    As we say: Two flies with one strike……

    Olivia Sukamto
    The Native American says the pilgrim speaks with forked tongue . Trust at your own peril . Minks agreement !!!

    Polubione przez 1 osoba

  26. Can Ukraine’s Counter-Offensive Triumph?
    VisualPolitik EN
    10,286 views Jun 8, 2023 #Ukraine #Russia #VisualPolitik

    The long-awaited Ukrainian counteroffensive against the Russians has been a long time coming. The media have been talking for months about a campaign that has never quite got off the ground.

    Over the last few months we have seen small operations, attacks on Russian fuel and ammunition depots, the occasional scare in Crimea and even incursions into Russian territory, for example in Belgorod Oblast. And, of course, the tremendous Ukrainian one in Bakhmut. But no sign yet of any large-scale counteroffensive. By early June 2023, western heavy weapons such as Leopards or American Bradleys had not yet entered the battle.

    Now, it seems the stars are in alignment for Ukrainian action to be on the verge of happening, if it hasn’t already begun. And so we on VisualPolitik have asked ourselves a few questions:

    Why has the Ukrainian counteroffensive been so delayed? What resources exactly are the Ukrainians counting on to carry it out? How are the Ukrainian armed force’s capabilities improving? Is Secretary of State Antony Blinken really right when he makes this claim? In this new video from VisualPolitik, we’ll tell you all about it.

    Michael Mayhem
    In before Putin fanatics start commenting claiming keiv blew up the dam.

    They’ll be claiming to kill all the Leopard 2s and Abrams with T-55s…..

    Ukraine Even lost a Leopard 2 Tank 😢

    Random Guy
    one of the john deere versions?

    BAD TIMING , Ukraine getting annihilated in zaporizhia front with their Leopards, get updated.

    Right you mean the combines ?

    Franco Traverso
    Lol this happened recently the video is always made before hand. So they will update just calm down lol.

    besh321 234
    and what your propaganda were saiyng? but Kherson is Ukrainian again as well as south of Ukraine would be.

    Ovwesome propaganda 😂

    Polubione przez 1 osoba

    • Ukraine’s Counter-Offensive Could Change the World
      Vlad Vexler
      48,806 views Jun 8, 2023

      As Putin continues his brutal invasion of Ukraine, we look at the global significance of Ukraine’s looming counter offensive.

      Michael Moran
      That was a perfect and concise analysis of the world situation. I would have leaned a bit more on the consequences for liberal democracy if Ukraine loses.

      Vlad Vexler
      That’s a huge topic and I am really looking forward to taking about it more!

      Auro Astra
      @Vlad Vexler That would be a perfectly logical and very productive next step. Can’t wait!

      @Darko Nadj Aww does Ruzz bot suffer from copium? The Ruzzians Ruzzia moved to Ukraine were free to move back to Ruzzia. You are like the Chinese in California who complain everything isn’t in Chinese…

      Vlad Didenko
      ​ @stevemcgowen pretending Ukraine is on democratic path is like pretending they’re independent in their decisions. They do what their told by their sponsor. Period.


  27. Bakhmut has fallen
    Österreichs Bundesheer
    53,447 views Jun 7, 2023 #Bundesheer

    On day 465 of the war of aggression against Ukraine, Colonel Markus Reisner gives an overview of the operations of the Russian forces in recent months and the expected measures by the Ukrainian armed forces.

    Leonel Gonçalves
    it has fallen weeks ago…

    lol good point mate

    Carn Azza
    80% ukranian air defence efficiency..😂😂😂😂

    AntonioR Software
    „It is obvious who is the aggressor and who is defender”… tell that to Germany after WW1. Austria started the whole mess, but all the blame later fell on Germany. And let’s not start about Italy in both world wars.

    Jose Silva
    Summing up: Bakhmut (or is it Artyomovsk?) has fallen but it doesn’t matter. And Ukraine will win the Russians. Wonderful. Oh, and somehow, Ukraine has advantage on land and space…

    route55 qatar
    Bayraktar is a game changer, HIMARS is a game changer, Leopard tank is a game changer, F-16 is a game changer, Strom Shadow is a game changer. What’s next? Second episode of Ghost of Kiev?

    Budonov statement „It is like a soccer game and the score is one one and it is the 70th minute. ” Considering this guy actually admitted, surprisingly, that Russia still controls 20% of Ukraine, the score is more like five to one in favour of Russia.

    Javier Correa PR
    Very good information. Thanks for sharing. Please note At 15:48 that Budanov is the Schrödinger cat, not alive, not dead…the longer he does not show…😮

    How about Zaluzhny? That dude is MIA.

    Willy Dowse
    Colonel Douglas McGregor has stated the Ukraine has lost about 4000 soldiers 200 armoured vehicles 120 trucks 4 fixed aircraft a helicopter in the last 3 days of the counter probs using 9 brigades.

    Tarciano Vanderlei de Figueiredo
    When Russia is not affected by energy shortages and continues to produce weapons and defense equipment, the EU has to think 1000 times so that tomorrow its people can still boil water to make coffee

    Pika’s Palace
    My grandfather fought in WWII and I’ll never forget what he said… That the Nazis were like distinguished gentlemen when compared to the savage and inhumane Ukrainians. He was Polish but had to fight in a Soviet penal battalion on the Eastern front and encountered Ukronazis there.

    Sergey Shevchenko
    It is strange that Polish people forgot this so quickly…


    • https://wpolityce.pl/swiat/649976-isw-ukraina-kontynuuje-kontrofensywe-sztab-nie-potwierdza

      ISW: Kontrofensywa Ukrainy. Sukcesy w rejonie Bachmutu, bez postępu w obwodzie zaporoskim. Kijów nie potwierdza doniesień

      opublikowano: 10 minut temu

      Zniszczony most Antonivsky w obwodzie chersońskim / autor: PAP/EPA

      W nocy z 7 na 8 czerwca Ukraina prowadziła działania kontrofensywne na co najmniej trzech odcinkach frontu w ramach szerszej kontrofensywy, która trwa od niedzieli – oceniają analitycy Instytutu Badań nad Wojną (ISW).

      Ukraińska kontrofensywa
      ISW odnotowuje, powołując się na stronę ukraińską, że w rejonie Bachmutu Ukraińcy przeszli od obrony do ataku i posunęli się do przodu w mieście o ok. 200 m, a na jego obrzeżach o niemal 2 km.

      Według ISW siły ukraińskie odniosły lokalne sukcesy taktyczne w zachodniej części obwodu donieckiego. Dodatkowo przeprowadzone zostały działania ofensywne na zachodzie obwodu zaporoskiego, jednak najwyraźniej (na chwilę publikacji) nie przyniosły one postępu.


      — RELACJA. 471. dzień wojny na Ukrainie. Zełenski zapowiada: Powstanie grupa ekspercka ws. ukarania Rosji za ekobójstwo

      — Co dzieje się na froncie? Media donoszą o rozpoczęciu kontrofensywy. Ukraiński sztab generalny zaprzecza. „Potężna blokada informacyjna”

      — Prezydent Zełenski złożył wizytę w częściowo zalanym Chersoniu. „Naszym zadaniem jest maksymalna ochrona życia i pomoc ludziom”

      Walki w obwodzie zaporoskim
      Według ISW Rosjanie na odcinku zaporoskim bronili się w dobrze zorganizowany sposób i w efekcie mieli odzyskać wcześniejsze pozycje. Ośrodek odnotowuje też, że Ukraińcy najprawdopodobniej stracili w czasie tych walk pojazdy wojskowe pochodzące z zachodnich dostaw. ISW zaznacza, że straty po stronie ukraińskiej są nieuniknione i nie przesądzają one o przebiegu kontrnatarcia.

      Nie należy przesadzać w ocenie wpływu początkowych strat zachodniego lub jakiegokolwiek innego sprzętu, zwłaszcza gdy chodzi o działania mające spenetrować umocnione pozycje obronne

      — zaznaczono.

      Ukraińskie ataki w zachodniej części obwodu zaporoskiego nie reprezentują pełnych zdolności ukraińskich w trakcie obecnej kontrofensywy

      — ocenił ISW, zaznaczając, że Ukraina jest zdolna do prowadzenia skoordynowanych i efektywnych operacji przy użyciu wielu brygad zmechanizowanych, co udowodniła w trakcie kontrofensywy w obwodzie charkowskim we wrześniu ubiegłego roku, jeszcze przed dużymi dostawami zachodniego sprzętu i dodatkowym szkoleniem.

      Kontrofensywa będzie prawdopodobnie złożona z wielu elementów o różnej skali, w tym lokalnych ataków, i pomniejsze przedsięwzięcia nie reprezentują maksymalnych zdolności

      — wskazano.

      Ukraina miała sformować przed kontrofensywą dodatkowe siły ok. 12 brygad, w tym dziewięciu wyposażonych w zachodni sprzęt. ISW ocenia, że na obecnym etapie zaangażowano zaledwie część tej dużej rezerwy, w związku z czym nie należy na tym początkowym etapie wyciągać pochopnych wniosków co do potencjału kontrofensywnego.

      Siły ukraińskie zaprzeczają
      Amerykańska stacja telewizyjna NBC oraz dziennik „Washington Post” informowały 8 czerwca o rozpoczęciu oczekiwanej od miesięcy ukraińskiej kontrofensywy. Również Kreml od kilku dni utrzymuje, że rozpoczęło się szerokie kontrnatarcie. Władze w Kijowie oficjalnie nie potwierdzają tych doniesień.

      Jednak Sztab Generalny Sił Zbrojnych Ukrainy na pytanie Agencji Reutera o doniesienia zachodnich mediów o rozpoczęciu ukraińskiej kontrofensywy odpowiada: „Nie mamy takiej informacji”.

      Nie komentujemy informacji opartych na anonimowych źródłach

      — podkreślił rzecznik sztabu.


      Pierwsze Leopardy poszły z dymem lub zostały na polu minowym a załogi uciekły. Ministerstwo obrony Rosji zamieściło w sieci nagranie wideo, które według opisu przedstawia zniszczenie ukraińskiej kolumny na froncie w obwodzie zaporoskim, między wioskami Rabotino (ukr. Robotyne) i Wierbowe (ukr. Werbowe), od strony Małej Tokmaczki.

      Na nagraniu widać jadącą kolumnę pancerno-zmechanizowaną ukraińskiej armii, w tym czołgi, która najprawdopodobniej została nakryta ostrzałem rosyjskiej artylerii. Widać też co najmniej kilka czołgów Leopard 2. Z wieży jednego z nich wydobywa się gęsty dym. Trzy pozostałe czołgi Leopard 2 stoją unieruchomione, przypuszczalnie porzucone przez załogi po tym, jak wjechały na miny.

      Media rosyjskie podają, że ukraińska kolumna najpierw wjechała na pole minowe, a następnie została ostrzelana.

      Rosyjscy blogerzy wojskowi oceniają, że de facto jest to pierwszy potwierdzony przypadek zniszczenia przez Rosjan czołgu Leopard 2 na wojnie rosyjsko-ukraińskiej. Według ich informacji, wozy znajdują się w „szarej strefie”, na ziemi niczyjej i żadna ze stron nie jest w stanie ich zabrać. Postulowali też, żeby porzucone pojazdy „dobić” i uniemożliwić Ukraińcom ich ewakuowanie i wyremontowanie.

      Fakt, iż Ukraina straciła pierwszy czołg Leopard 2, potwierdził również popularny komentator wojskowy, Jarosław Wolski.

      Również niemiecki Bild odnotował tę sytuację, uznając ją za pełne potwierdzenie, iż siły ukraińskie już używają w boju czołgów Leopard 2. Pisze też, że świadczy to o tym, że Ukraińcy ruszyli do kontrofensywy.

      Według rosyjskich miliblogerów, od nocy ze środy na czwartek formacje ukraińskie próbują przebić się przez linię obrony Sił Zbrojnych FR na odcinku orechowskim. Rosjanie twierdzą, że m.in. dzięki przewadze w powietrzu Siły Zbrojne Ukrainy straciły ponad 40 pojazdów opancerzonych, w tym co najmniej cztery czołgi Leopard 2A4.

      @szczerbiec!! dobrze policzyliście??? ! buahahah żeby nie było jak z samolotami Ukrainy!! zniszczyliście 250 ze 150 które posiadała!! buahahahahah Ty cały czas wierny przekazowi Pieskowej i Zacharowa??? buahahahah

      @2×1 – zawsze moźesz poczytać wukrainskich bajeczek w stylu Wyspa Węźy czy Duch Kijowa. Zapewne są juz napisane kolejne i będziesz mógł się dalej ekscytować światem wukrainskich baśni. 🙂

      Kiedy banderowiec zelenski podpisze ustawe o ekshumacji i godnym pochowaniu 200 000 polskich kobiet i dzieci zameczonych na Wolyniu przez herojow z OUN-UPA SS Halyczyna i innych ukrainskich bandytow


    • https://wpolityce.pl/swiat/650003-sbu-ujawnia-rozmowy-rosjan-to-oni-wysadzili-zapore

      SBU ujawnia przechwycone rozmowy rosyjskich żołnierzy: To oni wysadzili zaporę na Dnieprze. „Nie poszło wg planu; skala miała być mniejsza”

      opublikowano: 5 godzin temu


      „Przechwycone przez nas rozmowy rosyjskich żołnierzy potwierdzają, że zaporę na Dnieprze w Nowej Kachowce wysadziła grupa dywersyjna sił wroga; konsekwencje tych działań, czyli katastrofalna w skutkach powódź, okazały się jednak poważniejsze, niż zakładali sami Rosjanie” – poinformowała na Telegramie Służba Bezpieczeństwa Ukrainy (SBU).

      „To nie Ukraińcy przywalili”
      To nie oni (Ukraińcy – PAP) przywalili (w Nowej Kachowce). To była nasza grupa dywersyjna, która – powiedzmy – chciała postraszyć ludzi wysadzeniem tej tamy. Nie poszło zgodnie z planem, lecz na większą skalę, niż przewidywano

      — relacjonował rosyjski żołnierz w nagraniu przechwyconym przez SBU.

      Wojskowi wroga opisywali też skutki powodzi, takie jak m.in. zalanie terenów kontrolowanych przez Rosję i poważne zniszczenia. Kreml próbuje ukryć prawdę o tej katastrofie – dodano w komunikacie ukraińskiej służby.

      CZYTAJ RÓWNIEŻ: Szef RB Ukrainy: Putin osobiście podjął decyzję o wysadzeniu zapory w Nowej Kachowce. Rosjanie nie uprzedzili nawet swoich żołnierzy

      „Rosja za to odpowie na polu bitwy i przed międzynarodowymi sądami”
      Wysadzając tamę hydroelektrowni, Federacja Rosyjska ostatecznie dowiodła, że stanowi zagrożenie dla całego cywilizowanego świata. W końcu tylko prawdziwe państwo-terrorysta może świadomie doprowadzić do katastrofy ekologicznej na taką skalę. (Rosja) na pewno za to odpowie – zarówno na polu bitwy, jak też przed międzynarodowymi sądami

      — zadeklarował szef SBU generał Wasyl Maluk.

      Rosjanie wysadzili zaporę na Dnieprze w Nowej Kachowce, która tworzy rozciągający się na 240 km Zbiornik Kachowski

      — powiadomiły we wtorek władze Ukrainy. Zlokalizowana na zaporze hydroelektrownia została całkowicie zniszczona. Woda zalała dziesiątki okolicznych osad.

      Skutki zalania po obu brzegach Dniepru
      Trwa ewakuacja ludności cywilnej z zachodniej, kontrolowanej przez władze w Kijowie części obwodu chersońskiego. Według informacji ukraińskich władz z godzin porannych w piątek na terenach dotkniętych kataklizmem uratowano dotychczas ponad 2,3 tys. osób i około 550 zwierząt. Woda zniszczyła tam ponad 3,6 tys. budynków mieszkalnych w 32 miejscowościach.

      Zatopione tereny na lewym (wschodnim) brzegu Dniepru znajdują się pod kontrolą rosyjskich najeźdźców. Okupanci nie udzielają pomocy Ukraińcom na zajętych obszarach i nie ewakuują ludności z zatopionych wsi i miasteczek. W ocenie sztabu generalnego ukraińskiej armii dochodzi tam wręcz do aktów przemocy wobec poszkodowanych cywilów.

      W środę pojawiły się doniesienia o pierwszych ofiarach śmiertelnych powodzi w okupowanych Oleszkach. Dzień później lojalny wobec Kijowa mer miasta Jewhen Ryszczuk powiadomił, że zginęło tam już dziewięć osób. „Tych ofiar będzie znacznie więcej” – przyznał samorządowiec.


      Puszek – okruszek
      SBU przechwytuje wszystkie rozmowy. Ach strach żyć.

      Takie „rozmowy” to moźe spreparować nawet dziecko w 10 min.

      Dlaczego reżim kijowski nie zgodził siena międzynarodową komisję w sprawie zniszczenia elektrowni wodnej? Dlaczego nie jesteście obiektywni w swojej ocenie tylko klamiecie i klamiecie. Mamy dość tej ukrofili. Tu jest Polska a nie Rosja i Ukraina. To jeden turański pień barbarzyństwa.

      Do tych proukraińskich durniów i opłaconych troli- Szef unijnej dyplomacji Josep Borrell powiedział, że nie ma dowodów na udział Rosji w zniszczeniu elektrowni wodnej Kachowka , ukrobanderowcy nie zgodzili się na miedzynarodową komisję do zbadania Kachowki wniesiną przez dyplomację turecką , wg samych ukraińców przedstawionych w sieci zginęło wielu rosyjskich żołmierzy będących na tamie a porwanych przez nurt, brzeg ukraiński góruje nad prawym rosyjskim, wymulone miny wybuchają na liniach zalewanych rosyjskich okopów, Krym pozbawiony wody, jak przyznało oficjalnie dowództwo ukraińskie tama wielokrotnie była próbnie bombardowana przez ukraińców a nawet dwie rakiety himars uderzyły w stalowe zasuwy tamy, dlaczego ukraińcy otwarli wszystkie jazy zapory w pobliży dniepropietrowska dodatkowo wzmagajac poniżej zalewanie i to podczas suszy gdy woda jest potrzebna?jak długo powielana bedzie w Polsce kłamliwa propaganda służb ukraińskich, które osobiście słyszały że putin wydał rozkaz zniszczenia tamy taką już paranoję wciska się w swiecie , dlaczego brak choć namiastki neutralności w opisywaniu sytuacji?

      bardzo logiczne dla lemingów: dywersanci atakują własne pozycje wojskowe żeby postraszyć ukraińców… żeby zalać własne wojsko i pozycje przygotowane na ofensywę ukraińską. To „oni” też strzelają rakietami wartymi miliardy w własne wojsko stacjonujące w zaporskiej elektrowni atomowej.

      Ruska onuca. Jej smród czuć nawet przez łącze internetowe. Żeby nie było jednak, że onuca stanowi wunderwaffe rosyjskiego żołnierza, pamiętajmy o ich wadach. Jeśli onuca ponadto zostanie nieprawidłowo założona, mogą powstać zagięcia albo fałdy, które po wielogodzinnym marszu mogą spowodować pęcherze albo rany. Wymaga się dlatego specjalistycznego treningu zakładania onuc. Przy niskiej inteligencji przeciętnego russkiego sołdata może on sam sobie zrobić krzywdę, co teoretycznie nie będzie miało miejsca przy użyciu skarpet – tu trzeba się popisać, by źle je założyć. Poza tym onuce strasznie śmierdzą. Rosyjski sołdat dostawał jedną parę na cały szlak bojowy, a przecież trzeba było przejść spod Moskwy do Berlina. Rosjanie żartowali zresztą, że w kampanii bojowej ich onuce stają się osobną bronią chemiczną, która jest w stanie zabić nieprzyzwyczajonego do odoru. Namiastkę tego zapachu możecie poczuć, gdy internetowy troll napisze komentarz powielający kremlowską propagandę.


    • Tucker Carlson EXPOSES Ukraine Kakhovka Dam Lies
      The Dive with Jackson Hinkle
      10,371 views Jun 9, 2023

      Tomas Omalet
      „Zelensky is our Winston Churchill Generation” ! Winston Churchill who fighted side by side with the Soviet Army against the Nazis during WWII, until the surrender of the Nazi Germany, must be turning over in his grave if he hears such an absurd and offensive comparison.

      Kyle Frisby
      Ukraine COUNTEROFFENSIVE is a joke 😆😆😆😆😆 Last year Ukraine took most of Kharkov in 6 days while now it’s day 6 of the Ukrainian COUNTER OFFENSIVE and Ukraine cannot even go close to the Russian FRONTLINES without being driven back.

      Profile One
      It’s only the start. Ukraine has a force of 60k-100k prepared for this offensive. This is only the first wave.

      @Profile One They will bury themselves in their own waves.

      Vaska Tumir
      Over 100 million views by now. Btw, Zelensky’s rejected Turkey’s proposal that the destruction of the dam be investigated by an international team.

      Polubione przez 1 osoba

      • Tucker Carlson’s Twitter Show Destroys Cable News Forever!
        The Jimmy Dore Show
        244,621 views Jun 8, 2023 #TheJimmyDoreShow

        Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson has launched his new show on Twitter, and initial reports suggest the program will be very successful. At last check Tucker’s video had collected more than 88 million views, representing far more eyeballs than any program on the cable news networks.

        Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the gangbusters launch of Tucker’s new program.

        Independent journalists who have journalistic integrity are the heroes of our time. Truth-tellers are silenced, while the liars have their voices amplified📢 Free Assange!!!

        Jordan Welty
        Tucker also did a free Assange episode one night on Fox I’m guessing that might have had something to do with this to


  28. Leopard Tanks entered the Battle! | Ruzzian Losses are Sky-High! | Ukraine Update
    Artur Rehi
    217,859 views Jun 9, 2023

    Ruth Slone
    After watching Denys’s video, I was quite upset about the tight formation of Ukraine’s tanks traversing single file in broad daylight. You give me hope Artur, that they aren’t using ancient Soviet tactics with advanced Western weaponry. Thank you.

    Summer Soldier
    That video is god awful. grouped together and annihilated not a great look.

    Maximilian Dummnichtswürdigkerl
    Denys at least was honest. This dude just spews wishful thinking.

    NATO tanks getting knocked out was inevitable sadly. They’re the great tanks but they’re not impervious.

    This May Be The Offensives’ Most Critical Moment! 9 June 23 Ukraine Daily Update
    Combat Veteran Reacts
    117,861 views Jun 9, 2023

    Uncensored Combat Vid Breakdowns on https://www.combatvetnews.com

    Breaking The Waves
    As the initial UF colossal losses show, no counter offense can result in any success without any air support.

    Mr. T
    How can a modern war not be fought without air power? There seems to be a complete lack of air support. We are almost back to World War 1 just with updated equipment.

    The Eagle
    Because Russian planes probably fall apart on the runway


    • UKRAINE NEEDS TO RETHINK HOW TO FIGHT; Zaporizhzhia Offensive dwindled to just south of M.Tokmachka
      Defense Politics Asia
      38,361 views Jun 9, 2023

      kyre saguium
      They only need to evercome, defenses, numerical superiority, artillery superiority and air superiority 😅

      kyre saguium
      and all of that in open terrain 🤣

      🤫🤐 The counter-offensive has only begun🤣🤣🤣

      And tank superiority.

      Agamemnon of Mycenae
      They just need a miracle, so they are settled, since the ghost of Kiev is on their side!

      UKRAINE OFFENSIVES FAILED; First destruction of Leopard2 confirmed [ Ukraine SITREP ] Day 470 (8/6)
      Defense Politics Asia: War
      31,805 views Jun 9, 2023 #War #Military #UkraineWar

      00:00 Intro
      00:32 Kherson Front
      00:52 Zaporizhzhia Front
      08:17 Donetsk Front
      10:10 Avdiivka Front
      10:53 Bakhmut Front
      14:28 Siversk Front
      16:26 Kharkiv Front
      17:07 Conclusion

      This is the FULL Summary / SITREP of Day 470’s development in the Ukraine-Russia war as we start off the day in the morning (ukraine time) of Day 471 of Russian’s „Special Military Operation” against Ukraine.

      Тренер Артём
      Open fields, lots of ATGM’s, air superiority, artillery superiority, fortified positions. What they were expecting? Kherson repeat?


      Torkil Vold
      And shovels, don’t forget the shovels…

      Andreas Fjellborg
      They have been hyping up the the „great” spring offensive for half a year, also speaking about the western equipment like it’s some sort of game changer. Probably though the Russian would just fold and flee the field.


    • Russian Spring | The Complete Defeat Of The Ukrainian-NATO Forces. Military Summary For 2023.06.09
      Military Summary
      29,237 views Premiered 2 hours ago

      This video describes the military situation in Ukraine on the 9th of June 2023

      Bitrus David
      Alex from HistoryLegends was shocked that Ukranine could neither penetrate nor flank the Donetsk-Zaparozhia axis on the first attempt. They even brought electronic warfare but were stopped by mortars. Then the demoralized Ukrainians made a protest video complaining that they won’t fight if sufficient support and counter-mortar systems are not brought to their aid.

      Alex was also shocked to see that until now, not one Russian position has been destroyed, captured, or secured.

      To debunk any nonsense that this is just a series of probing operations, Putin himself came live to announce that it is the Ukrainian offensive they threatened. Let’s see if the West or Ukraine will refute that tomorrow. They’d better not respond because analysts will concur with facts that this is the famous offensive.

      Who saw that „Shh” with the F-16s trailer Ukraine released before the offensive?
      The demilitarization of Ukraine continues…

      Ukraine Continues to Burn Its Reserves. Military Summary And Analysis For 2023.06.09
      Military Summary
      103,642 views Premiered 11 hours ago

      This video describes the military situation in Ukraine on the 9th of June 2023

      As Alexander Mercouris has noted, US arms producers are ramping up production to produce artillery shells in one month, that Ukraine spends in six days. Add European production and it’s one week. While Russia’s production is many times higher. And the war only costs Russia 3% of public expenses, as The Economist noted recently.

      Even if Elensky wants peace Brits and Americans will NEVER allow for it to happen. Remember last year peace talks in Instambul.

      Ange Urbain
      And some hard core nationalist ukrainian will never accept such a peace deal. If it ever happen they will go after Zelensky.

      Jay Simpson
      @Ange Urbain Good point, though with majority ethnic Russian areas being absorbed into Russia the Banderites should realise that controlling the majority ethnic Ukrainian areas in the newly formed landlocked Ukraine is a much better option for Ukrainian nationalism.


    • COMPLETE FAILURE Of The Ukrainian Offensive | Summer Offensive Update 09/06/23
      Weeb Union
      28,883 views Jun 9, 2023

      Matthew Fusaro
      The Ukrainians got over confident because they were able to gain some territory last year. They thought if they just showed up in force that the Russians would retreat. But much has changed since last year and it’s no longer easy pickings for them. They should have know after the fall of Bakhmut that they were in real trouble.

      Ukrainian Armored Columns Got SMASHED and AMBUSHED
      193,321 views Jun 9, 2023 #historylegends #ukrainewar

      Ukraine finally launched its „counteroffensive” on the Zaporizhia front. However, the attack in the Velyka Novosilka sector turned into a complete military disaster. Moving in without proper air cover, entire Ukrainian armoured columns were annihilated by Russian minefields, artillery and aviation. Two brigades have now to be refitted. We should consider the past few days as Round 1 of a series of Offensives that will be launched by Ukraine. Next video will focus on the attack in the Orikhiv sector where we witnessed the first Leopard 2s being used in combat.

      „Leopard tanks are not destroyed, they live in our hearts” – Zelensky 🤣

      Trump, America in decline. Biden WH counteroffensive panic. WW3 security guarantees. Orbanism. U/1
      Alex Christoforou
      53,432 views Jun 9, 2023

      Trump, America in decline. Biden WH counteroffensive panic. WW3 security guarantees. Orbanism. U/1 Topic 986

      Chadimir Poutine.
      Who knew the Ukrainian Counteroffensive would be so pathetic that almost every Russian News agency is in a jovial mood. Ukraine Launches Long-Awaited Offensive in Several Directions, Fails in All

      Leopard 2A6 Just got Destroyed. Ukraine lost Leopard 2A6 tanks…
      30,549 views Jun 9, 2023

      Ukraine seems to have lost a Leopard 2A6 tank, together with several Bradley IFVs. The vehicles appear to have fallen victim to Russian artillery…

      Kaiser Dumbäss
      It amazes me that people are shocked to see these vehicles destroyed. I don’t know what they expected. xD

      Вячеслав Скопюк
      I guess they expected that magic German armor will shrug off anything

      Hmm, people were crying that Leopard 2 were invincible and gonna change the tide of the war, no, change time and space actually. And yet again, infantile beliefs tend to have infantile results.


  29. General Petraeus: The spring offensive will be ‚much more successful’ than many think | DW News
    DW News
    579,657 views Jun 6, 2023 #ukraine #nato #russia

    Retired four star general David Petraues told DW, that that US intelligence has indications that Russia is responsible for the breach of the dam in southern Ukraine, hoping that this might disrupt or delay the spring offensive. There are public accounts that US intelligence has indications that it was Russia. Did they literally blow the dam up thinking that somehow this might delay the offensive or disrupt it in some way. But I don’t think that that is going to be the case.

    He says that Ukraine should not join Nato as long as the war is going on. But there should be a very solid path to NATO membership that’s provided at the Vilnius summit on 11th July we should have as firm a path to NATO membership as is absolutely possible. I think this is hugely important. Important. It’s important for the Ukrainian people, too. They need to be reassured. Even Henry Kissinger, who used to caution about extending NATO membership to former Soviet republics, now says that Ukraine should be made a member of NATO, given that for all intents and purposes, given all that we have provided to Ukraine, NATO’s security is at the border between Ukraine and Russia now, and we need to ensure that there will not be a repeat of this once this is said and done. So certainly not make NATO membership while the war is still going on. I think that there’s an understandable concern about that. But there should be a very solid path to NATO membership that’s provided at the Vilnius summit on 11th July

    He says that this offensive which might start within the next weeks will be crucial: (A lot depends on the success of this offensive. And you could feel this when I was meeting with again, when we met with President Zelenskyy, when we met with the other other of the military leaders, the other ministers, even, again, business people, you can feel a degree of anxiety about this operation, as there should be.

    Emmanuel Goldstein
    I think the counter-offensive may play out similarly to the Six Day War where a much smaller but much more effective and motivated force routed a much larger but ineffective enemy. Slava Ukraini! 💙💛

    Jean-Marc Salotti
    Wishful thinking. Open your eyes, look at the map and the results of the last 3 days, the counter offensive is already over.

    Shannon Brown
    I remember this guy saying the Afghan Army was well trained too.

    Aardvark Mindshank
    They eventually retook their country completely and quite effectively. So I guess he was correct.

    Roj Blake
    Then promptly ran away when the U.S left and Taliban showed up. Great job.

    well trained cowards

    Ivo Peric
    Army that runaway and was falling from troop carrier plane when talaban showed up. That was the army Petraeus was referring to.

    Arjan Wildschut
    This was a morale thing. Ukrainians know what they fight for, the afghans clearly did not see the point.

    Shannon Brown
    @Arjan Wildschut Yeah sure…but Petraeus is a known liar when it comes to the efficacy of troop training. A proven and known liar! Remember that!

    DH J
    @Arjan Wildschut So you’re saying „This time it’s different” 😅

    @Aardvark Mindshank No, he said the afghan army would be able to hold the country when the US left.

    Arjan Wildschut
    @Writeous0ne People can be wrong.

    @Arjan Wildschut But they knew that wouldn’t be able to hold off the taliban. The US couldn’t defeat the taliban in 20 years so it’s obvious the Afghan military could not either. They only said they could because it would absolve them of any wrong doing after they left.

    It’s basically been swept under the rug that the USA failed to occupy a country, killed thousands of civilians and then still left the country to be held by the terrorist organization they were supposed to defeat.

    Shannon Brown
    @Arjan Wildschut I am just telling you Petraeus is a known liar when it comes to this particular subject. He’s a good liar too because he knows how to communicate this topic in a way that is eaten up by the masses. He is lying though because that is what he does and is paid to do.


    • 09 Jun: HUGE SUCCESS. Ukrainians PENETRATE 16-km WIDE FRONT | War in Ukraine Explained
      Reporting from Ukraine
      128,778 views Jun 10, 2023

      I am Ukrainian. My country has been invaded by Russia. In this video I will tell you what happened on the four hundred and sixty ninth day of the war.

      Day 471: Jun 09

      Today there is a lot of good news from the Orikhiv direction.

      When it comes to the main direction of attack, first of all, today, Ukrainian sources reported that battalion and brigade commanders had a meeting with higher-level commanders specifically to communicate the solutions to the problems that they encountered in the first days, and it was confirmed that all plans were adjusted. One of the lower-level commanders said that mistakes were inevitable at the beginning because it was simply impossible to predict everything on paper. He said that one of the things that they implemented is a new approach to engineering reconnaissance, and Russian mines have already become a lesser problem.

      Ukrainians forces also received a lot of critique for not using mine rollers, however, it turned out the initial Russian footage just did not include Ukrainian mine rollers to show the enemy in a bad light. Recent footage confirms that Ukrainians did not attack unprepared.

      Today Ukrainians also confirmed that they successfully evacuated Leopard tanks, and most of them had minor damage, so Ukrainians quickly changed the road wheels and tracks, and the tanks were ready for use. And Ukrainians managed to evacuate those tanks from the front line because in the aftermath of yesterday’s battle, the front line shifted by up to 3 km.

      Over the last 3 days, Russian sources were continuously reporting that even though Ukrainians managed to take several positions, their attacks were repelled, and later all lost positions were recaptured. However, if we look at these Russian maps, we can that see that over the last 3 days, the front line shifted south significantly. In fact, Ukrainians managed to penetrate a 16 km wide front by up to 3 km.

      And this is consistent with the reports that Ukrainians managed to get very close to Robotyne and also capture tactical heights because if we look at the topographic map, we can see that Ukrainians captured precisely the hill that we discussed yesterday, even according to Russian maps. This is also consistent with reports of Ukrainian fighters who claimed that they now have direct visual control of the main Russian strongholds.

      Recently a Russian commander elaborated on the Russian tactics. The goal of the first line of defense is to exhaust Ukrainian attackers and, if the attack it too intense, retreat to the second line. Once Ukrainian attackers exhaust their offensive capabilities, Russians deploy their reserves, counterattack the exhausted Ukrainians and recapture all the positions. It seems like, so far, the second part of the plan did not really work.

      One of the reasons why it doesn’t work is that after the attack, Ukrainians use Remote Anti-Armor Mine systems or RAAM to distantly mine the roads that are used by Russian reserves. RAAM is a specialist artillery shell that scatters anti-armor mines up 17 km away from the firing unit. Today Russian sources reported that Ukrainians managed to mine all the main Russian roads between Robotyne and Verbove, which is exactly where Ukrainians are trying to advance.

      Several hours ago, Russian sources reported that Ukrainians launched artillery preparation, which is why they are preparing to face yet another wave of attack at night. Russian sources complained that Ukrainians switched to night attacks because Western equipment gives them the edge on the battlefield at night.

      The Head of one of the Russian organizations for the inspection and supplies of weapons, Rogozin, stated that he does not share the enthusiasm around the reports of the Ukrainian defeat. He said that Ukrainians have accumulated 600 tanks in the Orikhiv direction and that we are yet to see the main phase of the counteroffensive operation.

      Fam nyblom
      Again, this is the best channel on this topic. It has been the most accurate one so far in this conflict.

      Many other channels bore me to death once they go to the maps, but not this one.

      Rosemary Godley
      Hi Denys… Reporting from Ukraine says the high command took note of their mistakes and changed tactics…. The situation was not as dire as the Russians reported and most of the vehicles can repaired… The situation arose because of mines….. Once the vehicle detonated the mine it drew mortar fire but the other vehicles got out of there…. So now they have switched to a different demining method…all tanks were retrieved… Ukranians are very good at preparing so 👍 to your engineers.

      Update from Ukraine | Counterattack has Started | Why Ukraine Lost Leopards and Bradleys?
      Denys Davydov
      343,794 views Jun 10, 2023

      Ukraine is attacking head on into well-entrenched positions with no air superiority. We always knew they were going to lose Western kit, but that doesn’t mean the offensive will fail. Breathe deep Denys. There’s a lot more fighting to go.

      Rob Shepherd
      Running out of troops faster than equipment will end it for them. You can always do what Denise is avoiding and go and join the fertiliser factory.

      Eirik Asbjørn Berg
      It’s great that the crew seems to have survived

      Magnus K
      We don’t know how many survived, we just know that bodies and wounded have been evacuated. DO not assume losses are light, since it is highly unlikely that they are light particularly after failed attacks. But yes, NATO equippment gives personell a much better chance at survival and hopefully losses are indeed light.

      @Magnus K Now they will heal and again go into battle for the Zelensky regime, which has terrorized Crimea and Luhansk with Donetsk for 9 years. Oh, not here about Belgorod

      @Nyash Funny since he only became president in 2019 (so he’s only been president for 4 years). Maybe if Russia wasn’t providing arms and munitions to pro-Russian separatists, they wouldn’t have cut water to Russian land (which they also invaded back in 2014 which is against TWO treaties Russia and Ukraine signed). So tah-tah Russian bot.

      Leaked Calls Reveal Staggering Casualty Rates In Russian Units!
      Combat Veteran Reacts
      233,003 views Jun 8, 2023

      Some units were reporting 160% loses. They were destroyed twice.

      Not really. Same thing was happening in Verdun. Replacements and returning convalescents are still part of the unit, and total casualties were compared with the unit’s optimal strength on paper.

      Counterintelligence Reports
      🤣🤣🤣 since February 2022, Russia has also run out of ammunition and missiles many times over.

      Unique Horn
      Russian soldiers can re-spawn every 24 hours. It’s a zombie thing.

      This guy is ridiculous, translating something he doesn’t understand.

      M H
      @Unique Horn I can see that. That’s how they keep coming even when they are being mowed down…


    • In occupied territories population turned against the Russians, Kremlin uses harsh punitive measures
      12,092 views Premiered 2 hours ago

      „Ukraine’s defense forces killed about 213,770 Russian invaders between February 24, 2022 and June 9, 2023, including 1,010 in the past day alone.” – ukrinform. Keep the mountains of corpses coming, UA.

      Residents welcome the advancing Ukrainian army launching counteroffensive near Bakhmut – Live images
      14K views 57 minutes ago

      Randy Dawson
      Brilliant Progress and Strategy as always by the Ukrainian Soldiers and President Zelensky……God Bless Ukraine from the UK.xx

      Stardust Stardust
      Orcs knowing they’re hated by locals.

      Warthog Defense
      76,565 views Jun 10, 2023

      Richie Rich
      Unfortunately, the Ukrainians will suffer heavy losses this time around since the orcs was able to dig in for months but in the end Ukraine will achieve most of its goals in this counter-offensive. Slava Ukraini, Heroyam Slava! 🇺🇦🦾

      Kris Frederick
      „Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake” Again and again…Slava Ukraini 💙💛

      EP Channel
      I like to come to NAFO channels to see what new levels of delusion humans can achieve. I am impressed


      • Ukraine Attacks in Zaporizhia: Can they reach Crimea?
        TLDR News EU
        53,461 views Jun 10, 2023

        After attacking the entire frontline, it seems the main focus of Ukraine’s counter-offensive is now the Zaporizhzhia oblast. So in this video, we’ll break down what’s happened on the battlefield, why Zaporizhzhia is the focus and what might happen next.

        00:00 Introduction
        00:40 Operational Silence
        01:03 Bakhmut
        04:20 Zaporizhzhia
        07:00 Where Ukraine might go next

        Love the spin! Seen the Drone footage of abandoned and buring Leopards and Bradley armoured personal carriers!

        Bruce Johnson
        It takes a lot of copium to portray Ukraine’s successful retreat from Bakhmut as a Ukrainian victory.

        David Filer
        Well has the counter-offensive started yet?

        Polubione przez 1 osoba

    • Ukrainian Counteroffensive ELIMINATED By Russian Bear Trap, EU In Recession
      The Dive with Jackson Hinkle
      15,985 views Streamed live 3 hours ago

      Zelensky had the chance to prevent this conflict through diplomacy. But he lacked the courage and the conviction.

      In 2014 there was a coup. Soon after, there was a massacre in Odessa (dozens of people were burned alive). Ethnic Russians living in Ukraine were treated as subhuman. Their language and culture was being oppressed. A civil war broke out due to the rise in ethnic tensions. For 8 years the Ukrainian military was indiscriminately shelling civilians living in Donbas.

      If Zelensky honored the Minsk agreement and pledged neutrality, none of this would have happened. The 8 year civil war would have ended and Donbas would have remained part of Ukraine. War is the ultimate failure of diplomacy.

      Zelensky, Poroshenko, Merkel and Hollande admitted that Ukraine had no intention to honor the Minsk agreements.

      Who didn’t want peace? Who advised against the 2022 peace talks in April? Hint: someone visited Zelensky in Kiev at that time.

      Russia’s national security was compromised once nato began to expand eastwards. Russia clearly stated that Ukraine joining nato was a red line (November 2021) and unfortunately this concern was never taken seriously. The Russians openly stated: if nothing changes, we will be forced to act in order to defend our national security. Enhancing the national security of one country at the expense of another is unacceptable. The Russians have legitimate security concerns.

      20th September, 2021. Ukraine launched military drills with US and nato.

      NATO is not a defensive alliance. Nato illegally bombed Yugoslavia (a direct violation of the U.N. Charter).
      We should never forget what they did to Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq etc.

      Who blew up the pipeline causing an environmental disaster?

      Zelensky banned all opposition and recently arrested a leading priest.

      Zelensky also tried to invoke article 5 under false pretenses. Remember the incident in Poland.

      Ethnic Russians living in Ukraine were treated as subhuman. Their language and culture was being oppressed.
      Poroshenko said, “Our children will go to schools and kindergartens—theirs will hide in the basements”.

      Russians will never forget the 2014 Odessa massacre. The whole world needs to know about it.

      Why was Denis Kireev eliminated? He was a member of Ukraine’s negotiating team during the peace negotiations. He wanted to help his country.

      Ukraine has a hit list. They target artists, journalists and ordinary citizens. Hundreds of children are on this list. (13 year old Faina Savenkova was placed on this list.)
      Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters is on this list. Jimmy Dore (American stand-up comedian, podcaster) and Aaron Maté (Canadian writer and journalist) are on this list.

      There is evidence that Ukrainian troops have been indiscriminately shelling civilians in Donbas. (they used petal mines and targeted areas where there was no military presence).

      The azov troops trapped in the azovstal steelworks in Mariupol used human shields. They refused to allow civilians to leave despite of humanitarian corridors being present. Russia held a proposed cease fire in order for the civilians to leave, but azov would not allow the civilians to leave.

      I wish to mention other instances where Ukraine has deliberately targeted civilians. Countless people have been eliminated via acts of terrorism (car bombs and other forms of assassination). Darya Dugina (journalist) and Denis Kireev (member of Ukraine’s negotiating team during the peace negotiations) just to name a few.

      The terrorist attack on the Kerch bridge killed the truck driver and the individuals in the adjacent car (unsuspecting civilian victims of terrorism).

      I have done a lot of research and it took me a long time to write this comment. I have stated a lot of facts and I have given my honest opinion.
      I have provided a brief summary of events that took place. In order to explain this whole situation in great detail, a book would need to be written.
      Hopefully someone will write an UNBIASED book, stating facts and allowing the readers to form their own judgments. Everything I said can be fact checked and verified.

      America always claims to defend human rights in order to justify its acts of aggression. Their actions are always given a pleasant name in order to encourage public support.
      “Operation enduring freedom” was the virtuous name given to the unjust invasion of Afghanistan. “Operation Iraqi freedom” was the angelic title for the brutal invasion of Iraq.
      “Operation unified protector” was the fancy name for the destruction of Libya. The guardians of the universe can do no wrong, since they always fight for “freedom and democracy”.
      The „Merciful Angels” mercilessly bombed Belgrade on Easter. The Americans and the British wrote, „Happy Easter” on their „freedom bombs”.

      “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as self-evident.”

      Martin H
      The Ukrain Generals are not stupid. Any tanks and Bradleys are useless in open Terrain and attacked by air. So they positioned the top modern German Iris-T next to the front. The Russians saw Iris-T next to the front and used some cheap Lancet drones, which have enough range for this purpose. They could destroy the RADAR system and Iris-T in front position turned out to be useless as well.

      Maybe the next Ukrain idea will be more successful, if they still have weapons then.


    • Ukraine’s Summer Offensive Stage 1 | Week 23 Summary
      Weeb Union
      14,678 views Jun 10, 2023

      dead rat
      the ukrainians will call this a victory because they captured some fields

      james gornall
      Reporting from Ukraine is calling it a glorious victory

      Michelle Rainer
      according to the Russian! bloggers the Ukrainians have captured a bit more than just some „fields”, and there is still an information stop from the Ukrainian side

      ANTY SPI
      Kiev has been banging on about „security guarantees” for months, and now a Polish general comes out and says such guarantees should encompass a no-fly-zone and a no-sail-zone for Russian forces. This comes two days after forrmer NATO secretary general Anders Fogh Rasmussen (now adviser to Selensky) claimed that if such security guarantees and a clear path to membership would not be agreed upon at the summit, Poland and other states could feel the need to send their own troops into Ukraine.

      So even a month before the summit, we see different remarks trying to steer the direction of the decisions made into some form of NATO intervention in Ukraine, either by individual members or NATO as a whole.
      Don´t fool yourself: Russia started this war to prevent NATO forces stationed close to its heartland and near the connection to the Caucasus (amongst other things). Moscow perceives this war as a matter of national survival. So if NATO forces would try to impose no-go-zones on extremely important Russian forces in order to directly help Ukraine win this war, the chance is very high that Moscow would simply ignore these conditions (especially if these zones would include parts annexed by Russia) and NATO would have to start a regular military campaign against Russia, not only against its airforce, but also against its air defenses on land and on ships.

      If only Poland and other states would send forces into Ukraine, they couldn´t tip the scale for long until Russia mobilized more resources to win the upper hand again, triggering the rest of NATO to join the conflict to prevent not only Ukraine, but also NATO members from losing. „A defeat for Ukraine is a defeat for NATO” said Jens Stoltenberg.

      If one of these two options should become reality on the Vilnius summit, then this will mark the start of WW III in one way or the other. Then the gates to hell will get opened.

      The Results Of The Night Storm. Military Summary And Analysis For 2023.06.10
      Military Summary
      21,854 views Premiered 2 hours ago

      This video describes the military situation in Ukraine on the 10th of June 2023

      Cernunnos L
      The west: „Onwards to final victory! To the last Ukrainian!”

      Sam Schreiber
      Ukraine launched a drone attack on Zaporozhe power plant just to prove they didn’t blow up the dam. big brain move.

      Mr Mr
      So we could do this why would we do that….only proving they could do both. Big brain move

      varicodin ZZZ 🇷🇺 ZZZ
      Ukraine lounches missles at kids camp in Crimea to retaliate for Russia striking their ammo depot.


    • https://wpolityce.pl/swiat/650128-eksperciwysadzenie-tamy-bez-wplywu-na-kontrofensywe-ukrainy

      Eksperci wojskowi USA: Wysadzenie tamy nie wpłynie znacząco na ukraińską kontrofensywę. Głównym kierunkiem – południe

      opublikowano: za 17 minut
      aktualizacja: za 17 minut

      Ewakuacja mieszkańców miasta z zalanych terenów w Chersoniu / autor: PAP/Vladyslav Musiienko

      „Wysadzenie zapory w Nowej Kachowce może częściowo odwrócić uwagę Ukraińców, ale nie powinno mieć znaczącego wpływu na ukraińską kontrofensywę” – mówią PAP eksperci wojskowi. Jak przewiduje były analityk amerykańskiego wywiadu wojskowego Matthew Shoemaker przed siłami Ukrainy stoi jednak bardzo trudne zadanie.

      Katastrofa bez większego wpływu na sytuację obu stron
      Według doniesień mediów, w czwartek, na tle humanitarnej katastrofy spowodowanej przez zburzenie tamy w Nowej Kachowce, rozpoczęła się długo oczekiwana ukraińska kontrofensywa. Oficjalnie strona ukraińska nie potwierdza tej informacji. I choć dramatyczne sceny z obwodu chersońskiego pokazują ogrom zniszczeń po wysadzeniu tamy, to eksperci, z którymi rozmawiała PAP, oceniają że będzie to miało ograniczony wpływ na działania zbrojne, choć przed wojskami Ukrainy stoi ciężkie zadanie.

      Michael Kofman, analityk współpracującego z Pentagonem think-tanku CNA uważa, że katastrofa ani nie polepsza, ani znacząco nie pogarsza sytuacji obu stron. Zaznacza też, że Nowa Kachowka i zalane tereny leżą ponad 100 kilometrów od najbliższego odcinka frontu w obwodzie zaporoskim, w którym toczą się intensywne walki. Ekspert podkreśla, że Ukraina nie byłaby w stanie dokonać desantu przez potężne wody Dniepru i od początku było to bardzo mało prawdopodobne.

      Sprawa ma głównie wymiar humanitarny
      Bardziej ostrożny w ocenach jest były analityk agencji wywiadu wojskowego DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) Matthew Shoemaker.

      Zniszczenie tamy w Nowej Kachowce prawdopodobnie odwróci część uwagi i środków Ukraińców, które mogłyby zostać użyte na potrzeby kontrofensywy

      — mówi ekspert. Sugeruje jednak, że sprawa ma głównie wymiar humanitarny i dodaje, że jeśli potwierdzi się, że dokonali jej Rosjanie, będzie to „jedna z najgorszych zbrodni wojennych w Europie od lat 90.”

      Ukraińcy zaprzeczają rozpoczęciu ofensywy
      Jak podaje waszyngtoński Instytut Badań Wojennych, choć kontrofensywa nie wkroczyła jeszcze w fazę głównego uderzenia, to Ukraińcy atakują na kilku osiach na raz, od Bachmutu, przez południowy obwód doniecki na północy po okolice Orichiwa i Tokmaku w obwodzie zaporoskim. Choć większość obserwatorów i analityków uważa, że są to wszystko oznaki rozpoczęcia ofensywy, ukraińskie władze i wojsko zaprzeczają tym ocenom. Zdaniem Iriny Tsukerman, ekspertki specjalizującej się w analizie wojny informacyjnej, jest to element operacji psychologicznych, która daje Ukrainie przewagę względem Rosjan.

      To może być badanie terenu i twardości oporu dla właściwej ofensywy, próba odwrócenia uwagi od głównego szturmu, albo po prostu nieogłoszona główna ofensywa. Niezależnie od tego, która wersja okaże się prawdziwa, to już jest cios psychologiczny dla Rosjan

      — mówi PAP Tsukerman.

      Analitycy spodziewają się, że największy atak zostanie przypuszczony tam, gdzie linie obronne Rosjan będą najsłabsze, to głównym kierunkiem ofensywy będzie prawdopodobnie południe, w celu przecięcia „lądowego mostu” łączącego Krym z resztą okupowanych przez Rosję ziem.

      Jednym z celów odcięcie mostu lądowego do Krymu
      W każdej dobrej kampanii wojskowej jest kilka warstw celów, od taktycznych, przez operacyjne po strategiczne. To, co prawdopodobnie będzie jednym z operacyjnych celów będzie odcięcie mostu lądowego do Krymu, aby utrudnić Rosjanom zaopatrywanie Krymu

      — mówi Shoemaker. Jak dodaje, jeśli Ukrainie się to uda – choć w tym celu będzie musiała pokonać kilka silnie ufortyfikowanych linii obronnych Rosji – kolejnym celem byłoby zniszczenie Mostu Krymskiego – uszkodzonego już w ubiegłym roku. W ten sposób rosyjskie wojska na półwyspie zostałyby praktycznie odcięte od zasobów.

      Ekspert zaznacza jednak, że oswobodzenie Krymu byłoby „herkulesowym zadaniem” m.in. ze względu na geografię półwyspu, połączonego z resztą lądu jedynie bardzo wąskim Przesmykiem Perekopskim, co sprzyja obrońcom i naraża atakujących na duże straty.

      Historycznie – w wojnie krymskiej, rosyjskiej wojnie domowej i II wojnie światowej – ci, którzy próbowali atakować Krym, odnosili czterokrotnie większe straty, niż obrońcy. Biorąc pod uwagę na zasoby ludzkie, jakimi dysponuje Ukraina, to będzie ogromne wyzwanie

      — ocenia Shoemaker.

      Najważniejszymi czynnikami morale i logistyka
      W jego ocenie najważniejszymi czynnikami w nadchodzącej kampanii będą morale i logistyka.

      Jak dotąd Ukraińcy przeszli wszelkie oczekiwania. Choć wciąż mają problemy związane z organizacją i szkoleniem swojej armii na wzór sowiecki, poczynili niezwykłe postępy w szkoleniu i dowództwie. Jeśli ukraińskie siły będą w stanie utrzymać efektywny przepływ amunicji, żywności i materiału dla żołnierzy na linii frontu, będzie to niezwykle pomocne dla morale żołnierzy i ich świadomości, że mogą liczyć na swoich dowódców

      — mówi ekspert.


      — „Economist”: Ukraińska kontrofensywa zdeterminuje na przyszłość bezpieczeństwo Europy. Rosja nie ma środków, by ją odeprzeć

      — ISW: Kontrofensywa Ukrainy. Sukcesy w rejonie Bachmutu, bez postępu w obwodzie zaporoskim. Kijów nie potwierdza doniesień

      — Co dzieje się na froncie? Media donoszą o rozpoczęciu kontrofensywy. Ukraiński sztab generalny zaprzecza. „Potężna blokada informacyjna”


      Dlaczego w zachodnich mediach nie mówią o wysadzeniu tylko uszkodzeniu w wyniku ostrzału przez Ukraincow himarsami. Elektrownia jest monitorowana 24 h przez system monitoringu. Niech udostępnia nagrania i będziemy wiedzieć prawdę. Dodatkowo dlaczego Żelrński nie chce się zgodzić na międzynarodową komisję? Komu zależy na niepoznaniu prawdy?



      Były dziennikarz Fox News prześwietlony. Żaryn: Carlson znów szerzy kłamstwa leżące w interesie Rosji i powiela przekaz Kremla

      opublikowano: przedwczoraj

      Tucker Carlson, Władimir Putin / autor: wikimedia.commons: Gage Skidmore/17 December 2022/https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/kremlin.ru/30 June 2022/https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

      Były dziennikarz Fox News Tucker Carlson po raz kolejny szerzy kłamstwa leżące w interesie Rosji – napisał w InfoAlercie na Twitterze pełnomocnik rządu ds. bezpieczeństwa przestrzeni informacyjnej RP Stanisław Żaryn.

      W ocenie Żaryna Carlson – świadomie lub nie – realizuje cele rosyjskiej propagandy i po raz kolejny szerzy kłamstwa leżące w interesie Rosji. Dodał, że w pierwszym odcinku swojego autorskiego programu, Carlson odniósł się do sytuacji na Ukrainie i wysadzenia zapory w Nowej Kachowce.

      Powielając rosyjskie kłamstwa dziennikarz sformułował – nie poparte żadnymi dowodami – tezy o rzekomej winie Ukraińców, którzy mieli zniszczyć tamę na Dnieprze

      — napisał Żaryn i przytoczył wypowiedź Carlsona, w której miał on powiedzieć, że „wysadzenie zapory w Nowej Kachowce może było złe dla Ukrainy, ale dotknęło Rosję bardziej.

      I może właśnie z tego powodu ukraiński rząd zdecydował się ją zniszczyć”.

      Pożyteczni idioci
      Ponadto totalnie ignorując aktualny stan rzeczy związany z agresją Rosji na Ukrainę stwierdził iż, „zapora należała do Rosjan, została zbudowana przez rosyjski rząd i obecnie znajduje się na terytorium należącym do Rosji” (de facto okupowanym przez Rosję)

      — napisał pełnomocnik rządu ds. bezpieczeństwa przestrzeni informacyjnej RP.

      Dodał, że „kłamliwa wypowiedź Tuckera Carlsona została podchwycona i rezonuje w rosyjskich mediach, które od razu informowały, że amerykański dziennikarz o katastrofę na Dnieprze obwinia ukraińską władzę”.

      Sądząc, że demaskuje spisek i obnaża kłamstwa Carlson Tucker stał się narzędziem rosyjskiej operacji dezinformacyjnej budującej fałszywy obraz wysadzenia zapory na Dnieprze, w której pełni on – przydatną i istotną dla Kremla – rolę „pożytecznego idioty” — napisał Żaryn.

      Jego zdaniem warto pamiętać, że „wykorzystanie pożytecznych idiotów” jest według rosyjskiej doktryny jednym z elementów stosowania tzw. środków aktywnych i ma ono na celu wspieranie działań dezinformacyjnych, decepcyjnych czy agenturalnych”.


      — Tucker Carlson wraca z programem! Nowa wersja będzie emitowana na… Twitterze. „Wolność słowa jest twoim głównym prawem”

      — Tucker Carlson zwolniony z Fox News! Stawał w obronie Putina. „Określił aspiracje Rosji dotyczące terytorium Ukrainy jako spór graniczny”


      Wszystkie media proukrainskie szerzą propagandę dyktatora Żeleńskiego,wody nabiera w usta jak Clarkson ma rację nie wyssał sobie tego z palca.Ukraina też kłamała w związku rurociągiem nordstrem.

      Widac ze nie tylko nie wie pan Zaryn prawie nic o Tucker Carlson, ale jest tez opetanym pro ukrainskim propagandysta dla ktorego nie ma miejsca na obiektywna analize rzeczywistosci, na dociekanie prawdy, na argumentacje. Dla pana Zaryna jest miejsce wylacznie na obsesyjne sianie pro ukrainskiej propagandy. Ktos kto probuje byc bardzie analityczny i obiektywny musi byc rosyjskim agentem. Jakaz to kompromitujaco prostacka postawa. Ktos na stanowisku p. Zaryna powinien zajmowac sie faktami i analiza wydarzen. Powinien, na przyklad, przedstawic kontrargument na sugestie Tuckera ze wysadzenie tamy bylo bardziej w interesie Ukrainy. W koncu na tym etapie to sa przypuszczenia poparte logicznymi argumentami. Ale p. Zaryn woli zaatakowac samego Tuckera, czyli dzialac wedlug zasady jak nie da sie zaatakowac gloszone przez kogos tezy, to trzeba zaatakowac ad hominem tego ktory glosi te teze. Wstyd, panie Zaryn. Kompromitacja.

      Żaryn ty dawno pachołku banderowski przekroczyłeś granicę śmieszności. Skoro to rosja wysadziła tamę to dlaczego banderowcy z kijowa niechętni dla komisji międzynarodowej?

      Gada to , za co mu zaplacili, taka medialna szmata, jak w kazdym kraju

      100 milionów wyświetleń – Fox wścieka się po sukcesie Tuckera na TT

      Post na TT o nowym programie Tuckera Carlsona uzyskał ponad 100 milionów wyświetleń dziennie. Fox News twierdzi, że Tucker Carlson złamał kontrakt, wg Axios.

      Wczoraj były gwiazdor Fox, Tucker Carlson, uruchomił swój nowy program „Tucker Carlson na Twitterze”. To po tym, jak został zmuszony do rezygnacji z poprzedniej roli gospodarza w Fox.

      W odcinku opowiada m.in. o Ukrainie.

      I co najmniej można powiedzieć, że odniósł sukces.

      Post na TT z jego pierwszego odcinka miał ponad 100 milionów wyświetleń

      Wg Axios, Fox News uważa teraz, że Tucker złamał z nimi kontrakt swoim nowym programem informacyjnym. Fox uważa, że usługi Tuckera powinny być całkowicie wyłączne dla Foxa.

      Dlatego Fox News rozważa podjęcie kroków prawnych przeciwko swojemu byłemu pracownikowi.

      Prawnicy Carlsona ze swojej strony uważają, że każde takie działanie naruszyłoby prawa Tuckera wynikające z Konstytucji Stanów Zjednoczonych.

      – Fox broni swojego istnienia na gruncie wolności wypowiedzi. Teraz chcą odebrać Tuckerowi Carlsonowi prawo do wolności słowa, ponieważ zabrał się do mediów społecznościowych, aby podzielić się swoimi przemyśleniami na temat bieżących wydarzeń, powiedział prawnik Tuckera, Bryan Freedman, w rozmowie z Axios.

      Wypowiedzi bez lewactwa, prosimy!

      Fotoreporterzy proszą ukraińskich żołnierzy o usunięcie nazistowskich symboli

      New York Times nieoczekiwanie opublikował artykuł, w którym problematyczne jest chodzenie ukraińskich żołnierzy z nazistowskimi symbolami na mundurach. Jednocześnie amerykański lewicowy gigant zdradza kilka pikantnych szczegółów.

      The New York Times ubolewa, że nazistowskie emblematy „ryzykują podsyceniu rosyjskiej propagandy” na temat nazizmu na Ukrainie. Wg gazety nazistowskie insygnia, takie jak emblemat czaszki noszony przez strażników obozów koncentracyjnych, „widoczne są z pewną regularnością” na mundurach ukraińskich żołnierzy na linii frontu.

      Jednocześnie autor zauważa, że w świecie zachodnim zapanowała wielka cisza na temat tych symboli i że „nawet grupy żydowskie” unikają potępienia tego powszechnego zjawiska.

      The New York Times ujawnia również, że zachodni fotoreporterzy prosili ukraińskich żołnierzy o usunięcie ich nazistowskich symboli, zanim zostali sfotografowani:

      „W listopadzie, podczas spotkania z dziennikarzami New York Timesa w pobliżu linii frontu, ukraiński oficer prasowy nosił odmianę emblematu Totenkopf wykonaną przez firmę o nazwie R3ICH (wymawiane „Reich”). Powiedział, że nie wierzy, że naszywka była powiązany z nazistami. Inny obecny rzecznik prasowy powiedział, że inni dziennikarze prosili żołnierzy o zdjęcie odznaki przed robieniem zdjęć.

      Zasadniczo jednak problem wynika z „trudnej” historii Ukrainy i ważne jest, aby nie podsycać rosyjskiej propagandy.

      To mniej więcej treść długiego artykułu New York Timesa.

      USA ujawniło niedawno, źe to wUkraincy zniszczyli gazociag NS2. Do tej pory róźni uźyteczni piermolili, ze to ruscy. Czyzby powtórka?


    • Jackson Hinkle EXPOSES Kakhovka Dam Propaganda With Stew Peters
      The Dive with Jackson Hinkle
      17,015 views Jun 9, 2023

      Concerned Citizen
      The Washington Post, December 2022: ‘Ukraine hit the Kakhovka dam with a HIMARS missile’ and ‘wants to stop the water supply to Crimea’ … ‘nuff said!

      The Imperialist
      Zelensky’s so called counteroffensive failed so badly, he had to get Ukrainian forces to blow up the dam, just so the media could push out a pro Zelensky propaganda piece for it.

      Mr Mr
      People think Russia did it to stop the offensive. If Ukraine had gotten through the lines and then the dam burst I would say Russia did it but that’s not the case.

      Kyle Frisby
      41 countries helping Ukraine and Ukraine still cannot defeat Russia. Ukraine should be in Moscow by now and not doing some stupid COUNTEROFFENSIVE inside of Ukraine territory still 😆😆😆. I talk📢 about this on my channel😁


  30. After a brutal event in Annecy, France, everyone is crying „why didn’t any brave men do anything?”
    Better Bachelor
    174,783 views Jun 9, 2023

    Alexe Adrian
    Society: „Be brave and defend us.”
    Also society: „We have laws that prevent you from defending us.”

    Man: „I am a law abiding citizen. Good luck.”

    Yup, they want all the protection men have to offer while still getting to grandstand and say „we are against violence and don’t think anyone should hit another person ever, these men should not have attacked the perpetrator and just called the police.”

    @SpiritWolve And then explain to police everything? Nah, not worth the trouble, better pretend you didn’t see anything and walk other way.

    JasonTheMagnificent 2.0
    You mean strong and independent Feminists didn’t help them? How shocking

    Dakine Jeb
    I feel sorry for the young, single, male Ukrainian soldiers. Many are dying in muddy trenches protecting the country’s female population that would never „give them the time of day” under normal circumstances.

    Lee Sullivan
    And still don’t. I seen a video where the women were dancing with tourists while the men fight


  31. UK analyst on expected Ukraine counteroffensive
    AP Archive
    4,859 views Jun 10, 2023

    (5 Jun 2023)
    Newbury – 5 June 2023

    1. SOUNDBITE (English) Richard Barrons, co-chair of the U.K.-based strategic consulting firm Universal Defence & Security Solutions:

    „Russia has had time to lay out a textbook fixed defence. So three lines of trenches, scrapes for tanks to come forward into, to fire from, hold down positions. They will have rehearsed the artillery fire plan in support of defending those lines, and they will have rehearsed the crucial rapid counterattacks which are so vital when you are trying to restore a line that’s being attacked.”

    2. SOUNDBITE (English) Richard Barrons, co-chair of the U.K.-based strategic consulting firm Universal Defence & Security Solutions:

    „But the point about the numbers are this is the 900 mile frontline. So they need a lot of people and it looks as if they have streamed the people that they have.”

    3. SOUNDBITE (English) Richard Barrons, co-chair of the U.K.-based strategic consulting firm Universal Defence & Security Solutions:

    „They’ve also adjusting their tactics based on how the war is. I mean, you’d expect them to learn. So their ability to counter drones and use drones, they’ve learned to keep their big assets like headquarters and ammunition dumps out of five miles range out of long range precision rocket range. And they have sharpened up how they can fire at Ukrainian artillery and tanks when they when they they spot them.”

    4. SOUNDBITE (English) Richard Barrons, co-chair of the U.K.-based strategic consulting firm Universal Defence & Security Solutions:

    „And so they’re going to have to choose. I would think one, two, maybe three places where they concentrate that force to have somewhere between a 3 to 1 and a 7 to 1 advantage over the Russians at that point in order to smash their way through and then exploit what are and hold on to the ground that they’ve taken. So that means that this offensive is going to be, in a land sense, quite a narrow frontage. I’d be surprised if it’s more than 20 miles, to be honest, at least to start with, in order to guarantee success. And then they’ve got to hold it. So the key point is this offensive has to show some battlefield success. It has to show that Ukraine suitably supported, can defeat the Russians on the battlefield.”

    5. SOUNDBITE (English) Richard Barrons, co-chair of the U.K.-based strategic consulting firm Universal Defence & Security Solutions:

    „Battlefield success has to be enough to show hope and prospect to bind in further strategic support. And to put it another way, if it fails utterly or worse – A Russian, Russia stops it and then mounts a renewed offensive its own, which I think is pretty unlikely given the state of it. Then what? You know, then is it time to settle before it gets worse or a very bad outcome? Is this war coming NATO’s way, when nobody wants that, and we’re nowhere close to it.”

    6. SOUNDBITE (English) Richard Barrons, co-chair of the U.K.-based strategic consulting firm Universal Defence & Security Solutions:

    „If you’re Ukraine and you know you’ve got to mount this offensive, you’re trying to increase the chances of surprise about when you do it, where you do it and how you do it. So they’re going to do two things. They’re going to sow disinformation, Ukraine, about, you know, when, when and how. So the conversation about we haven’t got enough of stuff is pretty much true. But it’s also showing a sense that, well, this won’t come for a while. So we wouldn’t expect Ukraine to make an appointment for this.”

    Ged Huffadine
    At least he is admitting the possibility of failure now. Weeks ago failure was the taboo unspoken word.

    Sukhminder Parhar
    Expected Counter Offensive? 30% Counter Attack Force already decimated.

    Legar Nonso
    How are you going to keep the Russian air force out of Ukraine?

    Glen Atwell
    This is best based reporting that I have seen coming from the west. This is as good as it gets for Kiev to sign a deal with Moscow. As for „making an appointment” towards Bakhmut, the worst kept secret in Europe, the Wagner Group is STILL THERE. Quietly recovering and sharpening their knives. All the while Russia’s best troopers (Chechens, Wagner and Elite Corps) are sitting and waiting for the newest form of The Charge of the Light Brigade. Only instead of horses there are Bradley Leopard and light French armoured columns. How sad this war cannot be stopped with diplomacy,

    Expected? It has already started and Ukraine is being decimated, maybe it might change tomorrow but the first week was woeful for Ukraine. What are you guys talking about please? Are there no more limits to lies on air anymore?

    Chadimir Putin
    Russia is waiting for the Ukrainian counter offensive to completely fail before conducting their own counter offensive this so called military analyst is talking utter garbage. 😂

    Gen. Barnakey
    Two days in, one video showing a single (UA) column being hit and yet this bot declared „decimation”.

    Chadimir Putin
    @Gen. Barnakey there’s multiple videos of multiple columns being obliterated. 👍

    jorge valter
    😂😂😂😂😂😂 russia tv is amazing people believe in bs😂😂😂😂😂

    ​ @Gen. Barnakey and the vaccine is 120% safe and effective

    Ukraine War: ‚Ukraine counter-offensive has started’
    Sky News
    73,989 views Jun 10, 2023 #skynews #ukraine

    Military Analyst Sean Bell assesses Ukraine’s counter-offensive as Russia’s President claims all attempts have failed so far while also suggesting Ukrainian troops are suffering significant losses.

    It’s always exciting watching sky as they try and cover for how bad Ukraine is getting beat by the second best army in Ukraine. It’s almost embarassing 🤪

    Russia is a superpower? Things have to be real tough for Ukraine for Sky News to say that

    Sky news admit the failure or stop reporting. This is ridiculous.

    Ronan Rogers
    After 16 months of denigrating the Russian military he now says “Russia is a major super power” 03:27. He’s preparing his own off ramp already

    Michael Jennings
    It’s obvious to anyone paying attention how badly this is going for Ukraine feel sorry for the loss of life

    Russia is a major superpower lol finally admitting it

    Adventures with Lils
    Amazing… he said Russia is a superpower…. Preparing viewers for potential defeat/major losses. For the past year he has said Russia is incompetent

    Only Truth Wins
    First 6 days of counter offensive have been a disaster for Ukraine. It’s true that they have used only a small portion of western equipment in the battles so far but they did use them and they got destroyed without making any impact. So the pattern has been set in these first 6 days and we would likely see more and more western equipment destroyed as Ukraine commits them going forward.

    Yes the offensive has started and has been a massive failure every day.

    Alberto Husay
    Unfortunately that is not true. Ukrainians are advancing arround Bakhmut and inside Russia.

    Rita Baland
    After almost a week of an offensive in Zaporizhzhia province, elite Ukrainian troops trained and armed by NATO have suffered huge losses and no progress in the territories successfully defended by the Russian army. Leopards and Bradleys destroyed and burned at the approaches to the Russian defence lines.

    As for civilian deaths during missile attacks, most are the result of the „successful work” of Ukrainian air defence, whose installations are inside cities, they shoot down some missiles that fall on civilian targets and kill civilians.

    This is the terrible tragedy of Ukraine, which began after the coup d’état in 2014, supported by the US and some Western countries. Zelensky could have prevented the war by helping to implement the Minsk agreements and refusing to join NATO, he was not allowed to do so.


    Ronan Rogers
    @Thelleftaremad multiple. Don’t be lazy, educate yourself, don’t expect to be spoon fed.

    According to Zelensky Bakhmut is still under Ukrainian control.


    • Ukraine Daily Update | Day 472
      Operator Starsky 🇺🇦
      18,961 views Jun 10, 2023

      In the social media war, it’s nice to see some victories from the good guys and not the minor victories from the orcs. Slava Ukraine.🇺🇦🇨🇦

      Sean Geoghegan
      Slava Ukraini! Heroyam slava.

      Ukraine LOSES 7,000 Men In Counteroffensive Week
      The Dive with Jackson Hinkle
      7,225 views Jun 10, 2023

      V I
      Majority of ukranian nazis were slaughtered during 1.5 years of battle. Those that operate US and NATO equipment those were trained by NATO, its a last resort and last counter. Ukraine is done.

      Ιο Ιοα
      Zelensky doesnt concern himself with loses. Loses of that caliber align with WEF wishes for decreasing the world population. Zelensky isnt even Ukrainian no wonder why his soul doesnt ache even a little. He will sacrifice a lot more, the war is lost but always the war is profitable. I can se 7000 loses when there is a noble cause. If only Ukrainians knew that they are fighting for someone else dream….

      L W
      7,000 men dead. Zelensky is still alive … buying luxury homes around the world. That sounds fair, doesn’t it?


    • Russia Prematurely Claims to Be Crushing the Offensive!
      Combat Veteran Reacts
      13,115 views Jun 10, 2023

      Be The Bullet
      It has gotten to the point where simply surviving a missile/artillery barrage is considered a victory for Russia.

      Kyle Frisby
      No sir, the joke is on Ukraine and on you. 41 countries are helping Ukraine and Ukraine still cannot defeat Russia. Ukraine should be in Moscow by now not doing some stupid counteroffensive inside Ukraine territory still.

      Turning Point?
      Weeb Union
      23,505 views Jun 10, 2023

      Саня Якорь
      Footage from Lobkove with a delay of 48 hours, Ukrainians really went there and held positions, but they were driven out of there by artillery, now it is a gray zone

      UKRAINE DOUBLE DOWN – on Zaporizhzhia, Avdiivka, Bakhmut fronts [ Ukraine SITREP ] Day 471 (9/6)
      Defense Politics Asia: War
      5,490 views Jun 10, 2023 #War #Military #UkraineWar

      00:00 Intro
      01:14 Putin statement on Ukrainian Offensive
      04:12 Russia strikes Myrhorod air base
      04:53 Southern Front
      06:15 Zaporizhzhia Front
      10:10 Zaporizhzhia Front (Kamyanske)
      11:52 Zaporizhzhia Front (Orikhiv)
      17:06 Zaporizhzhia Front (Velyka Novosilka)
      19:06 Donetsk Front
      21:43 Avdiivka Front
      22:56 Bakhmut Front
      25:12 Siversk Front
      25:56 Kreminna Front
      27:54 Svatove Front
      28:23 Kupyansk Front
      29:42 Conclusion

      Commander I see in your face the emotional damage of the late developments, please take a rest, drink you morning milk, eat your mix yogurt with almonds and honey to improve your stamina. The war will take a while so preserve your energy for the days to come with a lot of emotional damage👍👍👍


    • Gdzie naciera Ukraina? Czy Rosjanie mogą zatrzymać ofensywę? – płk Piotr Lewandowski i P. Zychowicz
      262,254 views Premiered 22 hours ago

      Ofensywa ruszyła! Ukraińcy nacierają na szeroki froncie od Donbasu po Zaporoże. Rosjanie się zaciekle bronią. Obie strony ponoszą duże straty. Gdzie pójdzie główne uderzenie? Jakimi siłami i bronią dysponują obie strony? Jaki mają sprzęt? Czy Ukraińcy są przygotowani na przełamanie rosyjskich umocnień? Pytania te zadałem płk. Piotrowi Lewandowskiemu. Rozmawialiśmy o czołgach Leopard, które walczą na froncie. Jeden z nich został zniszczony przez Rosjan. Zapraszam do oglądania. Historia dzieje się na naszych oczach!

      Radoslaw Jocz
      Szczere wypowiedzi i brak propagandy, przyjemnie się słucha.

      Cherries Lover
      Cały ten kanał to propaganda:))))

      Radoslaw Jocz
      @Cherries Lover ja wypowiadam się jedynie na temat tego filmu

      Cherries Lover
      @Radoslaw Jocz to może nieco szerzej spojrzysz i zobaczysz jak tendencyjny jest przekaz tego kanalu

      Ukraine’s Offensive Begins: Burning NATO Equipment vs. Layered Russian Defenses
      The New Atlas
      18,479 views Jun 10, 2023

      Update on Ukrainian Conflict for June 10, 2023:

      – Ukraine’s long-awaited offensive has begun, including all types of NATO-provided armor and weapons;

      – Visual evidence is emerging of burning Leopard 2 tanks, US Bradley fighting vehicles, and other equipment as Ukraine struggles to punch through Russia’s security zone and reach its first defensive lines;

      – Both Western and Russian sources are reporting heavy Ukrainian losses;

      – Since Ukraine’s fall offensives last year, Russia has mobilized 300,000 additional troops and established multiple layers of defenses;

      – Regardless of Ukraine’s performance, NATO does not have the ability to supply Ukraine with the equipment and ammunition to sustain operations for any length of time or to hold gained territory against a Russian counter-offensive;

      Follow Alex and Alexander of The Duran for daily updates regarding Ukraine:

      Alexander Mercouris: https://www.youtube.com/@AlexMercouris
      Alex Christoforou: https://www.youtube.com/@AlexChristoforou


      CNN – Ukrainian forces suffer ‘stiff resistance’ and losses in assault on Russian lines (June 9, 2023):
      NYT – Defenses Carved Into the Earth (December 2022):

      AP – NATO: Ukraine allies sent 1,550 combat vehicles, 230 tanks:
      Global Security – FM 100-61 Armor and Mechanized Based Opposing Force Operational Art, Chapter 6 – Army Group Defensive Operations:
      The National Interest – Turkey’s Leopard 2 Tanks Are Getting Crushed in Syria (November 2019):

      The „why was Russian resistance unexpected…” question makes more sense in the context of narrative construction and propaganda. From the beginning the Western narrative of this conflict was that Russia is incompetent, poorly trained and poorly equipped. Russian leadership was also said to be equally inept. To be consistent, any Russian successes need to be seen as „unexpected” or „surprising”. This allows the West to deflect from questions about intelligence failures and/or outright lies, which the public would not be pleased to hear.

      Let the West be self-entertaining …😂😂😂


      Defense Politics Asia
      8,355 views Jun 10, 2023

      m s
      ‚The Russians will find it very hard to defeat a choke point’ … are you serious ? It will be a turkey shoot for them when the Ukrainians try to leave.

      Brandon M,Cheyene Howard
      Preghozin was moaning about the focusing on towns not strategic ground. A choke point could well be a challenge to Russia unless he has been able to suitably feed some strategy to the Russian command. Time will tell. The front is lighting up all over now with so many small and big battles. Let’s see if our speculation becomes a real event.

      ‚NATO has no choice’ but to end Putin’s war | Yuri Felshtinsky
      Times Radio
      284,978 views Jun 5, 2023 Frontline | The War in Ukraine and Global Security

      „NATO has no choice but to defend Ukraine…if they want to limit this war within the borders of Ukraine.”

      NATO must end Putin’s war in Ukraine or face nuclear war in Europe, says Yuri Felshtinsky, author of Blowing up Ukraine, the Return of Russian Terror.

      Mike Smith
      Can Yuri tell us about Minsk 1 & 2, and why it was not enforced. Maybe we would not have a war on now.

      Ray Jay
      How about the Budapest Memorandum, agreements mean nothing.


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