6 thoughts on “671 #PolishHolokaust, #PolishHolocaust, #GermanDeathCamps, #JewishNaziCollaborators, #JewishCollaborationWithNaziGermany, during II World War 01

  1. Pingback: 108 SKRiBH 671 #PolishHolokaust, #PolishHolocaust, #GermanDeathCamps, #JewishNaziCollaborators, #JewishCollaborationWithNaziGermany, during II World War 01 | SKRBH

  2. Dear Poland: Your Holocaust law fools no one. No one forgets

    Like 111 Dislike 4K

    Published on Feb 21, 2018

    Austin Ross
    Dear Jews: How does it feel knowing your lie is rapidly falling apart? Your crimes against our nations are coming to light, and then all will see the truth.

    Tomasz Gacon
    morel salomon michnik stefan Roman romkowski (Natan Grynszpan-Kikiel) Józef Różański (Goldberg)płk Józef Czaplicki (Izydor Kurc)Mieczysław Mietkowski (Mojżesz Bobrowicki)………..more jewish kill POLISH HEROS AK DON’T FORGET DEAR haaretz!!!

    Czubacki Jarek
    I am Pole, and I completely agree in what you have said. Sorry for this stupid polish government that created that law. You shoudl rememebr that not all Poles voted for them…

    Marcin Dobrowolski
    Care to explain how is it wrong or how is it denying the Holocaust ? Please elaborate. 80% of my family was wiped out during the Invasion and after. Please tell me how we killed ourselves by participating in the Holocaust. Serio stary ? serio pieprzysz takie bzdury ? boże…łap za książki i edukuj się sam, bo błaźnisz się i cały nasz naród. To, że nie znasz historii to nie powód do idiotycznych oskarżen, o których nie masz pojęcia. Teraz rzucasz się na kolana, przepraszać za coś za co nie powinieneś.

    Sigillum Militum
    14 hours ago
    Nope. TRUE ALWAYS WIN. #JewishDeathCamps


    Dear Israel, dear Jewish Friends, what about some facts?
    ▶️The Polish Underground State stated officially that assisting the occupier in denouncing Jews would be punished by death.
    ▶️25 % of recipients of the medal of the Righteous among the Nations, awarded by the World Holocaust Remembrance Centre “Yad Vashem”, are Polish.
    ▶️Report on war damages prepared in 1947 put Poland’s war dead at 6,028,000; 3.0 million ethnic Poles and 3.0 million Polish Jews not including losses of Polish citizens from the Ukrainian and Belarusian ethnic groups.
    ▶️Many Polish people were killed as punishment for assisting Jews during the Second World War. This is why we as the state have to prevent all attempts to accuse Polish people, against the facts, of responsibility for the Holocaust.
    ▶️The Jewish Nation and the Polish Nation are the greatest victims of the murderous and totalitarian machine of the German Third Reich.
    ▶️Polish people established “Żegota”, an organisation that helped to save thousands of Jews. We should also remember that the Polish constitute the largest group of the Righteous among the Nations. They are heroes who risked their lives to save other people.
    ▶️The Polish state was dismantled during the Second World War by the German Reich and Soviet Russia. Nevertheless, during the brutal and bloody German occupation, the Polish Underground State protected the lives of its Jewish citizens.
    ▶️Poland cannot allow defiling the memory of those victims with false accusations of the responsibility or complicity of the Polish nation and the Polish state in the crimes committed by the Germans.
    ▶️To preserve the historical truth, we must prevent diminishing the extent of the German crimes, perpetuating false stereotypes, blurring the true role of Germany in the crimes committed against our Jewish and Polish citizens, as well as confusing the boundaries between the perpetrators of crimes and their victims.

    ירון קרסלבסקי
    PrawicowyInternet but do you think that it is ok to jail someone for saying the FACTS TOO? There were a lot of polands that killed jews too, not just the nazies, and that is a fucking fact, my grandpa died because he was lynched by polands in the street, that is horrible! And you must be ashamed if I would have to go to jail if I would say that the polish residents killed my family! Thats fucked up! USA must boycott poland for it’s holocaust denying mine minister!

    John Doe
    We want proof that Poles killed your grandpa! No Jewish haggadah will be accepted.

    Syn Papieża
    ירון קרסלבסקי Cool story bro. That doesn’t change a damn thing. This act doesn’t apply to individuals who helped germans or even killed jews themselves but to Poland and Polish nation in general. No polish official state agenda or institutions were responsible for holocaust and they haven’t helped germans unlike your own. It ‚s you who helped germans to exterminate your fellow kin:

    (jewish film)


    I’m not denying the fact that some Poles (vast minority) helped germans, that’s fact. But that doesn’t give you the right to accuse whole country (back then non-existent) or whole nation of crimes commited by individuals. Following your twisted logic, you’re even more responsible for holocaust than we were.


  3. Why Jews are afraid of the truth? Historical truth by Ph.D. Ewa Kurek!

    Published on Feb 20, 2018
    Dlaczego Żydzi boją się prawdy? Prawda historyczna Dr Ewy Kurek
    Źródło z którego korzysta dr E Kurek – historyk Hannah Arendt.

    Michał Stempel
    Wielkie dzięki za ten materiał jak i za tłumaczenie na język Angielski, dobrze jak by ktoś kto zna inne języki tłumaczył materiał na nie. Bracia Polacy propagujmy takie materiały, nie dawajmy się gnoić !

    Pawel St.
    Gdyby sie przyznali musieli by oddac to co juz dostali nieprawnie.

    kazik kulih
    Nie dyskutować z żydami, olać tych falszerzy historii.


  4. Gestapo – Documentary – Part 1

    Published on Sep 25, 2010
    The Sword Is Forged

    „The Nazis converted their country from a flawed democracy to a fascist dictatorship in which the rights of the individual were trampled in the interests of the state. Institutions and organizations were warped to serve this purpose, none more than the police. At first, it was the Storm Troopers of the SA, who beat, intimidated, and killed those who opposed the regime. But something more was needed than simple thuggery and the police were co-opted. The Gestapo, the Secret State Police, was the organization set up to perform this function. By reputation its network of black-clad officers spread everywhere; yet it was a small organization–at its height in 1941 there were only 8,000 officers. Program 1 shows the power struggle between the worst of Hitlers henchmen, Himmler and Heydrich on the one hand, and Göring on the other. And it introduces us to a mysterious figure, Heinrich Müller, a career policeman who became the ice-cold leader of the Gestapo.”

    These are the names of Hitler financiers….Τhey are all Americans! The
    more Germans demolished, the more would finance the Americans to rebuild
    in Europe. If you understand this, its very simple to see what happened
    in Europe. World War II…… The greatest strategic deception in the
    history of mankind. We are talking about a crime for which no one knows
    where and by whom are those decisions taken .

    Joseph R. Swan, Guaranty Company of New York; Daniel W. Myers, Hayden,
    Miller & Co., Cleveland; George Whitney, J.P. Morgan & Co., New
    York; Henry B. Tompkins, Robinson-Humphrey Co., Atlanta; Frank Weeden,
    Weeden & Co., San Francisco; Frank McNair, The N.W. Harris Company,
    Chicago; Lamartine V. Lamar, Lamar, Kingston & Labouisse, New
    Orleans; Edward H. Hilliard, J.J.B. Hilliard & Son, Louisville;
    Sidney J. Weinberg, Goldman, Sachs & Co., New York; George W.
    Bovenizer, Kuhn, Loeb & Co., New York; Arthur H. Bosworth, Bosworth,
    Chanute, Loughridge & Company, Denver; W. Hubert Kennedy,
    Wells-Dickey Co., Minneapolis; Charles A. Mead (Secretary); Harry S.
    Grande, Grande, Stolle & Co., Seattle; Lawrence Marks, Lawrence H.
    Marks, New York; and Orrin G. Wood, Estabrook & Co., Boston;

    Frank L. Scheffey (Deputy Managing Director); Rollin A. Wilbur (Managing
    Director); Paul V. Keyser (Counsel); Francis A. Bonner, Bonner, Troxell
    & Co., Chicago (Vice Chairman); B. Howell Griswold, Jr., Alex.
    Brown & Sons, Baltimore (Chairman); Corcoran Thom, American Security
    & Trust Co., Washington (non-voting committee member); Myron T.
    Ratcliffe, Assistant Deputy Administrator for Financial Codes, N.R.A.,
    Washington; Karl J. Ammerman, Deputy Administrator for Financial Codes,
    N.R.A., Washington; and Sydney P. Clark, E.W. Clark & Co.,
    Philadelphia (Treasurer). Code Committee members not in picture: Edward
    J. Costigan, Whitaker & Co., St. Louis; Ralph T. Crane, Brown
    Harriman & Co., Inc., New York; and Robert H. Moulton, R.H. Moulton
    & Co., Los Angeles.

    just an other propaganda film. Living at this time in Germany I never heard anything about the Gestapo as is said in this film. So call it BS.

    Negative Zero
    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! You think anyone is stupid enough to believe you were old enough to be alive and conscious during the holocaust? How many 80+ year olds go on YouTube and comment on WW2 videos?


  5. https://finanse.wp.pl/grupa-pge-i-allegro-wycofaly-swe-znaki-z-dorzeczypl-po-kontrowersyjnym-rysunku-6224460464072833a

    Grupa PGE i Allegro wycofały swe znaki z Dorzeczy.pl po kontrowersyjnym rysunku

    W DoRzeczy.pl pojawił się rysunek Cezarego Krysztopy z napisem „#Polish Holocaust”. Wzbudził spore kontrowersje w sieci, część komentatorów uznała, że jest antysemicki. Zareagowały też PGE i Allegro.

    Kontrowersyjny rysunek, jaki pojawił się na stronach dorzeczy.pl (dorzeczy.pl, Fot: printscreen)

    PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna i Allegro zażądały usunięcia swoich logotypów widniejących obok rysunku Cezarego Krysztopy – podaje serwis Press.pl.

    Jak czytamy w press.pl, w serwisie DoRzeczy.pl 22 lutego wieczorem w dziale „Rysunkowy komentarz dnia” umieszczony został rysunek Cezarego Krysztopy. Przedstawiał klęczącego mężczyznę z biało-czerwoną opaską na ramieniu, nad nim dwóch mundurowych, którzy celowali mu w głowę, jednego ze swastyką, drugiego z gwiazdą Dawida. A pod nim napis: „#Polish Holocaust”.

    Na górnej belce nad rysunkiem widniało logo Grupy PGE jako partnera serwisu, a u dołu logo Allegro, które odsyłało do konta Cezarego Krysztopy w tym portalu, gdzie można było kupić jego prace. Jak podaje press, dzień później logotypy zniknęły z DoRzeczy.pl.

    Paweł Lisicki, redaktor naczelny „Tygodnika do Rzeczy”, zapytany przez Pressserwis, czy podoba mu się ten rysunek, nie chciał udzielić komentarza.

    • Ponieważ pod tekstem zaczęły pojawiać się opinie sprzeczne z etyką, postanowiliśmy wyłączyć możliwość jego komentowania.


  6. Pingback: 204 SKRiBH 933 Prof. Zybertowicz w Berlinie: Trzeba wprowadzić terminy „antypolonizm” i „polonofobia” do obiegu publicznego w wielu krajach | SKRBH

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