1129 The World Population Crisis NO ONE Sees Coming

The World Population Crisis NO ONE Sees Coming

Two Bit da Vinci 267,400 views Sep 9, 2023

Jest to ostatni wpis, jaki tu napisałem.

WordPress jest już tak totalnie spierdolony, że nie che Mię się zamieszczać tu nawet komentarzy, nie wspominając nawet o ciągłym poprawianiu ciągle w kółko rozsypującego się formatowania i rosnącego debilnego kodu. Jak już pisałem, szkoda Mię na to mojego czasu. Matt Mullenweg, spierdoliłeś mojego dawnego ulubionego kiedyś prostego i dobrze działającego wp do spodu! Świetna robota, zasrany dupku i jełopie! Brawo! 😦

W sumie prawie wszystko, co tu chciałem napisać, już napisałem, patrz wpisy poprzednie od bardzo, bardzo dawna. Myślałem, żeby napisać coś o zdychaniu Słowiańszczyzny, itp., ale chyba już Mię się nie chce… Muszę się do tego jednak niedługo zmusić, żeby tak zakończyć tu moją działalność, choć patrząc się na to, co się dzieje z tyłu wp, no to zbiera Mię na wymioty. Postanowiłem, że upowszechnię to już tylko na https://skrbh.wordpress.com/, ponieważ tamta skórka jako tako jeszcze działa…

Chapters 0:00 – Introduction 1:40 – The Drop 5:30 – The Birth Rate 7:20 – Country Level 9:00 – Why? 10:50 – Age Demographics 14:50 – Why Populations Matter 18:20 – What can be done?

@quinnzacharias9345 I think something incredibly important is being missed here. Not only must we make the ability to have children affordable, but we must also make motherhood and fatherhood something to hold in high regard. If there is an absence of prestige for having and taking care of children than no amount of economic incentive will do anything. This has be demonstrated in different countries over the past several years.

@iloveprivacy8167 Dude, you mentioned cost of living first, but only very briefly before going on to list the ‚reasons’ women remain childless as though CoL didn’t factor in at all. My whole life (80’s child), I was told „don’t have kids if you can’t afford them”. Well, we’ve had at least three significant recessions in my adult life, I’m told that I’ll have six entirely different careers in my working life, homeownership is increasingly out of reach – where does anyone find that confidence??? Related: when I was a kid, Reagan/Thatcher had not yet succeeded in entirely dismantling the official social safety net, and neighbourhoods were still a thing. Now, we largely have neither, and the judgment of parents who can’t do it all with a smile is *harsh*. (In retrospect, the philosophy seems to have been: why pay to support childrearing here, when we can import fully-grown humans from abroad?) Oh, and the world is on fire, and we have studies showing that married women are less happy and less healthy than their single counterparts, because most men never bothered stepping up to do their end of the ‚second shift’. I have only admiration for people who take this on, but when literally decades of sustained, thankless heroics are required – you can’t really wonder why everyone isn’t lining up. Edit: and your proposed solution is to give tax credits to the rich to incentivize them to have kids?! Seriously: people are either rich enough to not have to worry about a tax credit (or that the next administration will reverse it), or not (which is most of what remains of the middle class at this point). Capitalism isn’t actually the best approach to absolutely everything – and we understood that in the 50’s. Sorry: this vid is getting a downvote.

@deavilanancy 👏🏼👏🏼 Spot on my guy.

@traybern The “poor” people NEED…to STOP HATING EDUCATION!!!!!!