1080 SKRBH 304 Słowiańscy niewolnicy w arabskim świecie

History of Arab Slave Trade


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Słowiańscy niewolnicy w arabskim świecie

Pierwotny tekst: http://www.racjonalista.pl/kk.php/s,10193

Autor tekstu: Mariusz Agnosiewicz

W tekście Slav czyli slave. O tym jak najbardziej wolnościowy lud dał nazwę niewolnikom opisałem w jaki sposób we wczesnym średniowieczu Słowianie stali się towarem eksportowym państwa Franków, w jego relacjach handlowych z kalifatem. Co dalej działo się z tymi ludźmi — oto jest wielka zapomniana karta naszych dziejów. Tym trudniej jest ją odczytać, że w kalifacie Słowianom nadawano nowe imiona. Współcześni badacze powoli jednak odkrywają nam te białe plamy. Pod tym względem w Polsce panuje ignorancja niemal całkowita. W ostatnim czasie pojawiła się polska misja archeologiczna poszukująca w Maroku śladów osady zbuntowanych niewolników słowiańskich z początków X w. Tymczasem dzieje Słowian w świecie arabskim są fascynujące i bogate. Niniejszy tekst dotyczyć będzie kalifatu Kordoby na Półwyspie Iberyjskim, który odegrał kluczową rolę w dziejach średniowiecznej Europy. Czytaj dalej 

3 thoughts on “1080 SKRBH 304 Słowiańscy niewolnicy w arabskim świecie

  1. Enslaved Icelander Describes Horror of Ottoman Slave Market (1627) // Diary of Ólafur Egilsson
    539,938 viewsMar 24, 2022
    Voices of the Past

    Misael Fraga
    The longest historic Slave Trade that is rarely talked about.

    One of the many reasons why even modern day Bulgarians associate the Ottoman empire with slavery. Even though the status of the everyday person was „only” of a second-grade citizen and absolutely terrifying, the ease and amounts of slaves taken by the Ottomans was truly something that marks still to this day the Bulgarian spirit. The descriptions by Westerners of thousands of women and children led to this very same slave market are just the tip of the iceberg. Amazing video though. Absolutely poignant

    Thomas Smith
    The Mongols sold millions of slavs through the years to the Egyptian slave traders of Cairo etc. The south coast of England was frequently raided by Barbary pirates at this time and the whole population of Baltimore in Ireland was taken and sold as slaves in Algiers in 1631.Large areas of the southern coast of France and parts of Italy were empty because people were frightened of these barbary pirates.

    At roughly the same time. The Ottoman pirates came to my country (Faroe Islands). Two ships with a crew of 500 each. They raided our southernmost island. Took all the women and killed most of the men. Some managed to hide away. When they returned, they could not bury the dead because everything of value, even the shovels, had been stolen.

    A danish guy, I do not remember if he had been a crew member on board one of the ships or sent from the danish crown to pay ransom money, said that the pirates intended to go north and raid all our islands, which would have meant the end of my people. But there was a terrible storm and one of the ships was sunk. This made them change their minds and the remaining ship returned south.

    There’s still a commemorative plaque in the port of Reykjavík that claims the Ottoman killed more than a third of the island population during this series of raids.

    J M
    The part where the father is torn from his son and begs him, no matter what, not to forsake his faith, is truly heartbreaking.

    Victor Bukowsky
    Russians suffered from this as well. From about 1550’s until about 1680s( Peter the Great days) these raids were a menace. Russians protected their southern border with Zaseka lines( just defensive lines, in depth) with Cossacks and reconnaissance units being in the vanguard. It was quite effective. Russia suffered something like 1-2 million sold into slavery, over that period. But it gradually decreased to zero, after southern border of the Muscovite Rus was pushed south. Grim page in our history, full of grim pages. But entire Europe suffered from this as well, a lot more, in many cases. We had a massive Russian Steppe, as a barrier. And many Zaseka lines. And even a special tax – to buy slaves back. Etc. This topic needs to be discussed more, I can’t believe this is being ignored. We OWE IT to these poor people, to remember them, to tell their stories. And to remember who was responsible for all this.

    Ted Blackburn
    The saddest thing about this poor man’s experience is that nothing has changed. There’s still slavery in that part of the world and its not even hidden or shunned.

    Brad Davenport
    I’d recommend the book, „Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast, and Italy, 1500-1800” if this video made you curious about this largely forgotten period.

    Pretty sad how any discussion of the arab/ottoman slave trade ultimately devolves into a shitfight about which one was worse (compared to the atlantic slave trade) and therefore that should be taught over the other. We should remember and teach all atrocities from all sides, its a warning that under certain upbringing and circumstances everyone is capable of evil acts. Especially considering that there are more people enslaved today than during the height of the slave trade. Id like to think that its just simple numbers and attention spans and nothing outright nefarious that results in such a relatively low level of discussion of the modern slave trade. But honestly, its probably by design

    Artur M.
    Very interesting account. On the other side of the Ottoman Empire Tatar raids to capture people for slave markets from the lands of Muscovy/Russia, Poland-Lithuania – chiefly modern Ukraine and the Caucasus region were a nearly constant fact of life. I don’t actually know if there are any primary sources about this topic available in English but I can recommend a good study:
    Slave hunting and slave redemption as a business enterprise: The northern Black Sea region in the sixteenth to seventeenth centuries by Dariusz Kołodziejczyk.

    Polubione przez 1 osoba

  2. The Diabolical History Of The Barbary Slave Trade
    328,981 viewsSep 14, 2022
    A Day In History

    “From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli…” are the beginning lines from the United States Marine Corps Hymn, and the “Tripoli” that’s mentioned is the largest city in today’s Libya. The hymn was written sometime after 1867, and these lines commemorate two of the Marine Corps’ most famous battles “the halls of Montezuma referring to the Mexican-American War of 1846-48, and “the shores of Tripoli” refers to the battles the Marine Corps, along with the US Navy, fought with the infamous “Barbary Pirates” who terrorized the coast of North Africa, the Mediterranean Sea and indeed, a large part of Europe for at three centuries.

    Slavery had existed in the Mediterranean Basin since before the time of Rome. During the Roman expansion, people from all corners of the empire were enslaved: Franks, Germans, Slavs, Greeks, various people from the Balkans, Africans traded to Rome by Egypt, Jews from Israel and more. Some of the richest people in Rome and the Gothic and Arab empires which followed it were slave traders. Many Viking raiders grew rich and powerful from the treasure they hoarded trading slaves. Slavery was common in Europe, the north coast of Africa, and the Middle East until relatively recent times.

    The Barbary States

    In the 1500s, the Ottoman Turks expanded along the North African coast. Due to distance and the fiercely independent nature of the Berbers and others, however, Ottoman control of the Barbary Coast was nominal. As long as the people there recognized the Ottoman Sultan as their overlord and gave help when it was asked, the Turks left the people of the coast alone.

    One of the many interesting things about the Barbary Pirates is that, as time went on, many of them were not from the region. Many were Europeans, acting much like today’s mercenaries, looking for adventure and a quick buck. Unfortunately, what they were mainly looking for were other human being to sell into slavery.

    Aldous Huxley
    Captain James Riley wrote an incredible story of survival called Skeletons on the Zahara. He was ship wrecked and against all odds survived along with 6 of his crew members. Gives great historical context of the Sahara slave trade in 1816.

    Polubione przez 1 osoba

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