1130 Pro-Ukrainian Liberal tries to ASSASSINATE Slovakia’s anti-war Prime Minister | Redacted News

Zmieniłem jednak zdanie i postanowiłem publikować tu informacje, które uważam, za istotne. Mam szczerą nadzieję, że wszystkie pustynne krwiożercze demony i ich wierne sługusy, liziiwłazidupy, przydupasy, itp., wkrótce dopadnie karma i otrzymają to, na co zasługują i na co od tak dawna pracują…

Pro-Ukrainian Liberal tries to ASSASSINATE Slovakia’s anti-war Prime Minister | Redacted News
May 16 2024

You’ll recall last week on the show… we were praising Slovakia for standing up against the tyranny of the WHO… rejecting the pandemic treaty… well If you are a pre peace leader who stands up against the tyranny of the WEF and the WHO… you will be shot… assassinated. That’s exactly what just happened today to Robert Fico the prime minister of Slovakia.

Wow, a Prime Minister who actually cares about his country.

Actually he doesn’t

If he does not. Who cares more zelinskie stein eu nato uk uncle joe?

Slovakian prime minister was saving his country from western expansion

No he wasn’t

@BCmodo The EU is evidently expansionist from 6 to 28 members, NATO is evidently expansionist, recently admitting Finland and Sweden, the WHO is evidently expansionist seeking global powers over sovereign states. The Slovakian Prime Minister was evidently refusing to allow their expansion into Slovakia. So what part are you disagreeing with?

This has CIA fingerprints all over it…

Yep like the Russian concert hall

I would not be surprised.

It’s documented. See Miadan Massacre.

And demonstrates what happens to you if you do. Just like Ghaddaffi, Mosaddegh, many others. Putin somehow managed to avoid that, but for him you can see what they do in the media.

According to our news outlet, he’s out of surgery, and will live.

Dzięki Bogu !

I hope that he recovers, but if someone else takes his position, please be against the WHO treaty and the Ukraine war!